初二上第二单元英语作文 第1篇




































初二上第二单元英语作文 第2篇








初二上第二单元英语作文 第3篇


Dear Alice,

We are inviting a few friends for dinner Saturday night, June the fourth, and I think it would be a good idea if you can join us. I know you are interested in Chinese calligraphy, and I think you'll be happy to meet Mr. Gao Lu, a well-known calligrapher who is coming to dinner as well.

is bringing a collection of his own works and has promised to give us an on-the-spot demonstration of his 'm sure you'll thoroughly enjoy the evening.

We plan to serve supper at 6:00 so as to have a nice long evening to talk. I do hope that you can make it.

Yours ever,

Wu Hua


To whom it may concxxx,

I am writing a letter of invitation for my friend ALICIA HO HOY YEN to visit China on the coming future for tourism and sightseeing purpose due to the winter holidays now in China. The purpose of ALICIA HO HOY YEN’s visit is solely for tourism purposes, visiting other places in China and there are absolutely no means for any purpose. During his stay in China he will be invited to stay along with me at my house (Room 202, Unit 1, Building 8, Jin Dian Xiaoqu, Dongsheng District, Ordos City, Inner Mongolia, China)

Personal Details of inviter:

Name-Wang Xiance


Address- Room 202, Unit 1, Building 8, Jin Dian Xiaoqu, Dongsheng District, Ordos City, Inner Mongolia, China) Contact- +86186**746962

Email –smit**

Sincerely ,

Wang Xiance


Dear Beckham ,

First of all , please allow me to express my heartfelt invitation to you. Since the Spring Festival is coming shortly , I sincerely invite you to come to China and spend the holiday with me.

Spring Festival is of much importance to Chinese people. It has a long history and Chinese have attached much importance to the holiday. To be exact , the Spring Festival has been the most significant holiday. The Spring Festival is to Chinese what Christmas is to the Westxxxers. If you come , I am going to accompany you to fairgrounds (庙会), where you can have a close look at some of the Chinese traditions. I am looking forward to your reply.

Sincerely Yours

Li Min

初二上第二单元英语作文 第4篇

Why is it so important to learn English?

Do you think it would be fun to have access to information that other people can't get?Talk and write letters to interesting people that others can't communicate with?Impress people around you whenever you opened your mouth?Make big jumps in your career,leaving others miles behind?

You can get all these if you speak English well.

English language is the intxxxational language meaning 60% of the worlds population are speaking in means that we can communicate well if we do know how to speak the will help you gain friends not just locally but it will open some doors for you to venture on other countries like UK.,USA,and the likes to spend either vacation or for studying the instructions given in some appliances,gadgets,equipments,food labels and etc were mostly written in you will get better understanding of what is going on.

And finally,English is xxx of the most frequently used languages in the world.

初二上第二单元英语作文 第5篇




















































初二上第二单元英语作文 第6篇


1.太平天国运动兴起的标志是( )

A. 金田起义

B. 攻占长沙

C. 攻占南京

D. 永安建制

2.如图与下列哪一事件相关( )

A. _战争

B. 第二次_战争

C. 甲午中日战争

D. xxx联军侵华战争

3.自清朝以来,《中国地图》的形状颇似一只昂首的雄鸡,但在中国近代由于哪一个国家的大肆侵占,使雄鸡的鸡头和鸡尾变小了( ) A. 英国

B. 日本

C. 美国

D. 俄国

4.某书中写道:“对于中国人来说,这场战争是一块界碑。它铭刻着中世纪古老的社会在炮口逼迫下赶往近代的最初的一步。”以下属于“最初的一步”的是 ( )

A. 开放上海为通商口岸

B. 允许日本在通商口岸设厂

C. 赔偿白银四亿五千万两

D. 准许外_队保护使馆界

5.标志着近代中华民族危机开始和大大加深的条约是( ) A. 《南京条约》 中俄《北京条约》

B. 中俄《北京条约》 《马关条约》

C. 《马关条约》 《辛丑条约》

D. 《南京条约》 《马关条约》

6.“珍爱生命,远离_”是全人类的共识。_是一种对社会危害极大的_,在禁绝_、铲除_方面,我们应该永远铭记( ) A. xxx徐虎门销烟

B. 左宗棠收复新建

C. xxx黄海抗日

D. xxx抗击洋枪队

7.历史学家xxx在他的《近代中国社会的新陈代谢》一书中写道:“对于中国人来说,这场战争(_战争)是一块界碑,它铭刻着中世纪古老的社会在炮口逼迫下赶往近代的最初的一步。”说“这场战争”是中国“赶往近代的最初的一步”的主要依据是 ( )

A. 中国市场大门被打开

B. 中国社会性质发生了变化

C. _成为社会主要矛盾

D. 国家主权和领土完整遭到破坏

年9月,令浙江宁波一带的老百姓奔走相告、xxx庆的喜讯最有可能的是( )

A. xxx发动金田起义

B. xxx定都南京改名为xxx

C. xxx击毙了洋枪队头目华尔

D. 义和团把侵略军围困在廊坊

9.“列强的炮声惊醒了古老中华帝国的美梦,中华民族的屈辱史──中国近代史开始了。”这里“列强的炮声”指的是( )

A. _战争

B. 第二次_战争

C. 甲午中日战争

D. xxx联军侵华战争

10.下列历史事件与南京无关的是( )

A. _成立

B. xxx战役的胜利

C. xxx丧权辱国条约的签订

D. xxx事变

11.下列有关中国近代史的评述最全面的是( )

A. 是一部中国沦为半殖民地的历史

B. 是一部反抗侵略争取光明的前途的历史

C. 既是一部屈辱史又是一部抗争史

D. 是一部科学技术文明高度发展的历史

12.我国当代一位著名的文化学者说:“废墟是昨天派往今天的使者,废墟让我们把地理读成历史。”从圆明园遗址的废墟中,我们可以解读的历史是( )


B. 英法联军攻战北京

C. 洋务运动破产

D. 义和团抗击xxx联军

13.虎门销烟显示了中华民族反对外来侵略的坚强意志。领导虎门销烟的民族英雄是( )

A. xxx徐

B. 魏源

C. 左宗棠

D. xxx

14.近代以来侵占我国领土最多的国家是( )

A. 英国

B. 日本

C. 美国

D. 俄国

15.是改革开放三十九周年,回顾历史,宁波曾是通商口岸;改革开放后,宁波又是十四个沿海开放城市之一。比较前后两次“开放”,其不同在于( )

A. 前者是丧权辱国的,后者是独立自主的

B. 前者是主动的,后者是被动的

C. 两次开放都取得了辉煌成果

D. 两次开放都增强了国力

16.回顾近代中国历史,每翻开一页都是血泪斑斑的屈辱,战败、割地、赔款……。然而,位于伶仃洋上的广东省珠海市一个xxx岛上的人民却在_战争前的1836年以大无畏的气概战胜了入侵的英国殖民侵略者,迫使其投降并赔偿白银三千两。当地村民为了让后人永记这xxxxxx抵御外来侵略取得胜利的光辉历史,激励后人更加热爱祖国,用赔款铺建了一条2公里长的花岗岩“白石街”,目前都完好的保存在岛上。”你知道这条“白石街”(下图)现在何处( )

A. 桂山岛

B. 横琴岛

C. 淇澳岛

D. 担杆岛

17.曾经不可一世高高在上的_一夜之间被英国人打得颜面扫地,这掀开了中国一百多年的屈辱史。这场导致中国走进屈辱历史的战争是( )

A. _战争

B. 第二次_战争

C. xxx联军侵华战争

D. 中法战争

18.观察下表,导致表中税率变化的主要原因是( )1843年前后xxx两国进出口货物税率变化表





19.有一座城市,见证了中国xxx平等条约的签订,成为中国屈辱外交的起点,它同时也是__统治的终点。请问这座城市是指( )

A. 北平

B. 南京

C. 武汉

D. 台湾

世纪初,xxx联军发动可耻的侵华战争,强迫清政府签订的不平等条约是( )











材料三 xxx(1849年10月4日-1894年9月17日),汉族,原名永昌,字正卿,广东广府人,籍贯广东番禺县龙导尾乡(现为广州市海珠区),清末北洋水师将领,民族英雄。








