xxx文真题xxx2016 第1篇


What emerges into our sights is a familiar yet far-reaching picture that there are a wide range of reality shows in front of a middle-aged man who, half lying on the sofa, is swinging a remote device in his hand with a confused face, wondering which one is the best to choose.

The meaning revealed by the picture is that reality shows have hit into our common cultural market. On the one hand, not only does this sort of consumer culture drives the improvement of cultural industry, but also it exerts a strong influence on our daily life, such as being informed of local customs and folklore from place to place, relieving the pressure derived from our working class’ regular work and so on. On the other hand, it is the wide spread of this form of entertainment that makes it difficult to present the real, cultural contents but only stays in the half-hearted nature. What’s worse, what the increasing imitative behaviors brings about, to a new high, is the national over-consumption.

As for me, the type of reality shows is a special product of the economic and social development that produces more benefits but less adverse impact. However, it is imperative for us, common people, to take a rational yet responsible attitude to the life we lead, especially the kind of activity we are obsessed with.


What is vividly revealed in the picture is that water is being reused in daily life at home. After washing rice, the water can be used to wash vegetables and then clean the mop and the toilet. What a harmonious scene it is!

It is not difficult to find that what the picture intends to express is the importance of saving and protecting resources. On the one hand, as we all know, water resource is limited and water shortage is still a serious problem threatening the existence and survival of the whole human being. On the other hand, the phenomenon of wasting water can still be easily found anywhere in our daily life. For example, water taps are frequently left on by careless users. Someone even assumes that they have the right to waste water because they pay for it o that it has nothing to do with others. In fact, so precious water is that we cannot afford to waste it. Water resource is not only indispensable in our daily life but also in the industry and agriculture. It is hard to imagine what the world would be like when there I is no more water.

It is fortunate that now the public is starting to pay attention. But, this is not adequate. As is shown in the above picture, what we need is more actions to save and protect resources! First of all, social environment is shaped by the general public, and the cultivation of conservation-minded society depends on the active involvement of every member of our society, be he old or young. Accordingly, an education campaign should be launched to call on people from all walks of life to save and protect resources. In addition, saving and protecting resources is bound up with our daily life. We, college students, should spare no efforts to save valuable energy and natural resources such as power, water, coal, gas and so on. Only by the joint efforts of the whole society can we create a real conservation-minded society.







xxx文真题xxx2016 第2篇

If I could change one thing about my hometown, I thinkit would be the fact that there\'s no sense ofcommunity here. People don\'t feel connected, theydon\'t look out for each other, and they don\'t get toknow their neighbors.

People come and go a lot here. They change jobsfrequently and move on. This means that they don\'t put down roots in the community. They don\'tjoin community organizations and they\'re not willing to get involved in trying to improve thequality of life. If someone has a petition to put in a new street light, she has a very hardtime getting a lot of people to sign. They don\'t feel it has anything to do with them. They don\'tget involved in improving the schools because they don\'t think the quality of education isimportant to their lives. They don\'t see the connection between themselves and the rest of theircommunity.

People don\'t try to support others around them. They don\'t keep a friendly eyes on theirchildren, or check in on older folks if they don\'t see them for a few days. They\'re not awarewhen people around them may be going through a hard time. For example, they may not know if aneighbor loses a loved one. There\'s not a lot of community support for individuals.

Neighbors don\'t get to know each other. Again, this is because people come and go wit...

Nowadays, food has become easier to this change improved the way people live?Use specific reasons and examples to supportyour answer.

The twentieth century has brought with it manyadvances. With those advances, human lives havechanged dramatically. In some ways life is worse, butmostly it is better. Changes in food preparationmethods, for example, have improved our lives greatly.

The convenience of preparing food today is stoves have gotten too slow for us. Microwave cooking is much easier. We can press a fewbuttons and a meal is completely cooked in just a short time. People used to spend hourspreparing an oven-cooked meal, and now they can use that time for other, better things. Plus,there are all kinds of portable, prepackaged foods we can buy. Heat them in the office microwave,and lunch at work is quick and easy.

