四级英语满分作文 第1篇

Since the policy of Reform and Open in the last century, Chinese economy develops so rapidly. At the same time, the technology catches up with the world. The popular social communicational tool Wechat was created in China, but now it conquers the world and people is crazy about it.

The reason why people like to use Wechat is that the functions are all-sided. Before Wechat, the most popular social communicational tool like facebook though is creative, it has to download another software to better communication. While for Wechat, everything is simple, you don’t need to download another software. What’s more, you can pay and have the webcam with your friends. The comment that your friends give to you is more private, only the common friends can share. As it is so convenient, people say that they can do everything with a smart phone at hand.

Technology changes our life and people’s need promotes the improvement of technology. We use our wisdom and create the new things. We should be proud of us and show to the world that Chinese people are creative.

四级英语满分作文 第2篇

The conception of green consumption has gradually become popular in China. More and more green foods are making their appearance on the market and more and more people are becoming conscious of environmental protection.

However, there still exist quite a few difficulties in the further promotion of green consumption. On the one hand, many people are still not quite clear of the advantages of green foods. On the other hand, due to high profits, many fake green foods are found in the market. Moreover, many consumers don’t want to pay extra money for green foods.

There may be several ways to solve these problems. Firstly, the government should supervise the good quality strictly to protect consumers’ interests. Secondly, the conception of green consumption should be further promoted and emphasized. Thirdly, the government should work together with manufacturers to make the price more reasonable.

四级英语满分作文 第3篇

Today is the second day of the winter vacation. In order to make the winter vacation work quickly, I suddenly heard that the --corner of the winter vacation-- was completed. I finally put down the big stone in my heart.

Finally, I could easily and happily say my anger and the --good news-- of the whereabouts of my parents. My parents will be happy for me. I didn\'t expect my father to be cold He said, --what\'s the use of doing so quickly? The teacher gives you a few days to complete these assignments.

How can you the summer vacation knowledge and the literature knowledge of last semester well?-- after listening to this, I found that my father said it was very reasonable. Hey, if I arrived as early as this, I would not do so, but there is always a way. I like this --crazy fool-- that will never be the same again God, I read a fairy tale called --golden touch--.

The story I benefited from was that there was a king who loved money, not the people around gold. Therefore, the king personally went to the gods to show their wishes to the gods. Whatever they met would be gold.

The gods just laughed and gladly satiied the king\'s request, but life was preparing a big meal. When he picked up a piece of bread, the king\'s wish would be gold, Bread has turned into gold, and the king was very happy. He did not see the bread turn into gold.

He took a bite of bread. The king didn\'t expect that his two front teeth were lost. The king never ate and was beaten to death.

Although my daily life is very monotonous, I try to adapt to it. Why? Because I want to be a good student. I hope to serve my country every morning I get up at six o\'clock to wash my face and brush my teeth.

I begin to review my lessons. I go to school at seven o\'clock. After school, I usually go home for dinner.

Then I start to do my homework. I want to finish it before my birthday. Yesterday is my birthday.

So some of my classmates gave me presents. My mother prepared a tea party for me. I invited them all to the tea party.

From six thirty, we had cold drinks and snacks We thought we were the happiest people in the world. Time passed quickly. The clock on the wall struck nine o\'clock.

We had to say goodbye to each other.



四级英语满分作文 第4篇

There is no denying that people suffer more stress from many aspects, including work, study and family. We strive for better education, decent jobs, and better housing. All these efforts produce tremendous stress.

Too much stress can lead to negative results. First, people may suffer from various physical problems, such as insomnia, tiredness or pain. Second, people may undergo mental disorder, including irritability, depression and so on. Worst of all, some people commit suicide due to the unbearable stress.

Many steps can be taken to reduce stress. To begin with, a right attitude towards life and work is essential. Dont be a workaholic, nor expect too much from life. In addition, share the stress with your families or friends. A proper outlet for stress will do you much good. Most important of all, enjoy whatever you do will make your life meaningful and fruitful.

四级英语满分作文 第5篇

Along with the improvement of living standards, people are no longer content with being fed and clothed adequately. They are more concerned about how to enhance their sense of happiness.

To a large extent, happiness depends on individuals’ understanding about it. For some people, happiness relies on material basis, without which they can\'t live comfortably and decently. For others, they believe that happiness has nothing to do with money. Thus to enhance happiness is not equal to improving one’s material living standards. Instead, people are supposed to confront their life with right attitude, to be active and grateful in order to have a happy life.