“1(1840~1949年)沧桑巨变,换了人间。北京天安门,曾在19见证了西方列强的野蛮,在19见证了中国人民的觉醒;1949年的秋天,它终于迎来了一个崭新的共和国。为了这一天的到来,一代代中华儿女前赴后继,在这峥嵘百年中历经无数艰难坎坷。他们的业绩,将永远载入中华民族伟大复兴的史册。” ──《复兴之路》解说词





























































【解析】【分析】 1839年6月3日,xxx徐下令将缴获的_在虎门海滩当众销毁。故答案选A。










【解析】【分析】_战争前,许多外国船只曾停泊xxx澳岛金星门海域。1833年10月,外国_ 船员与淇澳村村民发生了一场严重的冲突,外国_贩子组织十余条武装 舢板,xxx澳村开枪开炮,淇澳村民奋起还击,击退了他们的进攻。这是在_战争前夕,中国人民自发反抗外国殖民者侵略规模较大、时间较早的斗争,它比广州三元里抗英斗争早8年,在近代中外关系史上占有重要的地位。故选C项。














































初二上第二单元英语作文 第7篇






初二上第二单元英语作文 第8篇

“我回来了!”爸爸大喊着,小心翼翼地跨过门槛,满面春风地笑着说;“ 今天,我们家来了一位神秘而奇怪的客人。”“谁啊?” 我好奇地问。“噔噔噔噔!”爸爸把背在身后的手拿到了前面——一个xxx马。我端详着这匹xxx马,情不自禁地发出啧啧的赞叹声——

这匹xxx马长约35厘米,高约45厘米。一双机灵的黄耳朵直竖在马头上,仿佛是听到了主人呼唤它的声音,让它杀回战场;一双炯炯有神的眼睛直勾勾地盯着前方 ,仿佛是看见了前方等待的主人,眼睛里闪着光;一张嘴巴微微张开,头稍稍向上抬着,仿佛在仰天长啸,让主人听到它响彻云霄的叫声,知道它的存在与到来;一缕缕金黄色的鬃毛披在马颈上,在微风的吹拂下卷成了一股“波浪”。






初二上第二单元英语作文 第9篇



lantxxx /lnt (r)n/ n. 灯笼 stranger /streind (r)/ n. 陌生人

relative /reltiv/ n. 亲属;亲戚 put on 增加(体重);发胖

pound /paund/ n. 磅(重量单位);英镑 folk /fulk/ adj. 民间的;民俗的

goddess /gdes/, /gA:d@s/ n. 女神 steal /sti:l/ v. (stole /stul/, stolen /stuln/) 偷;窃取

lay /lei/ v. (laid /leid/, laid) 放置;安放;产(卵);下(蛋) lay out 摆开;布置

dessert /di’z:(r)t/ n(饭后)甜点;甜食 garden /ga:(r)dn/ n. 花园;园子

admire /dmai (r)/ v. 欣赏;仰慕 tie /tai/ n. 领带 v. 捆;束

haunted /h:ntid/ a. 有鬼魂出没的;闹鬼的 ghost /gust/ n. 鬼;鬼魂

trick /trik/ n. 花招;把戏 treat /tri:t/ n. 款待;招待v. 招待;请客

spider /spaidr)/ n. 蜘蛛 Christmas /krisms/n. 圣诞节

fool /fu:l/ n. 蠢人;傻瓜 v. 愚弄adj. 愚蠢的 lie /laI/ v. (lay /leI/, lain /leIn/)平躺;处于

novel /nvl/, /na:vl/ n.(长篇)小说 eve /i:v/ n(尤指宗教节假日的)前夕;前夜

bookstore /bukst:(r)/ n. 书店 dead /ded/ adj. 死的;失去生命的

business /bizns/ n. 生意;商业 punish /pnis/ v. 处罚;惩罚

warn /w:(r)n/ v. 警告;告诫 present /preznt/ n. 现在;礼物adj. 现在的

nobody /nubdi/, /nuba:di/ pron. 没有人 warmth /w:(r)mθ/ n. 温暖;暖和

spread /spred/ v. 传播;展开 n. 蔓延;传播 Chiang Mai /tinmaI/, /da:nmaI/ 清迈(泰城市)

Halloween /hlui:n/ 万圣节前夕 St. /seint/ Valentine’s /vlntainz/ Day 情人节

Clara /kla:r/, /kler/克拉拉(女名) Santa /snt/ Claus /kl:z/圣诞老人

Charles /ta:(r)lz/ Dickens /diknz/查尔斯 xxx(英)

Scrooge /skru:d/ 斯克鲁奇n.(非正式)吝啬鬼 Jacob /deikb/ Marley /ma:(r)li/雅各布 xxx


1. the Lantxxx Festival 元宵节 2. the Dragon Boat Festival 端午节

3. the Water Festival 泼水节 4. be fun to watch 看着很有意思

5. eat five meals a day 一天吃五餐 6. put on five pounds 体重增加了五磅

7. in two weeks 两星期之后 8. be similar to... 与.......相似

9. throw water at each other 互相泼水 10. a time for doing sth. xxx事的时候

11. the traditional of… … 的传统 12. in the shape of... 呈……的形状

13. folk stories民间传说故事 14. go to…for a vacation 去…度假

15. wash away 冲走;洗掉 16. lay out摆开;布置

17. end up最终成为;最后处于 18. share sth. with sb. 与……分享……

19. as a result结果 20. xxx,. . the other... (两者中的)一个……xxx个……

21. take sb. out for dinner 带某人出去吃饭 22. dress up 乔装打扮

23. haunted house 鬼屋 24. trick or treat (万圣节用语)不给糖果就捣蛋

25. fly up to… 飞向… 26. take sb. around…带某人到处走走

27. play a trick on sb.捉弄某人 28. give out 分发

29. the importance of…. …..的重要性 30. care about….. 关心

31. call out 大声呼喊 32. remind sb. of xxx人想起

33. sound like 听起来像 34. treat sb. with. 用/以……对待某人

35. the beginning of new life 新生命的开始 36. the spirit of.. . ….的.精神

October the 31st 在10月31日 touching 多么动人

good luck in the new year在新的一年里有好运气 40. in need 需要帮助;处于困境中

41. not only…but also…不但…而且… 42. between…and… 在…和…之间


1. What + a(n) + 形容词 + 可数名词的单数形式(+主语+谓语+其他)! 多么…..的…..!

2. How + 形容词/副词(+主语+谓语+其他)! …..多么….!

3. be going to ….将要/打算….. 4. in + 时间段 在…后

5. give sb. Sth. 给某人某物;把某物给某人 6. plan to do sth. 计划xxx事

7. refuse to do sth. 拒绝xxx事 8. xxx of + 名词复数形式….之一

9. It is + 名词 + 动词不定式 xxx事是…. 10. What…think of….? …认为…怎么样?

11. make sb. do sth. 让某人xxx事 12. used to be 过去是….

13. warn sb. to do sth. 警告某人xxx事 14. tell sb. to do sth. 告诉某人xxx事

15. decide to do sth. 决定xxx事 16. promise to do sth.承诺xxx事


1. I think that they’ re fun to watch.


2. What do you like about.. . ?

What do you like best about the Dragon Boat Festival?


3. What a great day!


4 .1 wonder if...

I wonder if it’ s similar to the Water Festival of the

Dai people in Yunnan Province.


5. How+adj. /adv. + 主 + 谓!

How fantastic the dragon boat teams were!


6. What do/does+sb. + think of sth. ?

What does Wu Yu think of this festival?


7. It’s my favorite festival because...



1). 宾语从句


① 由连接词+ 主语+ 谓语 构成


②由that 引导 表示陈述意义 that 可省略

He says (that) he is at home. 他说他在家里。

③由if , whether 引导 表示 一般疑问意义(带有是否、已否、对否等)

I don’t know if / whether Wei Hua likes fish.


④由 连接代词、连接副词(疑问词) 引导 表示特殊疑问意义

Do you know what he wants to buy? 你知道他想要买什么吗?





He said (that) he was at home. 他说他在家里。

I didn’t know that she was singing now. 我不知道她正在唱歌。

She wanted to know if I had finished m homework.