Food preparation today allows for more variety. With refrigerators and freezers, we canpreserve a lot of different foods in our homes. Since technology makes cooking so much faster,people are willing to make several dishes for even a small meal. Parents are more likely to letchildren be picky, now that they can easily heat them up some prepackaged macaroni and cheese onthe side. Needless to say, adults living in the same house may have very different eating habitsas well. If they don’t want to cook a lot of different dishes, it’s common now to eat out atrestaurants several times a w...

Faced with the question whether it is worthwhile to spend a year or two voluntee?ring in western China, many college students would probably shake their heads, seeing it as a waste of valuable learning time. However, I will give an affirmative answer without hesitation, because this experience can apparently benefit us in many ways.

First, it is a great opportunity for us to apply the knowledge we have acquired at college. Different from temporary part-time jobs, a longer volunteer work experience is truly fulfilling and rewarding. As English majors, we can learn to use and teach the language effectively in real classes; as education majors, we can experiment with those textbook theories in helping manage a school or instruct the younger; those who study engineering can take this chance to turn their ideas and skills into running machines, new bridges and broad roads. From this experience, we will better understand our schoolwork and even build up considerable expertise in our chosen fields.

Second, we can gain a great sense of satisfaction by making contributions in an underdeveloped region. Right now, the western China is suffering from both the short?age of resources and that of talents in its course of development. If we can step into the needed roles by simply sacrificing a year or two, we will be able to make some differ?ence to the situation as a whole. Imagine how proud you will be when telling your fami?ly and friends how you have taught the illiterate to read, and how you have helped to change the look of a backward town. Compared with the great sense of pride you feel, a year\'s time is just a small price to pay.

Third,we can establish a deep friendship with local people. On the one hand, if you truly love and help the people you work with, they naturally love and help you back. Take a senior I know for example, who served two months as a teacher in a dry northwestern town. During the period of water shortage, both his students and their parents voluntarily kept water for him, sometimes despite their own need. Recalling his days there, he said they were not easy but he could not help missing them. Probably many volunteers would feel the same as him. While we are giving care, support and help, we often get back more including a lasting friendship.

Therefore,I will readily sign up to volunteer in the western China despite various challenges I may meet. Think of the differences we can make there and the changes this experience can make to us, why not walk out of the ivory tower and step onto the promising land of our country?

Traffic congestions are a headache in many cities across the country as a result of rapid increase of private cars. Therefore, some people suggest that a limit be put on the number of private cars. Do you agree or disagree with such a proposal? Write a composition of about 400 words on the following topic:

In the first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.

You should supply an appropriate title for your essay.

Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.

Should We Put a Limit on Private Cars?

As is vividly depicted by the drawing above, the job-hunting girl refuses a service post without any hesitation, complaining that she will never take a job of serving others. At the same time she is wondering why finding a promising job is so difficult in modern society.

This phenomenon can easily be found anywhere in our daily life, especially on campus. On the one hand, many job-seekers are reluctant to take jobs that they consider to be humble and trivial, because they have great ambitions and they only want to ride on the peak of success. On the other hand, wanting to gain more but pay less, both the jobless and graduating students aspire to seek a job that is well-paid, relaxed and comfortable. We should not look down upon service industry, the third industry, because it does provide us with many employment opportunities and positions.

Therefore, it is high time that we took effective measures to improve the current situation. For one thing, an education campaign should be launched to popularize the idea that ^the longest journey starts with a single step^ and to cultivate a down-to-earth attitude toward life. For another, the tendency of being lazy must be eradicated from the mind of the young. Only in this way can people realize their value of life better and can unemployment rate be reduced and thus can social harmony be achieved.

Here is a picture, interesting but with profound implication. As is vividly depicted in the photo, two men are running away from the computer screen, which successfully captures our eyes. After a close watch, it is not difficult to find that they are frightened away by the internet rumor. Apparently, what the drawing has subtly conveyed is supposed to be given further analysis.

