英语疫情作文范文 第1篇

Dear Amy,

It is so considerate of you to receive your letter inquiring about novel cononavirus in wuhan. I am writing to tell you about this.

Since the outbreak of an infectious disease in wuhan in December 2019, the Chinese government has decisively closed down the city to prevent the spread of the disease. At the same time, although cases have been found throughout the country, the Chinese people actively face it, together with wuhan to fight the epidemic.

At this particular time, we should go out as little as possible, isolated. If we go out, we must wear protective masks to prevent ourselves from getting infected. In addition, we should keep good healthy habits and keep our body clean.

As many Chinese say, “come on Wuhan--.

Yours, Li Hua

英语疫情作文范文 第2篇

Look at the bravest and loveliest people on the battlefield - Angels in white. In spite of the danger, they perform their duties as doctors and stick to their posts all the time. They infect everyone in the battlefield with fearless courage, firm belief and amazing perseverance.

When we enter their hearts, we will know that the angels in white are not easy, they also have family members, they will also have concerns about home, and there will be a flash of worry in their hearts: in case I am infected, what should my children do But more importantly, as a white angel, their sense of mission and responsibility made them sacrifice too much and insisted on the belief of saving lives. They rush to the forefront of the battlefield and fight directly against the virus. Let\'s salute the angels in white!

英语疫情作文范文 第3篇

--No matter you or I have known each other, no matter in front of you, I sincerely wish you happiness and peace...-- Use this song to pray for the people of Wuhan.

Wuhan, the city that people all over the world pay attention to, the city that makes me cry, moved and proud. Wuhan, you are not alone, we are here! The virus is merciless, there is love in the world. All over the country, there are doctors and nurses like angels, soldiers who protect the country and public security soldiers who protect the safety of one side. They go in the opposite direction, admirable and admirable.

Since the outbreak, support materials from all parties have been pouring into Wuhan.

--Mountains and rivers are different, wind and moon are the same day-- is the eight words written on Japanese aid materials to China. Friendly countries all over the world are supporting each other, either financially or physically. This is to make the world full of love, which is called boundless love.

--Child, can you recover the scar on your face?-- --Mom, don\'t worry, I will give you an angel like daughter.-- This is a dialogue between a woman doctor and her mother. The lovely woman doctor is Liu Li. --Wang Yuehua, I love you, I love you!-- this is a husband\'s cry from the heart. He just finished his year\'s work in the -- room, and his wife Wang Yuehua signed up for Wuhan without telling her family; Another respectable husband, hiding from his wife, signed his name on the letter of request for assistance to Hubei Province! When his son was born, he had gone to Wuhan and met his son for the first time, but he was connected by mobile phone; At huoshenshan hospital, a group of medical staff stopped a truck that was about to leave to deliver materials. It turned out that the driver refused. the freight. He said, --this is what I can do as an ordinary person.-- Zhong Nanshan, academician of the Academy of Engineering.

As of February 5, donations from all over the country have reached billion yuan. Love flows to Wuhan continuously. The Chinese people are confident and able to work together with the people of Wuhan to overcome difficulties and overcome the epidemic.

Come on, Wuhan, China!

We sincerely pray: God bless Wuhan, God bless China.

英语疫情作文范文 第4篇

Since the pneumonia epidemic broke out in Wuhan in December, the number of people infected and patients who have died keep climbing. It is reported that the epidemic has something to do with the killing and selling of wild animals at South China Seafood Market. With the decrease of wild animals, many animals are endangered. Worse still, some of them may disappear is no doubt that hunting and killing wild animals has a bad influence. For wild animals are killed for their fur, which causes the imbalance of nature. For another, due to the contact between humans and wild animals, epidemics like SARS and pneumonia may infect humans far as I am concerned, something must be done to stop this illegal action. First, Nature Reserves are supposed to be built so as to offer more living space to wildlife. Second, be aware that never have wild animals for food, as they are part of environment. Third, it is high time that we raised peoples awareness to protect wildlife. In this way, we can build a harmonious society and ensure a sustainable development.

英语疫情作文范文 第5篇


Today is my 13th day at home with mom and dad and my brother. I\'m very happy because mom and dad haven\'t been with me for a long time. I think all the children are like this, but my aunt\'s brother is not as happy as me. He hasn\'t seen his mother for a long time. I asked my mother why she wasn\'t at home. My mother told me that because she was going to work, more people needed her than my brother.


From childhood, I was most afraid of my aunt, because my parents sometimes took me to the hospital for injection, which was very painful. Aunt and they wear the same white coat, sometimes very fierce. Whenever I don\'t obey, my mother will say let my aunt stab me. So I always dare not provoke her. Sometimes I would secretly speak ill of my aunt with my mother.


