英语影评范文精选 第1篇



Forrest Gump, the movie which I have watched for three times, is a film that surprised and moved me so much .It was based on the novel of Winston Groom while the hero is a famous actor―Tom Hanks. He performed so well all through the film that I enjoyed the warm human nature, the inspiration of belief and other virtues through any scene in it.

The female, a kind of role, is very essential in the film as it acts in the real society .As the Chinese saying goes, women hold up half the sky. In the life of Forrest Gump, there are two women―one is his great mother, the other is his lifelong lover, Jenny. They accounted for Forrest’s whole life.

At the beginning of the film, Mrs. Gump, Forrest’s mother, impressed me much .I think Forrest with an IQ of 75 was so lucky to own such a strong-minded and smart mother. She and her Forrest lived in Greenbow, Alabama, all on their own. She told Forrest he was no different than anybody else was though he braced his legs. Under her philosophical words, “life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get”, Forrest achieved marvelous success in his life step by step such as entering college, being awarded the Congressional medal of honour, being a gozillionaire and so on. She was just like any mother to love Forrest from the bottom of her heart and inspire him any time. In turn she was also proud of Forrest with happy smile in his college graduation ceremony and when he was awarded as a Vietnam War hero. Unfortunately, she was sick with a cancer and died on a Tuesday. At the end of her life, she still teached her son to accept death as a part of life and to pursue his own destiny. Though keeping far away in the heaven finally, I think this mother would still look at and bless her son.

Jenny was Forrest’s lifelong lover. They met each other in the school bus. In the film Jenny did many bad things to Forrest. From their childhood right on up Jenny and Forrest were good friends .They came to school together and grew with each other’s accompany. Finally though they stayed far away from each other, Forrest always loved his Jenny. No matter whatever she had done, whoever she was and wherever she stayed, Forrest still remained in the home of Alabama missing his girl and waiting for her return from day to night.

This is just Forrest Gump. This is his love. This is his Jenny.

I also thought of such scene: Forrest kept in the dorm of Jenny and Jenny asked about who he would dream to be. Forrest just gave an answer that he wanted to be himself. I am moved deeply by it because though he is a fool, Forrest knows what he really needs. As to him, he only wants to be himself and fall in love with a lady named Jenny.

Besides in another scene in Washington Jenny asked,“Why are you so good to me ?”, while Forrest’s answer was “You are my girl”。 Why is it not “I love you”?  Because there is no need of more words to express Forrest’s love to Jenny . It was not added with any limitations and no request of paying back. We can compare today’s love with Forrest’s and then gain the feeling of purity. At the end, Forrest Gump, the fool of Alabama, married his lover Jenny and had a little Forrest.

There are more to consider about Forrest Gump. I believe it is so excellent a movie and every one would be moved by Forrest Gump.

英语影评范文精选 第2篇


In the next week, Furious 7 will very likely cross the $ billion milestone at the worldwide box office, blowing away all expectations. The Fast & Furious franchise has solidified itself as one of the biggest and most successful franchises of all-time and despite the tragic loss of star Paul Walker, it has no signs of slowing down.

A release date for Fast & Furious 8 has already been set for spring , keeping the series’ tradition of pre-summer launches, and there’s still buzz about a potential spinoff for Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s character, CIA agent Luke Hobbs.

Hobbs was introduced into the franchise with Fast Five, the movie that helped place the series in the top tier of lucrative event movies, doubling the box office haul of its predecessor (the film that brought back all the original characters). From there, it’s been an unstoppable ride of success, each movie bring in hundreds of millions more in revenue.

A clear fan-fave, Hobbs has joined Dominic Toretto’s (Vin Diesel) “family” and is a staunch believer in his crew and what it represents. Although he had a significantly reduced role in terms of screen time in Furious 7, Hobbs has some of the best and most memorable moments, which makes him the top contender for his own spinoff film.

After Fast & Furious 6 hit theaters, Johnson told us that there are conversations happening at Universal about a spinoff movie for his character and he said it wouldn’t happen until after the 7th movie. Now that the 7th movie is out, and is a monstrous success, is a Hobbs spinoff still in the cards? And will he be back for the next core installment?

Given Hollywood’s desire and need for lucrative long-term franchises and cinematic universes, there’s no better time than now to build on the success of Furious 7. Universal (who also also trying to restart Jurassic Park as an ongoing franchise with this summer’s Jurassic World) can bolster their release slate to potentially having Fast & Furious movies annually if they can successfully launch and introduce new characters who can cross back and forth between the core Fast movies and spinoffs.


simultaneously screened with the similar moviespeech, result possibly could different), perhaps was everybody expected value toois low, in briefso long as you calmly entered the theater, it surely could let your pulse acceleration beat.

