中秋节祝福语英语简短 必备75句

1. 今年中秋节不送礼,发条短信祝福你,健康快乐唱伴你,好运和你不分离,还有让我告诉你,财神已经跟随你,钞票珠宝都给你,幸福人生属于你

2. 中秋节到了,我代表月光一族,祝你月薪加倍,月月发财,月进斗金,月月有余,住月宫级别墅,吃钻石级月饼,再来一张金卡级月票,提供无限期透支

3. 愿你幸福永长随,阖家团圆乐悠悠。祝中秋节快乐!

4. 日月同辉永相伴,日新月异每一天!祝你中秋笑开颜!

5. Fish swim, birds call, wish you laugh every day, Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

6. 八月十五相思夜,坐着相思椅,望着相思月,相思夜里话相思,句句相思语;浓浓相思意,手握相思笔,写下相思句,倾尽柔情相思你:祝你中秋快乐

7. 中秋快到了,祝福划一个圈,圈住你的快乐,把烦恼挡在外面;月饼是一个圈,我要看着你,一口口地把幸福吃掉,回味生活的香甜;月亮是一个圈,圈住你和你爱的人,坐在月亮上数星星,一辈子都浪漫。

8. 月饼甜,月饼香,团团圆圆添吉祥。中秋节快乐!

9. 愿我的祝福像明月,圆圆的,亮亮的,驱散你的忧伤!

10. 八月十五月儿明,圆圆明月照我心。

11. The sun and the moon are always with each other, changing with each passing day! I wish you a Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

12. The Mid Autumn Festival is full of flowers and a happy moon. I wish you a Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

13. 每时每地祝平安,快乐陪伴每一天,心甜梦甜万事圆。

14. Look at the moonlight, enjoy the night view, drink wine and eat moon cakes, Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

15. 月儿圆,月儿亮,举头望月思故乡。中秋节快乐!

16. Mid Autumn Festival, friendship with you all the way, wish you the most beautiful mood, family reunion.

17. 中秋月饼香又香,幸福生活没有完,中秋节快乐!

18. 中秋节,友情一路相随,愿你心情最美,合家团圆。

19. 月儿圆圆挂天边,荷叶圆圆水中间。

20. 八月十五月正圆,中秋月饼香又甜。

21. This festival, the world has; wish you: happy reunion, more beautiful heart, long-term happiness!

22. The moon is round, and the moon is bright. I look up at the moon and think of my hometown. Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

23. 快乐在聚集,心花怒放;美好在酝酿,幸福无比;吉祥在闪光,好运连连;平安在祈祷,福寿无边;朋友在祝福,日子美美。

24. Mid autumn moon cake is fragrant, happy life is endless, Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

25. The moon is here tonight. I raise my glass to enjoy the moon. I don\'t know where you are. Today\'s Mid Autumn Festival.

26. 此佳节,人间有;愿祝你:乐团圆,心更美,福长久!

27. Every time and every place, I wish you peace and happiness, accompany you every day, and have a sweet heart and a sweet dream.

28. 愿你爱情花开永不败,生活美满心愿圆。祝中秋快乐!

29. My one wish for you is long life,and to share in this loveliness far, far away. 但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。

30. 祝合家欢乐幸福伴,吉祥如意乐开怀,中秋节快乐!

31. 中秋来临,愿你阖家欢乐,幸福美满,祝你中秋快乐!

32. 中秋佳节到,愿祖国团圆更强大,家家团圆生活比蜜甜!

33. 又是一年落叶黄,一层秋雨一层凉。

34. 只愿人间无离散,不用千里共婵娟。祝中秋快乐无限!

35. 愿你中秋财运不断,美好相伴,全家平安,快乐大团圆!

36. Toast and wish you happiness and health. Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

37. 八月十五是中秋,一轮明月分外圆;把酒言欢度中秋,心情舒畅笑盈盈;欢聚一堂庆团圆,热热闹闹心欢喜;吃块月饼甜透心,福寿安康乐无边;发条短信祝福你,中秋快乐乐逍遥

38. 中秋佳节月儿圆,圆出全家聚一堂;桂花散香飘祥瑞,嫦娥送福美万年;愿你福圆满家园;花好月圆人团圆;事业顺利步步高,阖家幸福永平安。

39. Mid Autumn Festival is coming. I wish you all happiness and happiness. I wish you a Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

40. 明月今夜有,举杯共赏月,不知君在何方,今日中秋节。

41. May your love blossom forever and your life be happy. Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

42. Flower good people better, the full moon people reunion, the heart has thousands of knot, own know each other.

43. 最美季节赏圆月,快意人生幸福多。祝节日快乐!

44. The moon cake is sweet, fragrant, round and auspicious. Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

45. May life be sweet, safe and happy after you taste it! Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

46. The most beautiful season to enjoy the full moon, happy life more happiness. Happy holidays!

47. 中秋花好月又圆,幸福快乐两团圆。祝你中秋快乐!

48. 愿皎月添你福,桂香增你喜,玉兔伴你乐,嫦娥共你舞。

49. May my blessing be like the bright moon, round and bright, to dispel your sorrow!

50. Best wishes to the United States, greetings, I wish you a happy holiday. I wish you a Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

51. I wish you a happy and Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

52. 风月无边,人间有情,中秋快乐,月亮代表我的心。

53. 看月光,赏夜景,喝着小酒吃月饼,中秋节快乐!

54. 情义浓,吐芬芳,一声问候暖心肠。中秋节快乐!

55. 中秋,让月光送去我的祝福:团圆,快乐每一天!

56. 把友情彼此传递,浓情暖在你我。筑刻永恒,快乐中秋。

57. I wish you a Happy Mid Autumn Festival, everything goes well, your heart is full of thoughts and success!

58. The moon and wind are boundless, the human world is sentimental, the Mid Autumn Festival is happy, the moon represents my heart.

59. 愿你品尝之后,生活甜蜜,平安幸福!祝中秋快乐!

60. 花好人更好,月圆人团圆,心有千千结,自有相知人。

61. Pass the friendship on to each other, and warm the feeling between you and me. Build eternal, Happy Mid Autumn Festival.

62. I wish you happy company, good luck, Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

63. 圆圆的月儿天上挂,圆圆的月饼香天涯,圆圆的快乐美如花,圆圆的祝福到你家:美满日子玉润珠圆,幸福生活花好月圆,合家吉祥永团圆。

64. 举杯同庆心祝愿,健康快乐幸福远。中秋节快乐无限!

65. 鱼儿游,鸟儿叫,愿你天天哈哈笑,中秋节快乐!

66. 月亮是诗,星空是画,愿所有的幸福伴随你,问候是春,关心是夏,愿所有的朋友真心待你,温柔是秋,浪漫是冬,愿所有快乐跟随你。

67. I only hope that there is no separation in the world, and I don\'t need to share the beauty of the moon for thousands of miles. I wish you a Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

68. 祝愿你中秋快乐,万事顺心,心有所想,事有所成!

69. I wish you happiness and family reunion forever. Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

70. 清风送去了我的祝福,明月带来了我的问候,流星记载了往日的故事,玉兔留下了永恒的吉祥。

71. 祝福美,问候到,祝你佳节幸福抱。祝你中秋快乐!

72. Strong love, fragrance, a warm greetings. Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

73. Mid Autumn Festival, let moonlight send my blessing: reunion, happy every day!

74. Mid Autumn Festival, wish the motherland reunion more powerful, family reunion life than honey!

75. 中秋临近了,我准备了一件特别的礼物,在中秋那天送给特别的你。