大一英语演讲范文 第1篇

We have only one earth. But now,the environment becomes worse and worse. As you know,there\'s no enough clean water for people. So many of them lose their lives because of water. In a lot of countries, people have to cut trees for living. So there\'s nothing to keep water from running away. Also we have polluted the land, the river and the air. So we have to face more and more floods and droughts . It\'s time that we must do something useful to protect our environment. We can plant

trees and take good care of them. We can save the water and ask our parents to do so. We can\'t throw any litter onto the ground and we should collect them for recycling.

If we take good care of our earth today,it will be more beautiful tomorrow




大一英语演讲范文 第2篇

Good afternoon,everyone ! I’m very glad to stand here to share my ideas with you. My name is humeiyuan , the subject of my presentation is dream. At is dream ?as chengdongqing that “Dreams are one of those things that keep you going and happy!” Different people have different dreams, no matter dream dreams are big or small,they keep us going and happy . Martin Luther King has a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: _We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. Wrightbrothers dream to fly in the sky. xxx, Dream is To realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese Chinese dream is a dream of national strength prosperity and people, happiness. Steve Jobs dreams to create something that can change the world. The Migrant workers dreams to make more money ,and Give the family a better life Xubenyu dreams Every poor child can receive education. Everyone has his own dream about life. Northeastern Universityx the place to start your dream. Do you have a you forgeten or lose your dream? Anybody who can share your dreams with us. Dream is a forever smile that make your soul pure. Dream will give us much more of confidence and courage whenever we are in the breaking point .Dream give us a direction ,dirtecting us to the road which is full of sunlight. Dreams are like a lamp, guiding you in darkness and helping you overcome obstacles(障碍物)on your way. Otherwise, you will easily get lost or hesitate to go ahead. we need dreams to chart our course. We need dreams to support us. With a dream, we have a direction. With a direction, we will never be confused. With a dream, we have hope. With hope, we have the strength to fight. You got a dream, you gotta protect it. In the movie The Pursuit of Happiness, Chris Ghana(Will Smith) is a clever salesman, his hard work hard work, but overall no way to make a better life at home. No income, nowhere to go, Chris sole owner, is the sensible son of unconditional trust and love. They are homeless at night, sleep in shelters, subway stations, public bathrooms, and all you can for the time being housed in open spaces;

day meal money on the line and get relief, eating barely wrapped belly food. Extremely frustrating to live in poverty, but to his son\'s future, in order to their own dream, Chris teeth, and always believe: Just today, work hard enough, happiness will come tomorrow! Heaven rewards those who are righteously, Chris eventually become a successful investment professionals. Life is tough. There are always ups and downs. Maybe we fail on the way to our dreams. The more you stumble and fall, the more you get right back up and get going again!there is nothing like a dream to build up our body and create the future. So stick to your dream and never give up your dream easily. Nothing is impossible for a strong willing heart !If you want to do something ,you will find a way ,just do it ! today I hope you will remember that no matter whether it is happiness or suffering we will experience now, our future is always here, waiting for us to paint beautiful pictures. What you need to do is just to believe yourself and stick to your dream. Because only if we hold our dreams, can we brighten our future.




大一英语演讲范文 第3篇


总的来说,英语不管怎么学,大概可分为两类:应试类和基础类。应试类课程如托福、雅思、大学英语四六级、考研、BEC、口译等,重点是在掌握这门考试的特点和应试技巧。不管什么考试, 核心的解决方案就是对于历年真题的反复研究和操练。而对于真正想提高英语实力的学员来说,重心转移到基础类课程的学习,也就是对于英语基础实力的加强就显得尤为重要,比如词汇量以及听说口语写作阅读的功底,就需要一个循序渐进的过程来提高。把英语应试水平和基础实力的提高对立起来,这本身就是扼杀很多大学生学好英语的最重要原因之一,学习英语应该是一个快乐的过程,通过考试应该是一个很自然的结果而已。


大学一年级 由于诸多学校大二才允许大学生考英语四级,所以大一阶段的重心应该在一心一意提高英语实力方面, 听说口语阅读和适当练习写作应该成为这个阶段的重点。平时配合多看些原版英文电影或者系列剧,比如时下流行的《绝望主妇》以及诸多名校的Open Course,坚持背诵也就是输入应该是这个阶段的重点。以背诵单词为例,每天可以安排早晚各45分钟的词汇专项背诵时间,大学英语四六级的词汇量要求也就5000 个左右,如果每天坚持背诵50个,一年就能突破10000个单词量。



大一英语演讲范文 第4篇













大一英语演讲范文 第5篇

Good afternoon, my dear friends.