Did you know when he would be back? 你知道他将会什么时候回来?

2). 感叹句


感叹句通常由 what 或 how 引导。现分述如下:

一、由 what 引导的感叹句,其句子结构可分为以下三种:

1. 可用句型:“ What + a/an +形容词+可数名词单数(+主语+谓语+ 其他)!”。如:

What a nice present it is! 它是一件多么好的礼物啊!

What an interesting book it is! 它是一本多么有趣的书啊!

2. 可用句型:“ What +形容词+可数名词复数(+主语+谓语+ 其他)!”。如:

What beautiful flowers they are! 多么漂亮的花啊!

What good children they are! 他们是多么好的孩子啊!

3. 可用句型:“ What +形容词+不可数名词(+主语+谓语+ 其他)!”。如:

What fine weather it is today! 今天天气多好啊!

What important news it is! 多重要的新闻啊!

二、由 how 引导的感叹句,其句子结构也分为三种:

1. 可用句型:“ How +形容词 / 副词(+主语+谓语+ 其他)!”。如:

How careful she is! 她多么细心啊! How fast he runs! 他跑得多快啊!

2. 可用句型:“ How +形容词+ a/an +可数名词单数(+主语+谓语)!”。如:

How beautiful a girl she is! 她是个多么漂亮的姑娘啊!

3. 可用句型:“ How +主语+谓语!”。如:

How time flies! 光阴似箭!

由 what 引导的感叹句与由 how 引导的感叹句有时可以转换,但句中部分单词的顺序要有所变化。如:

How beautiful a girl she is! = What a beautiful girl she is!

What delicious cakes these are! = How delicious these cakes are!


如: Good idea! (好主意!) wonderful! (太精彩了!) Thank goodness! (谢天谢地!)

初二上第二单元英语作文 第10篇






初二上第二单元英语作文 第11篇


Ⅰ.Words and Phrases:

not ?为什么不呢? alxxx独自

3. xxxer老虎 猴子

不同寻常 around环顾

7.(all)by xxxself完全靠自己 longer不再




a)I want to read the book.


a)Something is there.

b)I can’t hear anything.

c)Can you see anything?



.①说汉语时,往往会把两个动词放在一起连用,而英语中,两个动词连用,中间须加上 表示不定式符号的“to”。

②除了want, start以外,到目前为止,我们所学过的可以用动词不定式作宾语的动词还有 like, hope, mean, begin等。


don’t want to go there.我们不想去那。

stared to look around the island.


father likes to go fishing on Sundays.


hope to go there tomorrow.我希望明天去那。

mean to go by myself.我打算自己去。

began to rain.天开始下雨。

must stay here and find our lunch.











no xxx

(2)一般情况下,somebody、something等词用于肯定句,而anybody, anything等词用于否定句、疑问句或从句中。



a)somebody is coming.有人来了。

b)Is there anybody here?这有人吗?

c)Would you like something to drink?你要来点喝的东西吗?

d)Whay don’t you ask somebody to help you ?


e)Shall we get something to drink ?


g)I have something important to say.



you coming with us tomorrow ?


这里用现在进行时表示将来的动作,可以用于这种用法的动词主要有come, go, see, leave, start,表示按计划或安排即将发生的事。

. We’re leaving soon. 我们马上就离开。

2. Let’s go to the farthest xxx instead.



比较级farther(比较远的) further(更进一步的)

最高级farthest(最远的) furthest(最大程度上的)

’ve never been there before.我们以前从未去过那。

have been to +地点表示“曾经去过什么地方”。

never是个表否定意义的副词,译为“从未”,“未曾”。如这个结构后面接的是副词,如 here、there,则不必用介词to。

has never been abroad.他从未出国。

’t you hear anything? 难道你没听到什么声音吗?

Can’t…?是一种否定疑问句形式。在这里对于同伴没听到声音表示惊讶。另外,否定疑问句 还可以表示责难、赞叹等情绪或提出看法、建议、邀请等。

. Can’t you come a little earlier?你就不能早来一点吗?(责备)

We’re all by ourselves. Isn’t that great ?


’s pull it out of the water.让我们把它从水中拉出来。

The children pulled the boat up from the water.


Let’s push the boat out and go home.


其中pull与push是两个意义相反的动词。pull表示拉的意思,即to draw(拉)sth. Along behind or after xxx while (当) moving;而push表示推的意思,即to use sudden(突然的)or steady(持续平稳的)pressure(压力)in order to (目的是) move sth. or sb.

a)He pulled the case into his room.


Don’s push, wait your turn to get on the bus.


picnic basket was no longer under the tree.


no longer(=not…any longer)表示“不再”的意思,一般修饰延续性动词,表示动作或状态 不再继续。在句子中,一般放在实义动词之前,或情态动词、助动词和be动词之后。

a)I no longer live here.我不再住这儿了。

(=I don’t live here any longer.)

We are no longer students.我们不再是学生了。

(=We are not students any longer.)

He can no longer sing.他再也不能唱了。

(=He can’t sing any longer.)

won’t go until we get it back again.


“not …until”意思是“直到……才……”,表示直到某一时刻或某一动作结束,xxx动作 才开始。


a)I don’t know it until you tell me.


(=I know it after you tell me. )




(2)keep + n. + adj./adv.使维持某种状态

(3)keep + n. + doing让……继续……

a)Can I keep this book ?我可以保留这本书吗?

b)This coat will keep you warm.这件外套可以让你暖和。

c)He kept me waiting for half an hour.


, round与about

(1)这三个词在多数情况下可以互换,意为“各处”、“在周围”、“大约”;但在表示“环 绕”时,一般不用about和round,而用around。



a)They sat around the teacher.他们围坐在老师身旁。

b)My home is around the school.我家在学校附近。




(2)意义:表示希望得到肯定回答,故而这类句子常用来提出邀请或表示感叹,也可表示吃惊 等。




Did you go to see Helen yesterday ?

How was she ?


Wouldnt’ you like to go with us ?


Don’t you know it ?


Isn’t it fine today ?

Yes, it is .

No, it isn’t .



(1)Can’t you hear anything/anybody ?


I can’t hear anything/anybody.我什么也听不见。

(2)There’s somebody/something/nobody there.


(3)Maybe it is a (xxxer).那可能是(只老虎)。

(4)I can hear/smell something. There may be…



(1)How far is it from Beijing to Tianjin?


(2)Is it near from Beijing to Tianjin?


(3)What’s the distance between Qingdao and Shanghai ?


(4)It’s quite near. 相当近。

(5)It’s about…kilometres a way.大约有……公里近。


A 卷


[ ] [ ] [ ]

[ ] [ ]


(复数) (反义词)

(反义词) (过去式)



’s go to the smallest island.(反意疑问句)

has never been there before.(反意疑问句)

the basket under the tree.(变为否定句)

are some animals on the island.(变为一般疑问句)

can hear something.(变为否定句)


we go to island?

A. the farthest B. farthest C. farest D. farther

is nobody the island.

A. in B. at C. under D. on

’s so dark here that I can’t see .

A. something B. anything C. any D. anythings

school now.

A. to B. for C. from D. to

think rice is than noodles.

A. much delicious B. more delicious C. delicious D. deliciouser

. Bob left her daughter at home by .

A. himself B. hisself C. herself D. her

shall we bring tomorrow’s picnic?

A. with B. of C. for D. at

boys and girl are their way to school.

A. for B. in C. from D. on

9.“Here the bus .”means“The bus is coming.”

A. are B. is C. comes D. coming

the Great Wall last Sunday.

A. visit B. visit C. will visit D. are visiting

11.“Who is ”“ me.”

A. it, It’s B. you, I’m C. that, That is D. it, That’s

12. two hours to finish this work.

A. It took me B. I took C. They took me D. I spent

13.-Need you go yet ?

-Yes, I .

A. need B. needn’t C. must D. mustn’t

family large.

A. is B. are C. were D. be

15.“Would you like to go with us for a picnic tomorrow ?”

A. I would like B. I’d like to go C. I’d like D. I’d like to

suit cost much mxxxy that he could’t buy it.

A. very B. too C. so D. such

woman looked .

A. worried B. worriedly C. worrying D. worry

is not milk in the bottle.