But this time, my mother was very serious. She told me that my aunt was very powerful and powerful. There are many people in our country who are ill. Those who are ill may die. Death means never to see their parents again. And if healthy people have contact with sick people, they will get sick. Aunt is helping the sick people to get better. Also in the protection of healthy people, let them happy life. I asked my mother, --will aunt get sick?-- my mother said she didn\'t know, but she would take good care of herself. Mother also said that the world is big, there are many people like aunts, they left their families and children, and fight against the virus. They are all great angels in white. They are the same angels in fairy tales. Angels can solve the world\'s pain and bring happiness to people.


My mother also said that there was an archangel among the angels, a kind grandfather, Grandpa Zhong Nanshan, who was leading all the angels to fight together. Grandpa Zhong said that as long as I stayed at home and washed my hands frequently, I was making contributions to the motherland. I will do well!


Although aunt is very fierce sometimes, I don\'t want her to be sick. I want to grow up quickly and become an angel like aunt and grandpa Zhong. I want to cure the illness and save people and give them happiness. I have learned a new idiom - --unite as one--. That is to say, if we work together, our country will not get sick! Let\'s unite as one and fight against the virus!

英语疫情作文范文 第6篇


Spring Festival, a day I\'m looking forward to for a long time, should be full of happiness, bustle and laughter. But this year\'s novel coronavirus is so rampant that I can only stay at home and wear masks when I go out, and my parents remind me to keep warm and pay attention to personal hygiene every day. The novel coronavirus seemed to have no intention of retreat, but doctors struggled for many days and nights. In these days, I don\'t know how many people have been killed by the virus, and how many doctors are still fighting against the virus in order to fight the epidemic.


What novel coronavirus, what do you choose to do with humans? What makes such a date come to earth? Why do we want to harm human beings?


One night, novel coronavirus boldly appeared before me. Chin lifted up and smiled scornfully. --You only look at the results, but do not see the passage. Do you know how I came? I was living on animal, but you humans killed them, ate them, and someone else was eating live bats.-- So it\'s not me that causes the disease, it\'s you humans. And I want to tell you that the most terrible thing in the world is not the lion or the tiger, but you human beings. Your human mouth is a bottomless hole, which is filled with discontent forever. You human beings are greedy, cruel, and constantly hurting animals. Aren\'t you ashamed? --After saying it, turn around and walk away. I shouted at the virus, --but human beings have a good side. There must be more good people than bad people in this world.-- The novel coronavirus turned around and said, --the cruelty of human beings is unthinkable. You have broken the ecological balance. Until now, there are still no repentance!-- I shouted, --go away!-- the human race has already known that it is wrong. If you do not go again, mankind will one day destroy you. The novel coronavirus said, --I can go, but if the human beings do not know repentance, my brothers will come again.--


Suddenly, novel coronavirus came back, but I still woke up in my ear. Animal and novel coronavirus, I hope that people can learn from this lesson, treat the earth well, refuse to eat wild animals, and hope that those who are infected with new coronavirus will get better soon.

英语疫情作文范文 第7篇


When we are enjoying the comfortable Spring Festival holiday, they give up the reunion with their relatives and resolutely return to their posts; when we are afraid of avoiding it and not in time, they are determined to go retrograde and rush to Wuhan; when we are worried about the growing number of cases, they fight against the disease and give us confidence. They have a common name, an angel in white.

Fighting against novel coronavirus pneumonia 17 years ago and fighting the new crown pneumonia today, they treat their patients as their bounden duty, or take the initiative to fight, or take the initiative to work overtime or rush to rush to help. Each fearless figure perfectly interprets the great love feelings of seeing the world and being compassionate to others. A medical staff member of Tongji Hospital of Huazhong University of science and technology wrote in the voluntary application: --regardless of pay, regardless of life or death!-- academician Zhong Nanshan, 84, rushed to the forefront of epidemic prevention in Wuhan without hesitation. The picture of him resting on the high-speed railway dining car is considered to be the most touching picture since the start of the year 2020. In the face of the epidemic, they know their situation better than anyone else, but they choose to --not retreat--. There are many other medical workers who work selflessly under masks, protective clothing and goggles. Although we don\'t know who they are, I know who they are for. At this moment, they are soldiers and heroes.


Similarly, in the face of this national campaign, we need to work together. Don\'t complain pessimistically, don\'t believe rumors, don\'t panic. What we have to do is to protect ourselves, build up the momentum and prepare for tomorrow\'s run.


--Winter is coming. Can spring be far behind? --No matter how cool it is, spring will come as scheduled. Let\'s learn from the most beautiful rebels, let\'s all become a --hero--, unite as one, form a strong joint force, and win the war without gunpowder.