I am very happy to meet you is my great honor to communicate with you at such a special of all,please allow me to express my appreciation to you all to listion to me.

I am proud of being a college collegelife is fresh,new teachers, new classmates and new friends. I like the friendship, and their wide knowledge and opening mind. The grand library, school buildings and wide playground attrattde me very college life is better than I expected, I can do anything I like. In the college we can not only learn the professional knowledge,but also develop our comprehensive we can make full use of the period,we can learn many useful should have the active attitude to our life,do a contributionto the society.

Collegelife is the most precious time in our of us want to become an outstanding man. But there are some students still waste their time. They get together for eating, drinking or playing cards. They\'re busy in searching for a girlfriend or a boyfriend. They completely forget their task as college students.

Finally, I hope everybody can try their best to become a worthy person to our country, and make great contributions to the society!


大一英语演讲范文 第6篇

1. 储备词汇:


2. 加速听力进步





②每天听广播:慢速VOA CNN Student News

3. 主动练口语


4. 阅读和写作“胜经”







大一英语演讲范文 第7篇

Learning english can be a very difficult task for most people, this isbecause we dont live in a environment where we are forced to speak or writeenglish. so i think the best way to learn english is by communicating withothers using the lagnguage itself and not just learn from the book. Im sure ifyou live in an environment such as a foreign country and were forced to speakand write english everyday then your english will imprve dramatically.

Although we must agree that we need to read and write english from the bookin order to get the foundations that we need for basic communication, this isessential but as i said, this is only a foundation, what you develop afterwardsall depends on your ability to adapt to an environment and your courage.



大一英语演讲范文 第8篇

Hello everyone!

The title of my speech is _my idol_.

Students, do you have your own idol? Do you know who is the idol in my mind? Let me tell you loudly - Prime Minister Zhou Enlai.

Premier Zhou is Chairman Mao is one of the founders of comrades stand together through storm and stress, People\'s Republic of China\'s first prime minister, is also the new China. He has a passion for reading all his life. Study in Dongguan model school, he in addition to the study of the school curriculum, but also often use their spare time to go to the library and reading room be learned in books. After joining the revolution, no matter how busy his work was, he never relaxed his studies. After the liberation, he often encouraged Deng Yingchao and Grandma: To study hard, to adapt to the requirements of the times, to keep pace with the times, stand in the forefront of the times.

Premier Zhou Enlai not only loves learning, he is good at learning, but also able to ap* what he has learned. During his time in Europe, he often spent his holidays on social studies, extensively studied various kinds of knowledge, and laid the foundation for establishing a correct world outlook. Busy as a prime minister, Zhou Enlai can continue learning, to enrich themselves, improve themselves, his spirit is not worth our these new age for children to learn?

The classmates, we should like Premier Zhou as hard to learn, learning in peacetime life, Dickens inquisitive, accumulation of class knowledge, enrich their inner world, enhance their taste, let oneself learn, and strive for the revitalization of the motherland!

Thank you all!



大一英语演讲范文 第9篇

My dream

I enter tile university after years of hardstudy and preparation(准备). But life in the university is not as satisfactory(满意) as what I had expected. I become lazy and don\'t want to become silcent. I become puzzled. I don\'t know what I can do in the future. Then I become unhappy.

Four years in the university is only a short period when compared my whole lifetime. Now it has passed a half. In this year, many people ,such as my parents,my friends, ask me what I want to do and tell me to map out a plan for my life. I don\'t want to follow their suggestion, and I want to go my style. So I think carefully. I have been a young volunteer(志愿者) for five \'s very happy and significant. Then I have a want to join the University Student Volunteers Go West Programe. I think I can be a teacher in the want to try my best to help them and help me. I want to see the world cearly. Now I can\'t reach its demand and it\'s very diffcult,but I will work hard in the next two years. There is an old saying_where there is a will,there is a way.(有志者事竟成)_I think my dream can come in the university I mature,and in the university I prepare for the real world.

At last,I want to say to everybody_Hlod fast to your dreams,no matter how big or small they path to dreams may not be smooth(*滑) and wide,even some sacrifices(**) are hold on to the end,you can find there is no geater happiness than making your dream come ture._



大一英语演讲范文 第10篇

Everybody is good!

The title of my speech today is _cherish life, pay attention to fire_

Man\'s life only once, when you came to this world, you are lucky, but at the same time you also started a heavy back to journey, because life can not be rebirth! Life is precious for every person, only cherish life, to happiness in our lives.

The number _119_ reminds us of the fire alarm telephone, so, we also see this as a day for fire safety education day. Referred to _fire_ 2 words, we must be associated with the _fire_, your mind will be appeared smoke, such as gas and fire scenarios. Some had a narrow escape in the fire, some fire...