A conclusion could be drawn from the picture: internet is likely to produce negative effect to our life. And my words are based upon the following two reasons. On the top of the list is that the lack of legal penalty may lead to the state of this phenomenon. In addition, there is the other point that no one can ignore. It is universally admitted that internet is a virtual world, and people in it are more likely to do something illegal and cruel.

According to the analysis above, it is advisable for us to take steps to reverse this evil trend. Of all the steps, mass media may play a major role in solving this problem.


If given the choice, a great many people would change at least one aspect of their appearance. As is depicted in the drawing, a young lady is requesting a doctor to give her a straighter nose, bigger lips, smaller chin, slimmer figure, and so on. One option that has gained tremendous popularity in recent decades is plastic surgery, the branch of surgery dealing with therapeutic or cosmetic reformation of body issue.

Firstly, one\'s appearance is the God\'s blessing, and has been one part of our body. After breast enlargement surgery, many women look sexier than before. However, many of them are found mammary gland disease. The more serious effect is that they risk being unable to breast feed. Secondly, the advocating for such a practice will mislead people in the judgment of beauty. The concept of beauty is quite rich in its content. It should include many virtues like honesty, diligence, and so on, which should be the real mainstream of our spiritual life. The practice and some contests about man-made beauty will confuse those who are to develop correct concept of beauty.

Concerning the above possible harms the practice may bring about, we are strongly against it and advocate seeking true and natural beauty. Besides, people, especially women, should lay more attention on the cultivation of their inner hearts. The inner beauty outweighs the outside beauty in the long run.

Peoples ideas about donating blood vary from person to people think that it is glorious to donate blood. They hold this opinion because those who are in urgent need of blood can be ,others hold that it is foolish for people to donate their opinion,blood is very precious and losing 200ml or more may do harm to their health.

As to me, I am in favor of the first following are the reasons for my , while it is true that the loss of too much blood is dangerous to ones health,it does not mean that donating a little blood is also the contrary,doctors say that donating a little blood can promote ,there are many people who need our help. If my little donation of blood can pull back somebody on the way to death,will there be anything that can make me happier?

In a word, donating blood is glorious.


Just as is depicted in the picture. It is not difficult to find that in today’s society, more and more people begin to …… . It is rather good news to …… .

The picture reminds us that in China, due to ,…… . Moreover, there are …… .In addition, we should not forget …….

……is a good way to express human love. To some extent, it also reflects individuals sense of social responsibility. It is also a feeling from deep heart that is beyond words and is difficult to obtain no matter how rich one is. Therefore, I strongly advocate that…… . I am sure our society will hence be more beautiful because of…… .

In some countries, teenagers have jobs while they are still students. Do you think this is a good idea? Support your opinion by using specific reasons and details.

In many countries it is common for teenagers to take part-time jobs while they are still in high school, while in other societies this is virtually unheard of. In the latter situation, students are expected to spend all of their time on their studies and consider schoolwork their ^job^. In my opinion, students benefit more from a more balanced lifestyle, which may include working at a part-time job. Therefore, I believe that it is a good idea for students to work while studying.

While it is true that a student\'s most important goal must be to learn and to do well at his studies, it does not need to be the only goal. In fact, a life which consists of only study is not balanced and may cause the student to miss out on other valuable learning experiences. In addition to bringing more balance to a student\'s life, part-time work can broaden his range of experience. He will have the opportunity to meet people from all walks of life and will be faced with a wider variety of problems to solve. Furthermore, work helps a student to develop greater independence, and earning his own pocket money can teach him how to handle his finances. Finally, a part-time job can help a student to develop a greater sense of responsibility, both for his own work and for that of the team he works with.

For all of these reasons, I firmly believe that most students would benefit from taking a part-time job while they are in high school. Of course, they must be careful not to let it take up too much of their time because study is still their primary responsibility. In sum, living a balanced life is the best way to be successful.

In the first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.

You should supply an appropriate title for your essay.

Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.

xxx文真题xxx2016 第3篇


以写作样题为例,第二段阐述一方的观点或问题的一面:先给出中心句(College students now enjoy greater benefits.)然后阐述第一个原因(Firstly, thanks to modern technology, learning online gives students access to a wider range of courses.)之后展开陈述。接着阐述第二个原因(Secondly, the flexibility and mobility given by the online teaching system makes students learn at any time anywhere in their convenience.)之后展开陈述。

第三段指出问题的另一面或者另一方的观点(On the other hand, online teaching and learning is much demanding and requires students’ full commitment and independence)接着分别用admittedly和meanwhile引出online learning 的局限性。如果有反方观点的话,可以先陈述反方观点的合理性,然后驳斥反方观点的不合理性。

xxx文真题xxx2016 第4篇

Spring came with ail its glories. The new grass exposed its green colour. The pretty flowers opened their blossoms. We were tempted to go for an outing.

It was Sunday, the 20th of April We set out very early on bikes, carrying bottles of champagne, beer and bags of cakes, bacon and cooked eggs. We rode along the winding paths in the fields, across the meadows and down the roads. The willow were fresh and green. The swallows were flying to and fro, up and down the sky. The birds, like musicians, snang their melodious songs in the trees, and the butterflies, like colorful dancers, were fluttering here and there. We breathed the fresh air deeply and laughed heartily.

At 10 am we arrived at the foot of the Shushan Hill. We left our bikes with a bike repairing shop and began to climb up the Hill. Near the top, under a big tree with luxuri ant foliage we had our picnic. We drank and ate, talked and laughed. After the picnic we stood in the breeze with our hands on our waists, enjoying the fine landscape. Then we lay on the grass talking about our life and studies.

At about 4 pm , we returned with balmy greenness on our backs and freshness in our hearts.

xxx文真题xxx2016 第5篇

With the continued growth of online teaching systems and integration of massive open online courses (MOOCS) into higher education, college study will never be the same for both professors and students. The following are opinions from both sides. Read the excerpts carefully and write your response in about 300 words, in which you should:

1. summarize briefly the opinions from both sides;

2. give your comment.

Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.

xxx文真题xxx2016 第6篇

This is my first week in ** Senior Middle here is new for school is an old school but it`s very have 50 new classmates in my `re all very excellent, I think, and I felt a little I`m too come to think of it,it`s a very good believe I can also be very excellent if I study with such excellent didn`t know why Ms *** chose me to be the committee of I know it`s a good chance for me to raise my I can do is do my best in the am sure that Ms *** and my classmates can help me when I do something wrong. Because they`re all very `s a pleasure to work and study with `m really very `m not an outstanding student in this class,but I can do the same thing like believe I won`t make anyone disappointed.

xxx文真题xxx2016 第7篇






(The Most Important Thing in the World)

In my opinion,the most important thing in the world is TIME. However long one may live,his life consists of a certain number of years,and a year has only12months,a month30days and one you waste one hour,you can not get it back no matter how much you would pay for it.

Even though you are the richest person in the world,you can not afford to waste your time,because it means that you are wasting your life. Even though you are the most powerful person in the world,one hour has60minutes for you just as for everyone else who struggles at the bottom of the society.?

Some people think that the most important thing in the world is money. In their opinion,if you have enough money,you will have everything you want. I would like to ask them a simple question:Can you buy time?

The only thing with which we can win more time is efficiency. If you work with high efficiency,you can do more in a certain period of time than other people.

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Some people are committed to their dreams and work hard to achieve their goals. What is guiding them is a kind of illusion.Some people think that illusion is good for success while others argue that it is not so good because it may get people unrealistic. As far as I am concerned, illusion is necessary in our life only if it is encouraging and realistic.

There are several reasons.First of all, there is power in illusion. The illusion can lead people to the path they want to go on and it gives us passion. We need to live each moment wholeheartedly, with all our senses so that we can find pleasure in the fragrance of backyard garden, the crayoned picture of a six-year-old, and the enchanting beauty of a rainbow. The illusion can be enthusiastic love of life that puts sparkle in our eyes, a lilt in our steps and smoothes the wrinkles from our souls.