英语疫情作文范文 第8篇


This winter vacation, the sudden new pneumonia disrupted the pace of people\'s celebration of the Spring Festival, especially in Wuhan, a serious epidemic area, a large number of people\'s livelihood diseases led to doctors\' emergency, beds\' emergency, medical supplies\' emergency, and a war without gunpowder is starting.


The virus has no lover. Every change of the epidemic affected the hearts of the people of the whole country and even the people of the world: neighboring Japan not only did not refuse Chinese tourists to enter China, but also gave a large number of medical materials to our country; overseas students tried their best to raise masks and transport them back to China at the first time; medical students and nurses from all over the world left their families and rushed to the front line to cure the disease and save the people, and they worked day and night, tired and trapped Lying on the table and resting on the ground for a while, Huzhou\'s 83 year old grandfather made a living by picking up rubbish, but he did not hesitate to donate the ten thousand yuan saved by frugality; an uncle from Anhui ran into the police station, threw 500 masks, turned around and left, silently giving his love

Looking at the warm stories on the Internet, I am deeply moved and would like to offer a love and do my best to help those in need. However, I have neither protective equipment to donate, nor the ability to cure the disease and save people. What should I do? Just when I was sad, Dad smiled and pointed out a way for me - online donation. So, I quickly took out 130 yuan of class scholarship that I earned through my hard work last semester, and asked my father to donate through the online donation platform of Ningbo Charity Federation. After receiving it, the Charity Federation gave me a donation certificate! Although the money was not much, it was my own income from labor, which represented my intention.


I believe that the difficulty is only temporary. Through our joint efforts, we will win the war against the virus and usher in a warm spring day as soon as possible.

英语疫情作文范文 第9篇

Dear Leslie,

I’m glad to receive your asked me to share with you what I’m doing in the epidemic are my experiences.

Since the outbreak of novel coronavirus pneumonia in Wuhan in December,2019,I have been staying at the one hand,I pay close attention to the epidemic situation through watching CCTV news or surfing the Internet;on the other hand I insist on only do I read classics, but also I have online courses given by my take exercise every day to keep with the disaster,many people including doctors,nurses and scientists act bravely and spare no effort to fight against are real heroes.

Thank you for your ’m looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua

英语疫情作文范文 第10篇

When it comes to Spring Festival, it\'s usually peaceful, but this year\'s Spring Festival is different from that of previous years. Why? Because Wuhan has a new type of coronavirus pneumonia. Because the disease is very contagious, many cities have taken measures to deal with it. Our village has also been sealed up, and there are some guards at the entrance of the village. They have also informed that they can\'t visit relatives and friends this year, so they can only visit New Year online. But the new year is still to pass. After all, it\'s a traditional Chinese custom.

In the morning of new year\'s Eve, my mother is making dumplings. My brother, I and grandpa paste couplets together. This year\'s Spring Festival couplets are written by my grandfather and I, and the content is searched online. Our Spring Festival couplets have seven characters in the top and bottom couplets, and four characters in the horizontal inscription, such as: --when the sails are smooth and the auspicious stars arrive, everything will be as it pleases--, and the horizontal inscription, such as --welcome the new year--, etc. Of course, it is also necessary to stick door gods and hang lanterns. There are two people painted on the door god, one is Qin Qiong and the other is Jingde. Qin Qiong, with a blue knife and a yellow horse: Jingde, with a yellow stick and a blue horse, looks very powerful. I hope the door god can keep the virus out of Wuhan. After the couplet was pasted, lanterns began to hang. The red lanterns added a peaceful and festive atmosphere to the Spring Festival.


Unconsciously, we were already busy. I came to the kitchen to see if my mother\'s dumplings were ready. I found that my mother had already made more than half of them. I saw my mother pick up a dumpling skin with her left hand, scoop up a spoon of stuffing with her right hand and put it on the dumpling skin, fold the skin in half, pinch it with her hand, and then wrap it. The skill is so skillful that I can watch it.


After a while, my mother brought the cooked dumplings. We ate plates and plates, but my mother was very busy.


In the evening, the firecrackers outside crackled and crackled. My brother and I also went to the door to set off the cannon. When I lit the fire, I saw a fireworks explode on my head. It was colorful, very beautiful, and set off the beautiful sky. This is really --flaming trees and silver flowers do not stay up all night, fireworks fly to welcome the new year--!

英语疫情作文范文 第11篇

It\'s winter vacation. I went to Grandpa\'s house with my mother and sister for the new year.

Pay New Year\'s call people are hurrying to and fro. Novel coronavirus will buddy this year. In order to prevent the virus, I can only stay at home obediently. Although I can\'t go out, I can listen to my grandfather\'s stories at home, and listen to his stories about the interesting things that happened when I was a child, so that I can understand that I should cherish my life now and study hard to realize my dream.