A. any B. some C. little D. few

19.“ does your father go to work?”

“By bike.”

A. What B. How C. Who D. When

you jump the queue, people won’t be .

A. pleasure B. pleased C. please D. pleasant


must go home .(立刻)

the boys .(和我们一起去)

a !(好主意)

’t .(别害怕)

B 卷


. whole B. who C. whose D. whom

. hear B. bear C. near D. chear

. doctor B. teacher C. worker D. serve

. new B. drew C. threw D. true

. cook B. cut C. care D. catch


is the (nine) month of the year.

spends (little) time on maths than Mary.

3. Would you mind my (smoke) here ?

was a (rain) day.

brought us a (surprise) news.


1.“Which island is , the small xxx or the large xxx ?”“The small xxx is .”

A. farther B. farer C. long D. far from

2.“How is it from here to your home town?”

“About 200 kilometres.”

A. far B. far away C. long D. far from

can’t go to Japan by but we can go there by .

A. sea, land B. land, sea C. land, train D. air, land

she is ,the old woman doesn’t feel .

A. alxxx, alxxx B. lxxxly, alxxx C. old, alxxx D. sad, happy

5. The boy smelt the food and it smelt .

A. well B. good C. badly D. terribly

have nothing this aftxxxoon.

A. go do B. doing C. to do with D. do

in the evening.

A. usually am at home B. am usually at home

C. am at usually home D. both A and B

you afraid going alxxx at night ?

A. of B. to C. with D. for

, Mr. John .

A. no longer lives here B. lives here not longer

C. doesn’t live here any longer D. both A and C

is living in Shanghai. So his children won’t go there to see him .

A. no longer, no more B. any longer, any more

C. any longer, no more D. no longer, any more

students are having a good time in the park. Some are drawing by the lake. Are climbing the hill.

A. Others B. Other C. Another D. The other

didn’t go to see the film yesterday she was ill.

A. but B. until C. if D. because

shall have an English evening next week.

A. some time B. sometimes C. sometime D. sometimes

will the workers xxx year to build the hospital.

A. bring B. take C. use D. spend

15.“Must I go to bed at nine o’clock, mum?”

“No, you .”

A. can’t B. needn’t C. mustn’t D. must

doctor told me more water.

A. drinking B. drank C. to drink D. drink

will tell him the news as soon as he back.

A. come B. will come C. comes D. came

’t hurry. We still have time left.

A. little B. few C. a little D. a few

River is river in China.

A. long B. longer C. longest D. the longest

20.“Hello! May I speak to Mike?”

A. Who are you ? B. Sorry, he isn’t in.

C. Thank you very much. D. Yes, here you are.


When Jimmy was a boy, he liked watches and clocks very m 1 .When he was eighteen years o 2 , he j 3 the army, and after a year, he began to teach himself to mend watches. A lot o 4 his friends brought him broken watches, and he mended them f 5 them.

Then his captain heard a 6 this. One day he brought Jimmy a watch too, and said, “My watch has stopped. Can you m 7 it for me, please ?”

Jimmy said, “Yes, sir, I can.”After a few days, he brought the watch back to the captain.

“How m 8 should I pay you?”the officer said.

“One pound, sir,”Jimmy replied. Then he took a small box o 9 of his pocket and gave it to the captain, saying. “Here are your three wheels(机轮)f 1 your watch. I didn’t find a place for them when I put everything back.”



Mr. Churchill was twenty years old and not very rich. He was not married and he lived in two rooms in a small house in a city.

Every summer, Mr. Churchill went down to the sea for a holiday. He stayed in small, cheap hotels(旅馆), but he always wanted to have a clean room. He hated dirty places.

One summer a friend of his said, “Go to the Hotel.”I went there last year and it was very nice and clean.

So Mr. Churchill went to the . But there was a different manager(经理) that year.

The new manager took Mr. Churchill to his room. The room looked quite nice and clean, but Mr. Churchill said to the manager, “Are the sheets(床单)on the bed clean?”

“Yes, of course they are! ”he answered angrily. “We washed them this morning. Feel them. They are still damp(潮湿的).”

. Churchill was very rich and lived in a big house.( )

Churchill was not married and lived alxxx in a city.( )

summer, Mr. Churchill went down to the sea to fish.( )

stayed in a big hotel because he wanted to have a clean room.( )

sheets on the bed are clean and dry.( )


When Mike and Kate were coming home from school yesterday aftxxxoon they saw a crowd of(一群) people.

Mike and Kate joined the crowd(人群). They were surprised to see two thieves(贼) in the street. The thieves were running out of the bank(银行). They were holding(提 着)bags full of mxxxy. The bank manager(经理) was running after them.

A policeman was standing among the crowd, but he didn’t do anything.

“Quick!”Mike shouted to the policeman, “Can’t you see those thieves?”

The policeman smiled. He pointed at a big camera(摄影机). “We’re making a film,”he said.“Those men aren’t real thieves. They’re actors(演员).And I’m not a real policeman, either. I’m an actor, too.”

and Kate saw a crowd of people on their way .

A. to the school B. to the cinema C. home D. to the shop

were the children surprised ? Because they saw .

A. a policeman B. two thieves C. a bank manager D. an actor

thieves were running away .

A. with much mxxxy B. in a car C. with bags of books D. with cameras

policeman saw the thieves, .

A. and he did something B. but he did anything

C. and caught them D. but he did nothing

were the“policeman”and the“thieves”doing ?

A. Taking photos B. Putting on the play C. Making a film D. Playing a game


A:Have you 1 to Nanjing ?

B:Yes, I’ve been there once 2 my dad.

A:How 3 is it from here?

B:It’s about 1160 kilometres.

A:Which is 4 from Beijing, Nanjing or Shanghai ?

B:I think Shanghai is.

A:That’s right. Nanjing is nearer 5 Shanghai.


daughter has some story books in her bag.

Some story books in my daughter’s bag.

tell me how I can get to the museum.

Please tell me the museum.

maths problem was very difficult. No xxx could work it out.

The maths problem was difficult no xxx could work it out.

green coat is not as expensive as the red xxx.

The red coat is expensive the green xxx.



We’ve .


you hear ?


There’s your ears.


Let’s the boat the water.


Can you do it ?

The key to unit 25

A 卷

Ⅱ.1. monkeys 2. without 3. push 4. felt 5. kept

Ⅲ.’s go to the smallest island, shall me ?

2. Tom has never been there before, has he ?

3. Don’t put the basket under the tree ?

4. Are there any animals on the island?

can’t hear anything.

Ⅳ.1~5A D B B B 6~7C C D C B

11~15A A C A D 16~20 C A A B B

Ⅴ., once 2. will, go, with, us 3. good, idea 4. be, afraid

B 卷

Ⅰ. 1. A 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. D

Ⅱ. 1. ninth 2. less 3. smoking 4. raining 5. surprising

Ⅲ.1~5 A A B A B 6~10 A B A D D

11~15 A D C B B 16~20 C C C D B

Ⅵ. 2. old 3. joined 4. of 5. for 6. about 7. mend 9. out 10. from

Ⅴ. 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. F 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. D 10. C

Ⅵ.1. been 2. with 3. far 5. than

Ⅶ.1. There, are 2. how, to, get, to 3. so, that 4. more, than

, been, there, before.

2. Can’t, anything

3. something, wrong, with

4. pull, out, of

5. all, by, yourself

初二上第二单元英语作文 第12篇





初二上第二单元英语作文 第13篇



(1)fall off the bike从自行车上摔下来

(2)hurt xxxself伤着自己

(3)teach xxxself自学

(4)enjoy xxxself过得愉快



(7)the Shute familyxxx一家

(8)get dressed穿衣服

(9)help xxxself (to)自用,随便吃

(10)be up起床

II. Grammar:

1.情态动词can / can’t及过去式could / couldn’t的用法。



A. Grammar :



. a) Could you ask him to call me , please ?


(2)表示“过去能够/有能力……”,could / couldn’t是can / can’t的过去式,在这种情况下,can与could不能互换,can表示现在或目前的状况,而could表示过去的状况,两个词有时间上的差别。

. a) Could you swim two years ago ? 两年前你会游泳吗?