“Speed And Fervor” show off is the American young people culture image: Speedsaway the racing bicycle, the speeding car competition, the agitation muscle, puts onthe tight-fitting skirtspicy younger sister... ... All these are representing the rebelspirit and the hedonism. Inthe piece actor has athlete\'s bodyand spirit, star\'s cheek, reactionary gang chieftain\'s stubborn, lets you think the eye one is bright. Ifthis piece begins using the widely knownstar, the effectinstead is notpossibly good, cannot let the personfeel rushed in a very dangerous novelworld.

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I watched this movie first day, first show. It started with a bang and ended with a bang, and in a way that would have crumbled even hearts of steel.

This has everything one might need in a blockbuster movie. There were smoking hot chicks, electrifying dialogs, fantastic humor, awe inspiring stunts, and a menacing addition - Jason Statham.

This is a movie which you dare not miss, because if you miss this one you are never going to see another. Be prepared for one last lovely beautiful and thrilling ride ahead of you, that\'s well worth your time and memories.

In terms of cast and crew, Vin Diesel proves to be the man of the series aided by brilliant performances by Michelle Rodriguez, Tyrese Gibson, Jordana Brewster, and Dwayne Johnson. And finally the unforgettable Paul Walker. Walk into the sunset, walk through the rain... Walk straight into our hearts, and never abandon our memories again. For Paul... May your soul rest in Peace.


英语影评范文精选 第3篇



If you’re a vampire, it’s all about you. Why is Edward Cullen obsessed to the point of erotomania by Bella Swan Because she smells so yummy, but he doesn’t want to kill her. Here’s what he tells her: He must not be around her. He might sink his fangs in just a little, and not be able to stop. She finds this overwhelmingly attractive. She tells him he is the most beautiful thing she has ever seen. I don’t remember Edward ever saying that to her. Maybe once. He keeps on saying they should stay far, far apart, because he craves her so much.

Should a woman fall in love with a man because he desires her so much Men seem to think so. It\'s not about the woman, it\'s about the man\'s desire. We all know there is no such thing as a vampire. Come on now, what is ”Twilight“ really about It\'s about a teenage boy trying to practice abstinence, and how, in the heat of the moment, it\'s really, really hard. And about a girl who wants to go all the way with him, and doesn\'t care what might happen. He\'s so beautiful she would do anything for him. She is the embodiment of the sentiment, ”I\'d die for you.“ She is, like many adolescents, a thanatophile.

If there were no vampires in ”Twilight,“ it would be a thin-blooded teenage romance, about two good-looking kids who want each other so much because they want each other so much. Sometimes that\'s all it\'s about, isn\'t it They\'re in love with being in love. In ”Twilight,“ however, they have a seductive disagreement about whether he should kill her. She\'s like, I don\'t especially want to die, but if that\'s what it takes, count me in. She is touched by his devotion. Think what a sacrifice he is making on her behalf. On Prom Night, on the stage of the not especially private gazebo in the public gardens, he teeters right on the brink of a fang job, and then brings all of her trembling to a dead stand-still.

The movie is lush and beautiful, and the actors are well-chosen. You may recall Robert Pattinson (Edward) as Cedric Diggory, who on Voldemort\'s orders was murdered in a graveyard in ”Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.“ Maybe he was already a vampire. Pattinson is not unaware of how handsome he is. When Bella and Edward, still strangers, exchange stern and burning looks in the school cafeteria, he transfixes her with a dark and glowering - nay, penetrating - stare. I checked Pattinson out on Google Images and found he almost always glowers at the camera \'neath shadowed brow. Kristen Stewart\'s Bella, on the other hand, is a fresh-faced innocent who is totally undefended against his voltage.

Bella has left her mom and stepdad in hot Arizona, clutching a potted cactus, to come live in the clammy, rainy Pacific Northwest, home of Seasonal Affective Disorder. Her dad (Billy Burke) is the chief of police of the very small town of Forks, Washington . His greatest asset: ”He doesn\'t hover.“ At high school, she quickly notices the preternaturally pale Cullen clan, who in some shots seem to be wearing as much Max Factor Pancake White as Harry Langdon. Edward is 114 years old. He must be really tired of taking biology class. Darwin came in during his watch, and proved vampires can\'t exist.