Secondly, we are born with wide-eyed, enthusiastic wonder as anyone knows who has ever seen an infant’s delight at the jingle of keys or the scurrying of a beetle. It is this childlike wonder and illusion that gives enthusiastic people such a youthful air, no matter how old they are. For example, the famous cellist Pablo Casals would start his day by playing Bach. Music, for him, was an elixir that made life a never-ending adventure. As author and poet Samuel once wrote, “Years wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.”

Lastly, people with illusions also love what they do, regardless of money or power or title. If we cannot do what we love as a full-time career, we can as do a part-time vocation, like the head of state who paints, the nun who runs marathons and the executive who handcrafts furniture. We cannot afford to waste tears and energy and time on “might-have-beens”. We need to turn the tears into sweat as we go after “what-can-be”.

To sum up, God gives each bird its food, but he does not throw it into its nest. Wherever you want to go, just cherish your precious illusion and let your dream be realized.

xxx文真题xxx2016 第8篇

Maybe you have seen the novel before -The Little Prince, or not. Tonight, I’m so happy to share with you about my feeling after I have seen it. Actually, I’m deeply attracted, touched by the protagonist of the story: the pure & innocent little prince.

After leaving his home planet and his beloved rose, the little prince journeys around the universe, ending up on earth. Before the prince lands on earth, the prince hops from one neighbouring planet to another. On each planet, the prince meets a different type of adult and reveals frivolities and weakness.(other than the fifth figure ,I think ,it seems the lamplighter’s selfless devotion to his orders earns him the little prince’s on earth, however, the little prince becomes a student as well as a teacher .From his friend “the fox”, the little prince learns three important lessons: Only the heart can see correctly; The prince’s time away from his planet has made him appreciate his rose more; Love entails-responsibility . And in turn, he passed on those lessons to the narrators before.

At last, there is a screen depict the novel. It’s when the railway switchman works for enormous trains that rush back and forth. Everybody has an experience of a journey, but the rushed voyages never result in happiness because as the switchman informs the princes, people are never happy where they are. Also the train trains rush at each other from opposite direction, suggesting the efforts grown-ups make are contradictory and purposeless. As for the children, they see that the journey is more important than the destination and press their faces the window on their journey, taking in the scenery. So sometimes the efforts we did make our lot better is futile.

Two funny picture, let’s your imagination wander in your mind, and share with me your thought, thank you.

xxx文真题xxx2016 第9篇

Dear Dad,

Long time no see, I do miss you. Well, let me tell you something about my life tell the truth, i live a normal life just as anywhere i can live.(我过着一个在任何地方都普通的生活 My life is revolved on work and work.(我的生活除了学习还是学习Frankly,i feel tired sometimes(老实说,我有时候觉得很累.But i see, studying is the whole life to students like me.(但是我知道,学习是像我这样的学生的全部 So no matter how difficult, i will do my utmost .所以不管多艰难,我都会尽自己最大的努力。

Best wishes for you .

xxx文真题xxx2016 第10篇

首先重申观点(In conclusion, with the greatest technological boom in education, online learning or MOOCS, is an irreversible trend.)

然后提出不能忽视问题的另一面(So, the question really is not “Which one?” but rather, “How can we combine both?” The answer is that each performs its own functions.)

最后对观点进行提升(Undoubtedly, this revolutionary practice in education will continuously have more far-reaching consequences and will dramatically reshape the nature of higher education. )


xxx文真题xxx2016 第11篇


例如,写作样题xxx第一句:Modern technology has innovated the way teaching and learning can be in people’s life. (现代科技创新了人们生活中的教学方式。)

然后引出题目并概括出针对题目双方有不同的关注或者持有不同的观点:Online teaching system or platforms is a recent phenomenon and consequently it is controversial. In spite of the fact that both universities and students have embraced this new style of teaching and learning, there are still worries and concerns.(线上教学方式受到学校和学生的欢迎,同时作为一种新的教学方式,人们对它也有不同的声音。)

最后给出自己的观点:Considering both sides, it is clear that online teaching system or platforms can help students achieve higher learning effectiveness despite its drawbacks. (综合来看,这种方式尽管也有缺点,但是能够极大地提高学习者的学习效果。)