No , I couldn’t . 不,我不会。



myself yourself himself herself itself

ourselves yourselves themselves


① (all) by xxxself 独自,靠某人自己。例如:

. a) She can do it all by herself .


②hurt xxxself 伤着自己,受伤。例如:

I hope she didn’t hurt herself . 我希望她没受伤。

③teach xxxself . . . = learn sth . by xxxself 自学。

. a) She teaches herself English .

= She learns English by herself .

④buy xxxself sth . 给自己买某物。

. a) I can buy myself lots of good things .


⑤enjoy xxxself 过得愉快(=have a good time)。

. a) I always have a good time .

= I always have a good time .

⑥look after xxxself 自己照料自己。

. a) He could not look after himself . 他不能自理。

⑦wash xxxself . 自己洗漱。

. a) He could not wash himself . 他不能自己洗漱。

⑧help xxxself to . . .请随便(取、吃什么东西)。

. a) Help yourselves to the cakes . 请随便吃些蛋糕。


1. Her first ride on a bike . 她第一次骑自行车。


. a) Go for a ride in a car . 乘车出去兜风。

(2)这是一个用作解释插图的词组。插图说明往往只要求言简意赅,可以不用句子而用词组来描述即可。如插图3的说明:A swimming lesson .插图6的说明:Help ! Not so clever !

2. Look at this photo of Lily .看莉莉这张照片。

this photo of Lily强调的是“照片中的人物就是莉莉”。

假如要强调这张照片归莉莉所有,要用Lily’s photo .

3. She’s falling off her bike . 她正从自行车上摔下来。

fall off = fall down from 意思是“从……上摔下来”。

. a) Be careful ! Don’t fall off the ladder .


4. He had lots of mxxxy . 他有许多钱。

(1)lost of表示“很多”的意思,等于a lot of,即可以修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词。

. a) He had lots of (a lot of ) friends .他有许多朋友。

(2) many / much也是“很多”的意思,但many只可修饰可数名词,much只可修饰不可数名词。

. a) I didn’t have many books . 我没有很多书。

b) He didn’t have much mxxxy . 他没有很多的钱。

everybody in the USA is rich . 在美国并非每个人都富有。

像everybody , everyxxx , everything , all , both这类总括词与not连用,表示部分否定。

. a) Not all of us like this film .


(=Some of us do like the film , some don’t like the film .)

6. The Shute family lived in the southxxx part of the USA .



The Shute family = The Shutes xxx一家

The Green family = The Greens 格林一家

The Turner family = The Turners 特纳一家

(2) southxxx由south + xxx构成,是个形容词,读作[’s ± á n],意为“南方的”、“南部的”。类似的词还有:

east + xxx = eastxxx 东方的,东部的

west + xxx = westxxx 西方的,西部的

north + xxx = northxxx 北方的,北部的

7. He could not wash himself or get dressed .


get dressed 表示主语自身做的动作,类似用法如下:

get washed 洗脸 (wash xxxself)

get lost 迷路

get confused 迷惑不解

get married 结婚


1. all right的用法


. a) You look pale . Are you all right ?



. a) Is it all right if I come to see you tonight ?



. a) Sorry , I’m late .


That’s all right .



. a) All right . What time ? 好呀。几点了?


(1)have on , wear , in表“穿、戴”状态;put on表动作;dress可表动作,其被动式be dressed表示状态。



. a) Could you dress the children for me ?


②be dressed in指某人在某场合穿什么衣服。(多强调颜色)

③have on指“穿”的状态,后可接衣服、帽子、鞋子等能穿戴的东西,但它不能用于进行式。

. a) He has on a blue coat today .


④put on 指“穿”的动作,反义词为“take off”。

. a) You should put on your jacket . 你应该把夹克穿上。


He is wearing a ring today .今天他戴了个戒指。

⑥be in表示状态后接衣服,也可接颜色。例如:

The boy in black is my brother .


put on



have on

be dressed (in)

be in


(1)Could she swim when she was . . . years old ?


Yes , she could . 是的,她会。

No , she couldn’t . 不,她不会。

(2)Did she learn all by herself ? 她是完全自学的吗?

Did he enjoy himself ? 他过得愉快吗?


(1)Help yourself / yourselves to . . . 请随便吃些……

(2)I’m afraid so .恐怕如此。

(3)Would you like a drink ?你要来杯饮料吗?

Yes , please . 是的,请给我来一杯。

No , thanks . 不要,谢谢。

(4)Don’t forget anything . 别忘了什么东西。

(5)Thank you for having us . xxx待我们。

It was my pleasure . 不客气。


a)The problem is easy I can do it by myself . (我可以自己把它作出来)

b)He learned to write by himself . (自学写字)

c)I think he didn’t hurt himself (他没受伤)that night .

d)He is old enough to dress himself and wash himself .(自己穿衣、自己洗脸)

e)He is too young to look after himself .(不能自己照顾自己)



1. clever [ ] 2. learn [ ] 3. rich [ ] 4. mxxxy [ ] 5. enjoy [ ]


1. photo(复数) (复数) (过去式)

(过去分词) (名词)


may read it next year .(变为否定句)

is a clever girl .(变为感叹句)

is falling of the bike .(划线提问)

. Fat had a lot of mxxxy .(反意疑问句)

were very happy .(变为感叹句)


. Baker can do the work all.

A. himself B. by himself C. by herself D. by himself

2. A young man Thomas came this aftxxxoon .

A. name B. names C. naming D. named

is his birthday . He buysa lot of things to eat .

A. he B. him C. his D. himself

going to Britain for a short holiday .

A. The Green’s family B. Green family

C. The Green family D. Green’s family

5. I think Mary isgirl .

A. a clever quite B. quite a clever

C. a quite clever D. quite clever a

6. Take the boythe teacher . The teacher wants to talk with him .

A. at B. in C. to D. for

child said that he woulda famous scientist when he grew up .

A. turn B. get C. become D. was

boy isa school suit(校服)today .

A. on B. in C. to D. for

’s go to see a film tonight ,?

A. will you B. shall we C. don’t you D. do you

10. It is too dark here in the room . Turnthe light .

A. in B. on C. off D. down

book is.

A. Bob and Mary’s B. Bob’s and Mary’s

C. Bob and Mary D. Bob’s and Mary

12. TomorrowMay 4.

A. is B. shall be C. will be D. is going to be

old film on TV tonight .

A. will have B. is going to have C. is going to be D. is going to is

14. He is teaching methe computer .

A. how to use B. to how use C. to use D. how using

15. Who sings, Rose or Kate ?

A. better B. best C. well D. the best

’d betterout at night .

A. not go B. don’t to C. not to go D. not go

17. I have gotstamps .

A. two hundreds B. two hundreds of C. hundred of D. two hundred

18. There is little ink in the bottle ,?

A. isn’t here B. is it C. is there D. was there

isyoungjoin the army .

A. so , that B. too , to C. very , not to D. so , to

youme the waythe station ?

A. say , to B. tell , of C. tell , to D. talk , for



shecan read it.


This is hera bike .


I hope she didn’t.


Li Ming doesn’tvery much .


1. A. hundred B. him C. hour D. hear

2. A. make B. know C. kite D. cake

3. A. these B. boys C. this D. case

4. A. want B. often C. it D. today

5. A. minded B. stayed C. called D. played


pupil is clever enough to do the problem(easy) .

girl went to see her grandma(her) last night .

a good(write) your child is !

(care) not to get your shirt dirty .

is(fool) of you to ask such a question .


, she began selling newspaper .

A. At B. In the age of C. At the age D. At the age of

don’t think you arethan your brother .

A. clever B. much clever C. the cleverer D. cleverer

3. He can’t carry thestxxx , he can carry thexxx .

A. large , small B. large , little C. big , large D. great , small

4. Last Sunday his brotherthe tall tree and broke his right leg .

A. fell off B. fell of C. felt off D. fallen in

5. I haveEnglish for three years but I beganJapanese last month .

A. to learn , to learn B. learned , learned

C. learned , to learn C. to learn , learned

6. The mother is dressingin the bed-room .

A. a shirt B. with a blouse C. her son D. in a coat

book isI writename in it.

A. mine , mine , myself B. me , my , myself

C. my , my , myself D. mine , my , myself

villagers built a lot of new buildings.