Through the TV broadcast, I learned that the virus was transmitted to human beings by wild animals, so I hope that everyone will take good care of the wild animals and not prey on them. Everyone should stay at home, wash hands frequently, drink more water and try not to go out. Wear a mask when you go out. Hope the angel in white can control the virus as soon as possible and return to normal. Come on, Wuhan. Come on, mother China.

英语疫情作文范文 第12篇

Spring Festival, a day I\'m looking forward to for a long time, should be full of happiness, bustle and laughter. But this year\'s novel coronavirus is so rampant that I can only stay at home and wear masks when I go out, and my parents remind me to keep warm and pay attention to personal hygiene every day. The novel coronavirus seemed to have no intention of retreat, but doctors struggled for many days and nights. In these days, I don\'t know how many people have been killed by the virus, and how many doctors are still fighting against the virus in order to fight the epidemic.

What novel coronavirus, what do you choose to do with humans? What makes such a date come to earth? Why do we want to harm human beings?

One night, novel coronavirus boldly appeared before me. Chin lifted up and smiled scornfully. --You only look at the results, but do not see the passage. Do you know how I came? I was living on animal, but you humans killed them, ate them, and someone else was eating live bats.-- So it\'s not me that causes the disease, it\'s you humans. And I want to tell you that the most terrible thing in the world is not the lion or the tiger, but you human beings. Your human mouth is a bottomless hole, which is filled with discontent forever. You human beings are greedy, cruel, and constantly hurting animals. Aren\'t you ashamed? --After saying it, turn around and walk away. I shouted at the virus, --but human beings have a good side. There must be more good people than bad people in this world.-- The novel coronavirus turned around and said, --the cruelty of human beings is unthinkable. You have broken the ecological balance. Until now, there are still no repentance!-- I shouted, --go away!-- the human race has already known that it is wrong. If you do not go again, mankind will one day destroy you. The novel coronavirus said, --I can go, but if the human beings do not know repentance, my brothers will come again.--

Suddenly, novel coronavirus came back, but I still woke up in my ear. Animal and novel coronavirus, I hope that people can learn from this lesson, treat the earth well, refuse to eat wild animals, and hope that those who are infected with new coronavirus will get better soon.

英语疫情作文范文 第13篇

This winter vacation is very special, neither on the interest class, also can not go out to play, but at home to fight the epidemic. I believe everyone is like this, although I do not know how everyone is at home? But I have a full life at home. The earliest person that gets up in the home everyday is mom, mom every day cleans the home cleanly, spotless.

My father is a person who can not stay at home, every now and then want to go out, but my mother will say to him: “If you go out, go to quarantine for 14 days to come back. ” This can scare my father dare not go out! But when necessary, my mother will let my father go out to buy necessities, my mother will make a good list let my father buy according to the list, just buy a food enough for our family to eat for several days. Before going out, dad would put on a mask and disposable gloves. When he came back, he would hang his coat outside and throw the mask and gloves into the garbage before entering the house.

What about me? Every morning after breakfast began to do homework, homework, I will help my mother to do some housework, I can manage my sister, and her to do games or teach her to read, and her sister with physical exercise. I also watched the news a few times a day and learned that GRANDPA Zhong Nanshan was 84 years old, but he was still on the front lines, treating patients and protecting people. The News also tells us to wash our hands and go out less.

All we can do is stay at home, go out less and protect our bodies. I hope the epidemic ended early, struggling in the front-line aunts and uncles can also go home early and family reunion, I believe we will be able to overcome the epidemic, go Wuhan! Go China!

英语疫情作文范文 第14篇


We are in the new year, but they are passing the customs. In the fear of the virus, they are fearless all the way.


In front of the novel coronavirus, they rushed to the front line, and they were not afraid of difficulties. They are the angels in white from all provinces and cities, and they are the reversers on the road of anti-virus.


Grandfather Zhong Nanshan, 83, could have avoided the danger of the virus and lived in his old age, but he stood up when the people needed him most, just like when the SARS virus broke out 17 years ago. Seventeen years ago, he said firmly, --send all the patients to me!-- the firm words shocked the whole world. Over the past 17 years, this heart of serving the people has never changed, and its retrograde aspiration to serve the people\'s security has never changed.


There are many doctors and nurses. On the new year\'s Eve, when we have family reunion dinner and the whole family is happy, they leave their families and set foot on the battlefield in Wuhan. These rebels fight for people\'s safety in the hospital field.


Pay homage to the rebellious, revere nature and guard life. They interpret --dedication of love-- and --sincerity of great doctors-- with persistence and perseverance. We sincerely salute them. Let\'s fight this war without gunpowder together, and look forward to their early return and family reunion. Let\'s go to the streets together and share the flowers!