Now in social life, the fire has become a threat to public safety, a multiple disasters harm people life and property. According to statistics, every day all over the world fire around 10000, killed more than 20xx people, injured 3000, 4000 people, a direct loss of 1 billion yuan. To the state and the people\'s life and property caused huge losses. Haining _2 · 15_ 20xx extra-large fire 39 people were burned to death on the spot and four injured (one heal died of his wounds) of serious consequences. Later find out is a group of old people, superstitious activities, ignition in an illegal buildings, the fire up. Xinjiang kelamayi friendship hall 1994 catastrophic fire, killed 325 people burned or suffocation, including primary and secondary school students 288 people, cadres, teachers and staff 37 people, injured admitted to 130 people. Tilting moment, coloured theatre became infernal strikes hell on earth, its shape is really horrible. Is the direct cause of fire due to karamay friendship hall staff and departments, head of a serious violation of fire safety regulations, neglect their duties, to report the organizers of the performance due to serious dereliction of duty, malfeasance. The tragedy of painful, fire playing out around to different degrees in each year.

Throughout these claimed millions of fire accident, there are several is not our fire safety consciousness lead to consequences? There are several not disregard for our life, the pursuit of the interests of a punishment? Many security hidden danger is not that we don\'t see, but why didn\'t handled in a timely manner? The reason is people lack of love of life in the deep heart\'s core, to cherish life.

Of course, if really in the fire, don\'t panic. Because there is no desperate situation, only desperate people. In the face of smoke and fire, as long as you keep calm, clever use of fire self-help escape knowledge, have great possible to save himself, and even the lives and property of others.

In fire safety education week coming, hope you can pay attention to fire safety, cherish life, don\'t play with fire, and learn to protect themselves and respect the lives of others.

My speech finished, thank you!




大一英语演讲范文 第11篇




Halloween (Halloween) (also called Halloween, Halloween) on October 31 ofeach year, is a traditional festival of the English speaking world, mainly inNorth America, the British Isles, Australia, Canada and New Zealand. That nightthe child would wear a costume, mask and go from house to house collectingcandy. The Chinese region often mistakenly calls Halloween a Halloween.

_Halloween_, an abbreviation of _AllHallowEve,_ refers to the eve ofAllHallowEve, which is called _ChristmasEve_ on Christmas Eve. _Hallow_ isderived from middle English halwen with holy etymology is very close, some areasin Scotland and Canada, Halloween is still known as _AllHallowMas_, meaning isin memory of all saints (Hallow) on that day, to a Mass (Mass).

Halloween is usually associated with something different. Traditionally,Halloween is considered to be the closest thing to human life in the world, andthe legend is similar to that of China\'s elam. The Minnesota city of Anoka,which claims to be the _Halloween capital of the world_, holds a huge paradeevery year.

大一英语演讲范文 第12篇

Good afternoon ,ladies and gentlemen!

I’m very honored to stand here and give you a short speech! my topic is Opportunities and Challenges.

First, I would like to know, what does your destiny offer you? Happiness, wisdom, a strong body or something else. If I had asked this question to president Nixon, he would probably had said,”Our destiny offers not the cup of despair, but the chalice of opportunity.”

Needless to say. Till now, we have used two sevenths of the preparation time. How much changes have you seen? New roads, new subway lines, public-exercising equipments with beautiful colors, large blocks of grass fields, and also lots of modern gyms which are under construction.

Other than those, there are even more good effects brought to us by the Olympic Games that cannot be seen directly. For example, more and more people will get to know China. I’m sure the mysterious Chinese culture will attract them strongly. And the games will also do good to the economy and environment, for it is gaining the attention of foreign investors and the awareness of environmental protection is being strengthened. What is more, Olympic Games give a unique opportunity to inspire and educate a new generation of Chinese youth with the Olympic values and the Olympic spirit. Now that we have seen so many advances, could you even imagine us losing the holding rights?

I’ve already said a lot about the Olympics and China. But I think everyone should use some time to think of this question, ”Does the Olympic Games have any special meaning to you?”

For us, I mean the Chinese youth. Because what we are waiting for is to do something significant as repaying the love given to us society is just like a ship, and in our dreams the captain is waving his hand and saying ”Hey! Come here and take the helm! ”How charming his voice is, but we have never heard of it in our true life. This morning, however, when we wake up, we will see the Olympic Games waving its hand. After chewing, most of us will have at least one plan about what to do for the Olympic Games. And mine is to be a “comforter” ----that is someone who will give comfort to others.

At the end of my speech, I hope all the preparation will go well, and everyone will show their ability to the world. Let us seize opportunities and give a big smile to challenges.