There are other strange youths around, including American Indians who appear not too distantly descended from their tribe\'s ancestors, wolves. Great tension between the wolves and vampires. Also some rival vampires around. How small is this town The Forks high school is so big, it must serve a consolidated district serving the whole table setting. The main local Normal Kid is a nice sandy-haired boy who asks Bella to the prom. He\'s out of his depth here, unless he can transmogrify into a grizzly. Also there are four grey-bearded coots at the next table in the local diner, who eavesdrop and exchange significant glances and get big, significant close-ups but are still just sitting significantly nodding, for all I know.

Edward has the ability to move as swiftly as Superman. Like him he can stop a runaway pickup with one arm. He rescues Bella twice that I remember, maybe because he truly loves her, maybe because he\'s saving her for later. She has questions. ”How did you appear out of nowhere and stop that truck“ Well might she ask. When he finally explains that he is a vampire, he goes up from 8 to 10 on her Erotometer. Why do girls always prefer the distant, aloof, handsome, dangerous dudes instead of cheerful chaps like me.

”Twilight“ will mesmerize its target audience, 16-year-old girls and their grandmothers. Their mothers know all too much about boys like this. I saw it at a sneak preview. Last time I saw a movie in that same theater, the audience welcomed it as an opportunity to catch up on gossip, texting, and laughing at private jokes. This time the audience was rapt with attention. Sometimes a soft chuckle, as when the principal Indian boy has well-developed incisors. Sometimes a soft sigh. Afterwards, I eavesdropped on some conversations. A few were saying, ”He\'s so hot!“ More floated in a sweet dreaminess. Edward seemed to stir their surrender instincts.

The movie, based on the Stephenie Meyer novel, was directed by Catherine Hardwicke. She uses her great discovery, Nikki Reed, in the role of the beautiful Rosalie Hale. Reed wrote Hardwick\'s ”Thirteen“ when she was only 14. That was a movie that knew a lot more about teenage girls. The girl played by Reed in that movie would make mincemeat of Edward. But I understand who ”Twilight“ appeals to, and it sure will.

英语影评范文精选 第4篇


Tom Hanks also starred in the film ”The code of Dan Vince “, “The Terminal ”, “Saving Private Ryan ”and so on. In a number of stars in Hollywood, who can act the very sympathetic “gay”, and also the simple and honest “low-energy child,” and the “Astronaut”, besides the incomparably brave ”soldiers of World War II“, and each movie is very popular? Tom - Hanks did. Tom born a baby face, he is not very handsome but very funny; any role he acts is unforgettable. He won the 1994 Academy Award for Best Actor Award. He is one of the most influential stars in Hollywood.

In the 1990s, the anti-intellectual sprit in America is very high. And then, the Hollywood produced a number of anti-intellectualism films. And ”Forrest Gump “ is the masterpiece of anti-intellectual films in this period. It is based on American writer Winston Glum’s best-selling novel of the same name. It describes the reflection of all aspects of American life through Gump whose IQ is in 75. The film shows us some important events in American social and political life in unique perspective. It makes Americans to re-examine the State and individuals in the past, and to reflect upon the nature of Americans. It re-affirmed the old moral and social subjects culture, promote the dominant ideology of the United States in 1960s. And at the same time, it negatives other avant-gardes culture. I think maybe because of this, Americans love it so much.

”Forrest Gump “ makes us know about two men: Gump and Tom Hanks. Gump was shaped into the embodiment of virtue in the film. Although Gump’s IQ is a little lower than normal levels. He was honest, trustworthy, serious, and bold and places a very high value on feelings. He only knows how to pay without asking for anything, and never mind others refuse him. He was just open-minded, magnanimous in the face of life. He focuses all of his wisdom, faith and courage on one point, just run and run. Nothing is important to him but run. He kept running on the road on instinct. He ran over the classmates’ discrimination in childhood, ran the university\'s football field, running through the fire swirling in the quagmire of the Vietnam War, ran ping-pong diplomacy over, the entire United States, and eventually went to his end. Gump never insist something or expect something, he just uses his simple and honest and pure to touch the world.

In the sky, a feather fly in the wind, drifting across treetops, fly toward blue sky.  And last, the feather falls on the feet of Forrest Gump. Gump sited on a bench in Alabama, talking about all his life.