A. themselves B. yourselves C. by themselves D. by yourselves

9. “Why didn’t you go to school yesterday ?”

“I was ill .”

A. Since B. As C. Because D. For

10. “Whose dictionary is this ?”

“ It’s ’s Ann’s .”

A. he , she B. him , her C. his , she D. his , hers

he been here ? will he leave for his hometown ?

A. How long , How soon B. How long , How often

C. How often , How long D. How soon , How long

12. I’d like to have a cup of milk and.

A. two breads B. two pieces of breads

C. two pieces of bread D. two piece of bread

13. How long does ityou to travel from Beijing to Shanghai ?

A. spend B. take C. make D. use

. Brown is from.

A. United States B. the United States C. the America D. United State

15. “your family?”

“They are all right .”

A. What are B. Who are C. How about D. Where are

16. There arewords in the text of theLesson .

A. hundred of , Fifth B. a hundred of , Fiveth

C. hundreds of , Fifth D. hundreds of , fiveth

is muchthanin his class .

A. more tall , any other student

B. more tall , anyxxx else

C. taller , any other student

D. taller , any other students

18. He went onhis homework because he didn’t finish it yesterday .

A. did B. do C. to do D. doing

came to listen to the report .

A. Less and less B. Many and many C. More and more D. Few and few

you don’t know the word , you mayin the dictionary .

A. look it at B. look up it C. look it up D. look it for


Long long a 1 ,there lived an old peasant in a small village . He lost his donkey and he wanted to go to town to buy a 2 . Among the donkeys o 3 sale . He saw his own d 4 .

“This donkey is mine ,” he said to the man standing by the donkey . “Somexxx stole it from me three years ago .”

“How is that ?” the man said . “It has been mine f 5 three years .”

“Three years ?” the peasant said , “Are you sure ?” Then he quickly covered the eyes of the donkey w 6 his hands and asked , “Which eye is it blind(瞎的)in ?”

“The right e 7 ,” said the man .

The peasant took away his right hand and people saw the donkey’s right eye was clear and shining .

“I’ve 8 a mistake ,” said the man . “I meant to say the left eye .”

“It is not blind in either eye ,” said the peasant . Then he said to the people around , “It’s clear(明显的)this man is a thief .”

The people caught the thief and took him t 9 the policeman . The old peasant got his own donkey b 10 .



Rosetta’s class at school were studying English , and xxx day their teacher said to them , “Well , boys and girls , on Friday we’re all going to Danting . There’s a beautiful castle(城堡)there , and we’re going to visit it .” The boys and girls were very happy when they heard this .

“Now , has anybody got any questions ?”

“How old it this castle , sir ?” Rosetta ,” the teacher answered .

“What’s the name of the castle , sir ?” another boy asked .

“Danting castle ,” the teacher said .

On Friday the boys and girls came to school at 9 o’clock and got into the bus . They visivted Danting castle , and then they came back and went home .

“Well ,” Rosetta’s mother said to him when he got home , “Did you like the castle , Rosetta ?”

“Not very much ,” Rosetta answered . “The foolish people built it too near the railway .”

’s class would visit an old castle on Friday .( )

was their teacher .( )

boys and girls were very happy to hear that they would visit the castle .

went to the castle by bus .( )

liked the castle very much .( )


New York , London , Paris and other big cities are exciting places to live in . There are many interesting things to see and to do . You can go to different kinds of museums , plays and films . You can also go shopping to buy things from all over the world . But there are serious(严重的)problems in big cities too . The cost(费用)of living is high , and there are too many people in some places of big cities . Every year many people move to the cities because there are some chances(机会)to find jobs , to study at good schools , and to receive good medical care(医疗). But sometimes these people cannot find work or a good place to live in . Also , too many people in small space make it hard to keep the cities safe and clean .

Some people enjoy living in big cities , others do not . Before people move to big cities , they should think about the problems of living there .

6. Which is the best title()for this passage ?

Cities .

York , London , and Paris .

Places to Live in .

Problems in Big Cities .

big cities people can.

to different kinds of museums

all kinds of plays and films

things from all over the world

, B , and C

8. Which of the following is true ?

cities are not safe and clean enough .

can easily find a good place to live in big cities .

in big cities doesn’t cost a lot .

people like to live in big cities .

the passage the writer advised(劝告)people.

move to a big city

to move to a big city

to move to a big city without thinking about the problems there

to think too much about the problems before they move to a big city .

10. Which is not talked about in the passage ?

York and London are big cities , and so is Paris .

cities are better than small cities .

cities are exciting places to live in .

cities have a lot of serious problems .


A:Good morning , Mr. Brown ! 1 .

B:Good morning , Doctor . Can you help me , please ?

A: 2 .

B:Well , my head hurts .

A:Your head ? Where ?

B:This part , here .

A:You mean the front of your head ?

B:Yes !

A:I see .

B:Also my leg .

A:Your leg ? 3 .

B:The left xxx .

A:It looks all right to me ! What’s wrong with it ?

B: 4 .

A:Hmmm ! Well , Mr. Brown . You must not work so hard . You’d better rest for three days .

B: 5 .

A. What’s wrong ? B. Thank you ! C. Which xxx ?

D. What can I do for you ? E. I can’t move it .


has a fine voice .

voice she has !

spent two years in building the bridge .

Ittwo yearsbuild the bridge .

is twenty-three , I am thirty-two .

He is nine yearsI .

don’t know what I should do next .

I don’t know whatnext .



Can Tom do it?


I cangood things .


He’ll beif Ixxx small.


some fish .


The doctorJames .

The key :



1. photos 2. families 3. rode 4. fallen 5. operation


may not read it next year .

a clever girl she is !

is she falling off ?

. Fat had a lot of mxxxy , didn’t he ?

happy they were !



, next , year

, ride , on

, herself ,

, himself








, a , fine

, them , to

, than

, do


, by , himself

, myself , lots , of

, do , operation

, yourself , to

, over

初二上第二单元英语作文 第14篇






初二上第二单元英语作文 第15篇





初二上第二单元英语作文 第16篇








初二上第二单元英语作文 第17篇

Of all kinds of movies, I like comedies best. I think they're interesting. My favorite actor is Jackie. I like his movie King of Comedy. I think it’s a successful comedy. For action movies, I like The Lord of the Ring best. It’s exciting. I like documentaries because they’re true stories. I like only some thrillers. Many thrillers are scary and boring.

初二上第二单元英语作文 第18篇


唐老鸭歪着头,二手叉腰, 张着八字腿站立着。它的整个形态逼真,栩栩如生。它的头上戴着一只绿色的海军帽,二只眼晴睁得大大的,嘴巴噘得扁扁的,好像在生气,又好像在点头致意。身上穿着一件xxx背心,胸前还系着一个绿色的领结,显得很神气。脚和底板连接着。它的背上有一个扁扁的洞,钱币就从这个洞里放进去。每当我得到了钱币,总会往它的背上放。



我家有好几件工艺品,但我最喜欢的是xxx。xxx是一个装一个的,它们的形状一样,而大小不一。 今天听老师说了,xxx有五个的、七个的、十个的、十二个的,最多的还有十五个的。我的xxx只有五个。





初二上第二单元英语作文 第19篇

1、写课题(Topic)和课型(Lesson Type)

课题相当于文章的标题,讲课时要首先告诉学生,并写在黑板上。因此要写得准确。课型是指该节课的讲授类型。初xxx语的主要课型有::新授课(New lesson)、巩固课(Reinforcement Lesson)、复习课(Revision Lesson)、语音课(Phxxxtic Lesson)、听力课(Listening Lesson)、听说课(Aural-Oral Lesson)、阅读课(Reading Lesson)、语法课(Grammar Lesson)等。不同的课型应用不同的授课方式或方法,只有确定了课型,才能选择有效的素质教育教学方法。

2、写教学目标(Teaching Objective)


3、写教学的重点(Main/focal Points)、难点(Difficult Points)和关键点(Key Points)


4、写教具(Teaching Tools)


5、写教学过程(Teaching Procedure)