For my part, money does buy happiness, but only up to the point where it enables one to live comfortably. To boost one’s happiness not only needs the material but also the spiritual enrichment. It encompasses living a meaningful life, utilizing your gifts and your time, living with reflection and objective.

四级英语满分作文 第6篇

The breath of a mother is as sweet as a mother, like a daughter. Children are the wealth of their parents. A child is the sweetest and purest thing in the world.

He has no children and doesn\'t know what it is to love children. Before they can become stupid, they will learn to crawl. The boy will become a boy soon.

A boy saves sticks and spoils children more than a dozen girls bechhttp://bloghjen Glishcom / hongweiweiweibeibei.



四级英语满分作文 第7篇

On the Senior Empty Nests

For most senior students in universities, the last academic year has nothing to do with academics. To the frustration of professors, few courses are attended by students. And dorms are almost vacant with few lodgers. This kind of phenomenon, which has been called “Senior Empty Nests”, is common among universities of China.

Where have those absent senior students gone? Some lucky dogs have gone to their new jobs while the majority are still striving to get a job or engaging in their internship outside of the campus. The severe employment pressure has pushed senior students into employment market earlier. The anxiety of getting a job before graduation disturbs the restless mind of every student, which leads to skipping school of most students.

In my view, with senior students leaving campus earlier, their time of education has been reduced, which puts them in a disadvantaged position in the employment market. Students should start job hunting after finishing the courses of the last academic year. At the same time, the universities should provide career education for senior students.


The resources of the earth are limited. We should cherish and cherish these resources. So we\'re going to do garbage sorting, and reuse the available resources again.

At home, remind everybody garbage classification, water bottles, cans, such as waste paper packed together to sell, resources recycling, and made money, the waste batteries, cartridges, etc in the recycling bins. In school, you can reuse and reuse garbage, put in two different trash cans, one is recyclable and one is unrecyclable. Learn from your classmates and discuss ways to classify rubbish. In the suburbs, we will use two bags to classify garbage, pick up the garbage that we see and classify it, so that it is the best young pioneers. This allows you to easily categorize.

Everyone is sorting garbage, and the earth is beautiful. We will see the thick wood, the clear water, the blue sky and the blue sea, everyone has a sweet smile.

四级英语满分作文 第8篇


Some people believe that only material wealth is a sign of success while others hold that wealth alone cannot be the measure of success. Which view do you agree with?

写作范文:Money Is Not Everything

Does contemporary society gauge one\'s achievements merely according to how much money one possesses? Or are there alternative means to determine whether one is successful or not? Personally, I agree with the latter though I concede that money does account for something.

Admittedly, success would be a straightforward matter if it is entirely based on monetary terms, And money does provide various conveniences which render life much more comfortable. No one can deny that a poverty-stricken life mostly is not a successful one. However, money is by no means the only device to calibrate one\'s achievements. There are many wealthy people who are also selfish and even unscrupulous; they accumulate their wealth by exploiting others or through other devious means. In contrast, there are also a large number of people who have made a significant contribution to society even though they are not all that rich. Furthermore, if our society condones the notion that money is of paramount importance and should be obtained at the expense of integrity, honesty and other time-honoured values, then moral corruption is inevitable which will result in dire consequences.

In summary granted, money is important and even constitutes a crucial element of our society. Yet, success entails a myriad of different aspects and should be gauged not solely by one\'s monetary possessions. (218 words)


四级英语满分作文 第9篇

Today is the first day of our winter vacation. We are all very happy. Why? Because we have a month to do what we like to do.

Although we have some homework, we can finish it in a few days. During the rest time, we can make full use of my God. We are very tired.

After studying hard in winter vacation, I want to have a full sleep and eat good food The last but not the least, I will have a good rest. This is the second day of our winter vacation. I feel very good.

I feel free. I have a lot of time to do what I like. My parents are in Beijing, so I live alone, but I don\'t feel lonely, but I don\'t do anything special.

I stay at home and watch TV. Oh, I wrote today is my homework, I\'ve been sleeping for hours. I think I\'m tired.

It\'s time for dinner. I have to go. I\'m hungry.



四级英语满分作文 第10篇

Playing basketball is my favorite sport. I have played it for many years. I remember when I was a child, basketball brought me a lot of happiness and fun.

Now, I am a member of our school basketball team. Whenever our school matches other schools, I feel proud. I am very happy that I can be one of the representatives of our school.

When I hear the students cheering for us, I will try my best to shoot my favorite basketball player Yao Ming. I hope one day I can represent my country.