Forrest Gump was born in Alabama, where is in South America, an isolated small town Shortly after World War II. He was born with mental retardation, with the IQ only in 75. However, Gump’s mother has a strong character and she hopes Gump lives as same as others. She always encourages Gump, tells GumpYou are no different than anybody else , Gump became friends with Jenny, and he can run, run very fast. Once in middle school, in order to avoid his classmates in pursuit, Gump ran into a school football field, because of his running fast, he was admitted into the university. And later he became a rugby star and met with President John F. Kennedy.

After graduation, encouraged by a recruit, Gump candidates took part in the Vietnam War. In a battle, his unit had been ambushed, when ordered to retreat, Gump remembered Jennifer\'s orders, and he broke into a run. Moreover, Gump saved many of his comrades. But Bubba, the best friend of Gump’s who was enthusiastic about shrimp was died. And Lieutenant Taylor lost his legs.

After the war, Gump has been an audience with President Johnson\'s.  At a peace rally, Gump met Jenny again, however, Jenny has fallen, lived a life of debauchery. Gump loves Jenny all along, yet Jenny has been not to accept him, they parted hastily rushed encounter.

As a ping-pong diplomacy envoy, Gump also went to China took part in table tennis, campaign for Sino-US relations. Under the guidance of the doctrine ”say we should do“, Forrest Gump finally found his own sky. He taught, ”Elvis,“ Elvis Pulaisili study dance. He helped John Lennon writing songs. In the Civil Rights Movement, he collapsed in a hair-trigger large-scale ethnic conflict. He even inadvertently forced the thief sneaked into the Watergate building into the net of justice.

And moreover, Gump also made a fortune in strange combination of circumstances to become a billionaire. Because didn’t want be tired by fame or fortune, Gump became a gardener. Gump always missed Jenny; however Jenny had been led astray and caught in despair. Finally one day, Jenny came back, she lived with Gump for a period of time. And one evening, Jenny throws herself into the lap of Gump, and to leave quietly at the next day’s dawn. Years later, Gump met Jenny again, and a little boy who was Gump’s son. This time, Jennifer has got a kind of incurable disease. The three of they got back to their hometown, spent a happy time.

Janet passed away, and their son got to school age. One day, Gump sent his son to the school bus, at this time, a feather fall off from Gump’s son’s book, and fly away in the wind. Jenny is a symbol of degradation; she contracted almost all of the bad habits, such as drug addiction, sexual liberation and so on. Finally, she died of a virus - in fact imply that the HIV virus. But Forrest Gump does not count everything, always in love with her, reflects his innocence and goodness.

Gump just like a fighter, he seems silly, but in fact he was successes, he won the survival and development again and again. This is a hope of God rewards good, at the same time, it also includes a tone: forward, ran. It is said that such a run will bring hope. Virtually, the hopes exist indeed. This unique film has won so many viewers, attracting the audience only like an easy and even entertaining; it illustrates the hopes and aspirations of its own charming. Shaping the image of Forrest Gump, subverts the normal world of the heroic image, runs counter to the traditional concept, has a strong anti-tradition, anti-mainstream sexual. Gump’ experiences make many wise men pale by comparison.

I think the director just wanted to irony society and reflecting the social status quo come through shaping the image of Forrest Gump. Gump always has a group of trailing behind him,they could not find the answer to life. It can be said that this is a reality at that time in the . society. People are disappointed with the reality, they could not find motivation and meaning of existence, and had to put the fate of their faith in other people.  On the contrary, Gump always faces the reality with optimism, runs with courage. This is a wonderful irony.

I really love this film. Everyone who watched Forrest Gump would gain a little sentiment. And to me, it makes me understand life is more beautiful than I ever think. Whoever we are, and whatever we do, we should believe ourselves, never give up and never think we are inferior to others. Gump\'s mother once said ”Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you\'re gonna get. “In fact, this simple discourse contains a life attitudes that each person understand but difficult to achieve. And I think the film constantly to the audience about the different life to prove this sentence.

There are also many other wonderful movie lines, just like ” Stupid is as stupid does.“ ”Miracles happen every day.“ ” I don’t know if we each have a destiny, or if we’re all just floating around accidental―like on a breeze. “ ”Death is just a part of life, something we’re all destined to do.“ ”You are no different than anybody else is. “ my heart was shocked by these affecting words .I was deeply moved by this film.

Life is filled with so much uncertainty. We should not to be Calm, optimistic, and positive to face the life. Perhaps your destiny is not very luck now, but who knows what will happen in the future, just be happy and don’t worried.