初二上第二单元英语作文 第20篇






初二上第二单元英语作文 第21篇



He thinks he isn't pretty healthy. He doesn't like exercise, so he does exercise once a week. He is very fat. He doesn't like vegetables, so he hardly ever eats vegetables. He likes eating junk food. He thinks it is very nice. He eats them about four or five times a week. He loves milk, but he doesn't drink it every day. He only drinks them two or three times a week. He eats fruit once or twice a week. But he sleeps nine hours every night. His lifestyle is not very well. But he knows healthy lifestyle helps him get good grades. He tries to eats some vegetables and eats lots of fruit. And he wants his parents to play sports with him. He wants to be the healthiest.

watch TV every day. Some students watch TV twice a week. Some students watch TV four times a week. Some students have sports every day. Some students have sports twice a week. Most students have sports four times a week. All the students do homework every day. No students do homework twice or four times a week.

unit2假设xxx是你的朋友,他目前的身体状况不好。他从来不锻炼,他经常感到很紧张,很疲倦,他爱吃零食,有时会胃疼。这几天,他感冒了。头很痛。请写一封信给他,并给他一些建议。 Dear LiPing,

I am sorry to hear that you are not feeling well。I think you should see a doctor,then you should take some medicines,and drink a lot of water。You said you are stressed out and tired。Why do not you listen to music and go to bed early。

You should also try to exercise。Eating less junk food。Eating more healthy food,like apple,orange and milk 。I think they are good for your health。

I hope you feel better soon!


unit3.版本一:假设你的一个笔友上个星期天来看你,你安排了一个游玩计划,大意如下:早晨8:30在火车站接他后来到苏州动物园。那里有很多不同种类的动物。12:00吃午饭。然后乘车前往虎丘(Tiger Hill),那里风景秀丽,你们玩得很开心等。(字数60左右)

One of my pen pals came to see me last Sunday. I went to meet him at the train station at 8:30 . We went to Suzhou Zoo together then. There were many different kinds of animals. At 12:00 we had lunch. After that we went to the Tiger Hill by bus. It was very beautiful there and we enjoyed ourselves very much.

版本二: 十一、要求是我十月一日去哪里度假可以想象,和谁一起去为什么去那里度假什么时候出发,那里天气怎么样,在那里呆多长时间。

Onthe holidaymorning ,I,because thisday is myfriend's birthday,myfriendwantedme to go totheparkwithher,so I wenttotheparkwithmy friend, ,, weleft ataboutnineo' 'shome withmyparents,,() ,In the evening,Iatedinner with

myparents atmyaunt'shome,ateighto'clock,wewent ’mveryhappy,howaboutyour’sholiday?

unit4.根据下列育英中学八年级(1)班学生上学方式的调查表,用英语写一篇短文。不少于70 个单词。

to school in different ways. Fifteen students take buses because they live far from the school. Ten students walk. They think walking is good for their health and they live near the school. Twenty-five students ride their bikes to school because they like riding bikes very much and their homes are not very far from the school. No xxx goes to school by car

unit5.版本一:你去Marry家,想问问她去不去参加你的生日聚会,但是她不在家,你给她留了便条。 任务:






Dear Marry:

I'm XXX(你的名字). Tomorrow is my birthday, I want to invite you to take part in my birthday, can you come tomorrow? The party will begin at half past six in the evening. My parents, friends and classmates will come, you can see them in the party. If you come to my birthday party, please make a phxxx call to me, I will be pleased that you can come.

Yours, XXX

版本二:你的好友Sonia过生日,你不能去,请写一封e—mail 说明理由,你有一些什么事要做(至少3件事),不能参加了,但你准备了一份精美的礼物请注意电子邮件的格式

Hi Hey,

Thanks for your invitation. I’m sorry I can’t come to your party this week. I am really busy This evening I’m going to my cousin’s birthday party. And tomorrow, I have to go to the dentist. (Yuck!) On Wednesday, I have tennis training with the school team. And I have to study for my chemistry test on Thursday. On Friday evening, I’m going to the movies with some friends. Can you come to the movies with us on Friday?

Write soon,


Unit7.版本一: 周末,同学们准备开一次聚会,在聚会上,大家想自己动手制作一些喜欢吃的东西,许多同学爱吃牛肉三明治,你会做吗?请你根据下面所给的材料,写出制作牛肉三明治的过程。2 slices of

bread; 1 teaspoon of cheese; 1 green pepper; 1 onion; mushrooms;3 slices of beef; 2 teaspoons of relish


1. 审题。本篇作文要求写如何制作牛肉三明治,注意祈使句的用法。

2. 列出相关的短语和句子: 全面用到上面所列出的短语,及不可数名词表示计量的方法(数字 + 量词 + of + 不可数名词)。3. 谋篇。注意使用句型,特别是first,next,then,finally 四个副词的用法。4. 注意。某些动词的'使用,如:put...on...;cut up;add...to...等。5. 写作 现在同学可以按照上面的写作过程来写作啦!

xxx First, put the cheese on a slice of bread. Then cut up a green pepper and an onion. 版本二:请你写一篇制作玉米花(popcorn)的小短文。注意使用first, next, then, finally等表示过程的词。不少于50个词。

How to make popcorn

I like popcorn very much. I learned from my mother how to make popcorn. Now let me show you the ways. First you put the popcorn into the popper. Next, turn on the popper. Wait for several minutes. Then you pour the popcorn into the bowl. And put salt on the popcorn. Finally you can eat the popcorn.



Michelle Kwan is famous. She is an American figure skater. Her father, Danny, is Chinese. Her mother's name is Estella. She is an American. She was born on July 7, 1980. She has a brother and a sister. Michelle has won seven medals at National Championships of America, and has won eight medals at the World championships. She has also won two Olympic medals, the silver medal in 1988, and the bronze medal in .



My good friend Mike

I have a good friend. His name is Mike. He was born in September, 1988 in a small town near London. He is a middle school student. He came to China with his parents two years ago. His parents are teaching English in China now. He and his parents like China and Chinese food very much


My Dream Job

Everybody both has a dream job. Do you want to know what I want to be in the future? Well, I want to be a singer. Because I love singing very much. And I think that I can sing on the stage(舞台). I will move to New York and be a singer there。And I will sing my favorite English songs there. Although it is a tired job, I love it . Because when I sad, I can sing songs to be happy and I will become very popular. That’s so interesting and exciting. For my dream job , I will sing every day and sing well. I hope that day come quickly, I can’t wait! How about you? What’s your dream job?


When I grow up , I’m going to do what I want to do. I’m going to move somewhere interesting. Pairs sounds like a city that I could enjoy. They have lots of fashion shows there. I want to be a reporter for a fashion magazine. So how am I going to do it? First, I’m going to find a part-time job for a year or two and save some mxxxy. Then I’m going to be a student at art school in Paris. And I’m going to study French at the same time. Next, I’m going to hold art exhibitions because I want to buy a big house with the mxxxy and I’m going to travel all over the world. Finally, I’m going to retire somewhere quiet and beautiful. Unit11.版本一:假如你叫Dave。你和父母明天将去度假。请写一xxx条给你的好朋友xxx,请他帮你照看你的猫(cat)。


1.请使用Could you ?句式及祈使句。




1. Could you please??

2. Please …

3. Don't forget to …

Dear Li Ming,

My parents and I are going on vacation tomorrow. I went to your house, but you weren't in. I need some help. Could your please




初二上第二单元英语作文 第22篇

姓名__________ 得分_______


1. 在图书馆对面_____________________ 2.紧挨着银行____________________

3. 在超市和邮局之间____________________ 4. 在投币式电话附近____________________

5. 在第五大街上____________________

6. Across from the post office____________________

7. Next to the park____________________

8. Between the bank and the library_____________________

9. In the library____________________ 10. have a good trip____________________


11. ---Do you e________ your work? --- Yes, I like it very much.

12. There is a big park in the n____________. You can play in it.

13. His grandparents’ house is a ________ from the bank.

14. Your shoes are clean, but my shoes are d_________.

15. Is there a bookshop n________ to the park?

16. Go s_________ and turn left on Fifth Avenue.

17. I’m very h__________. I want to eat some food.

18. There are many books in the school l________.

20. There is a library b________ the post office and the supermarket.


21. A good __________(begin) makes a good ending.

22. The boys are good at swimming. They are good _________(swim)

23. Linda enjoys _________ (listen) to music every day.

24. The hotel with an __________(interest) garden is Mr. Smith’s.

25. There are four _________(library) in our city.

26. I know she ________(go) home at five every day.

27. There ________(be) a teacher and some students in the classroom.

28. There ________ (be) some students and a teacher in the classroom.

29. The bank is _________ (cross) from the library.

30. Across from the shop ________ (be) some restaurants.


at, with, from, on, in, between, near, next to, through, across, about

31. I like Chinese food, what ________ you?

32. ---Where is the post office? --It’s ________ Fifth Street.

33. ---Is there a hotel ________ here? ---Yes, it’s not far from here.

34. I play volleyball ________ my friends after school.

35. The pay phxxx is ________ the post office and the library.

36. ---Where’s the library? ---It’s ________ the bank.

37. Lisa is ________ the United States. 38. Please look ________ your book.

39. Take a walk ________ the park. 40. An old hotel is ________ from the park.


41. There is a house ____ a garden next to the park. A: in B: on C: with D: about

42. Walk along the street, then you can see a bank ____ your right.

A: in B: on C: from D: at

43. I often take a walk ____ the park in Second Avenue.

A: across B: through C: pass D: cross

44. There is a big desk between ____ and ____.

A: he, I B: he, me C: him, I D: him, me

45. There ____ a bank in the neighborhood. A: have B: has C: is D: are

46. The pay phxxx is ____ Green Street and it’s across ____ the hotel.

A: in, to B: on, from C: at, through D: in, through

47. Her parents often ____ after dinner.

A: take a walk B: takes a walk C: take to walk D: take walking

48. --- Is there a hotel near here? --- Yes,____ A: it is B: there is C: it isn’t D: there isn’t

straight and turn ____. You can see the school.

A: to left B: the left C: for the left D: left

50. We enjoy the party. We ___ at the party.

A: has a fun B: has fun C: have a fun D: have fun

51. There ____ a desk and two beds in the room. A: are B: is C: has D: have

52. Can you tell me the way ____ the park? A: at B: to C: of D: for

53. You can ____ some music here. A: listen B: see C: enjoy D: look

54. The hotel is ____ the market and the bank. A: both B: in C: next to D: between

55. My house is ____ the garden. A: across in B: cross from C: across from D: across at


56. Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the airport?(改为同义句)

Excuse me. ________ ________ the airport?

57. There is a video shop near here.(改为一般疑问句,并做否定回答)

________ ________ a video shop near here? ________, ________ ________.

58. There is a book store near here.(改为否定句) There ________ a book store near here.

59. The bank is on Green Street.(对划线提问) ________ _______ the bank?

60. Walk through the street and you can find it.(改为同义句)

________ ________ walk through the street and you can find it.

61. She likes bananas.(一般疑问句) ________ she ________ bananas?

62. The bridge is across from the hotel.(对划线提问) _______ ________ the bridge?

63. There are some books on the desk.(否定句) There ________ books on the desk.

64. Can Jim play the guitar?(作否定回答) ________, he ________.

65. I sit on Jack’s right and on John’s left.(同义句) I sit ________ Jack _______ John.


66. 这个图书馆是个读书的案情的地方。

The library is a ________ place to ________ _______.

67. 你能告诉我去旅馆的路吗?

Can you tell me ________ ________ ________ the hotel?

68. 沿着中央大街走,然后向右拐。

________ ________ Center Street and ________ ________.

69. 图书馆在超市和邮局之间。

The library is ________ the supermarket ________ the post office.

70. 这家旅馆在我家对面。 This hotel is _______ ________ my house.

71. 欢迎返校。 ________ ________ to school.

72. 在这儿附近有一个带花园的房子。

There is a house ________ ________ ________ near here.

73. 让我们去散步吧。 Let’s ________ _______ ________.

74. 你喜欢游泳吗? ________ you enjoy ________?

75. 周围有旅馆吗? ________ _________ a hotel around here?


A. Is it on the right or on the left? B. I’m sorry. C. Can you tell me how I can get there D. You’re welcome E. Excuse me F. But the library isn’t big.

Jenny: __76__ Is there a library in the neighborhood?

Gina: Yes, there is a library near here. __77__ It is small.

Jenny: That’s OK. __78__

Gina: Well, walk down Green Street and you can see the library.

Jenny: __79__

Gina: It’s on your left and next to a school.

Jenny: Thanks a lot.

Gina: __80__


Mrs. White lives in the country. She doesn’t know London very well. One day, she goes to London. She can’t find her __81__. Just then she __82__ a man at a bus stop.

“I can’t ask him the way.” She says to __83__ and asks, “Excuse me. Can you __84__ me the way to King Street?” The man smiles with __85__ answer. He __86__ know English. He speaks Japanese. He is a visitor. Then he __87__ his hand into his pocket(口袋), __88__ a piece of paper and lets her __89__ it. On the paper are these words, “ Sorry, I __90__ English .”

( )81. A: street B: way C: room D: house( )82. A: looks at B: watches C: sees D: looks

( )83. A: herself B: himself C: myself D: themselves

( )84. A: speak B: say C: talk D: tell ( )85. A: not B: an C: no D: any

( )86. A: don’t B: doesn’t C: isn’t D: does( )87. A: puts B: takes C: brings D: gives

( )88. A: bring out B: take out C: takes out D: takes away

( )89. A: to see B: look at C: to look at D: watches

( )90. A: am not speak B: don’t speak C: don’t say D: don’t talk


It’s not very hard to find your way from the station to the school. When you come out of the station, turn left and walk until you reach the traffic lights. Turn left again, and you will be on St. John’s Street. Keep walking until you come to the cinema. Just behind the cinema, there is a very narrow(窄的)street on the left. That is Robert Street. The school is about 200 metres down this street on the right. There is a hospital on the other side.

91. The passage(短文)tells you how to get to the ____.

A: cinema B: traffic lights C: school D: hospital

92. When you come out of the station, you must turn ____ so that you can reach the traffic lights. A: left B: right C: round D: back

93. The very narrow street is ____ the cinema.

A: across from B: in front of C: behind D: next to

94. A hospital is on the ___ side of Robert Street. A: right B: left C: another D: the other

95. It’s ____ to find your way from the station to the school.

A: easy B: difficult C: quite D: quite hard.

Visiting Mineral City

Mineral City is an interesting place to visit. It is a beautiful little town with many old buildings.

Take a walk through the center of the town on Main Street. Look first at the Mineral City Hotel. It is on the corner of Main Street and Glenn Avenue. It is about 150 years old and people will stay there. There is an interesting old building across the street from the hotel. This is the old post office. Now it is a store for books and videos. There are many places to eat on Main Street. You can get lunch or dinner in xxx or these places. There is a park between Main Street and Oak Street. You can sit on a bench(长凳) in the park. It is nice and quiet, and you can enjoy the trees and flowers.

You can also take a walk down Glenn Avenue. Look at the old buildings and interesting little stores on this street.

( )96. Mineral city is ____.

A: a big city B: a busy city C: a beautiful town D: an old building

( )97. The store for books and videos is ____. A: across the street from the hotel

B: on the corner of Main Street C: on Glenn Avenue D: behind the park

( )98. There is a ____ park between Main Street and Oak Street. A: beautiful and old

B: nice and quiet C: busy and dirty D: big and interesting

( )99. There are some ____ on Glenn Avenue. A: hotels B: post office C: new buildings and quiet parks D: old buildings and interesting little stores

( )100. Which is Not True?

A: The Mineral City Hotel is on the corner of Main Street and Glenn Avenue.

B: The Mineral City Hotel is about 150 years old.

C: There are many places to eat on Main Street.

D: The Mineral City Hotel is a beautiful and new building.


Where is the hotel?

Let me tell you how to get there. Go ___

初二上第二单元英语作文 第23篇

The Intxxxet is important for people today. More and more people use the intxxxet every day, because it is fast and convenient. The Intxxxet can help us do a lot of things. We can use the Intxxxet for finding information and we can enjoy lots of songs, movies and games on the Intxxxet. We can also talk to different people in other countries through the Intxxxet.

The Intxxxet may be fast and convenient, but it may also get you into trouble. So we should know how to use it correctly. If you do, you can really have a convenient life with the Intxxxet.