大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第1篇

When students enter college, it is natural for them to relax, because they have went across the important stage and start to open the new chapter. Most students believe that college life should be full of fun and they don’t need to study hard, so they sleep in the class. While they get the wrong idea.

College is the very important stage for students to learn the major knowledge. What they learn will decide what kind of work they will take in the future. If they want to take advantages over other students in the job market, then they must have the skills. This is what they learn in the class, sleepy students will miss have important part of learning knowledge.

To learn better in the class, college students should take the regular schedule. Most students are addicted to playing computer games and stay up. They always sleep a few hours and then just go to class for the presentation. They don’t care about what the teacher say.

It is the terrible situation for college students to use their energy on the activities instead of study. Sleeping in the class has become some students’ choice. They need to balance the activities and study.





大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第2篇

when i was in high school, I had to study all the time and hardly had spare time to do what i wanted , I had to focus on my textbooks and doing exercise again and again. Therefore, I had little time to read magazines and novels and watch TV. what was worse, I couldnt play with my friends a lot, which I couldnt stand the most. In a word, all i did in high shool should be considered for the College Entrance Examination.

However, my college life is totally different from the life in high can arrange my time freely. I spend most of my time reading in the library, where I can open my eyes and broaden my my free time, I also join some clubs,where i can make a lot of friends of different majors. My teachers in college are so kind and knowledgeable that they not only teach us knowledge but also how to be a person and how to get on with others. In addition, there are more opportunities for me to improve myself.

I believe college life is an important stage in my life. In college, i can learn how to learn by myself, how to get on with others, how to live provides me with a stage where i can show myself and be myself.




大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第3篇

It has been two years since I first got to university. Some of my classmates say that the college life is boring, because they have plenty of time but do not know what to do. However, from my point of view, the campus life in college is interesting and colorful as long as you make it meaningful. 距我第一次去上大学已经两年了。


In the first semester in college, I didn\'t relax and I still worked hard as I was in the senior school. I usually spent two hours in study at night and I went to the classroom forautonomous the difference is that I have many extracurricular activities. For example, I went to the English Corner regularly on Tuesday night, in which I could practice my spoken English and make friends with common interests.


Besides, I join the Student Union of my department. In the Student Union, I have a group of workmates who work hard together and support to each other. Actually, it looks like a big, warm family that we can share our lives together. During various activities, I realize the importance of team spirit that helps us go further.

此外,我参加了系里的学生会。在学生会里,我有一群同事,我们一起努力工作并且互相支持。在各种各样的活动中我意识到团队精神的重要性,它能帮助我们走得更远。 Finally, college is great stage to improve a student and show one\'s abilities. In college, I know more about our society and get more channels to explore the outside world. I realize that I am not only a student but also an adult who is preparing to step into the society.


In short, I cherish my life in college campus and I will try hard to make it colorful as well as meaningful.


大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第4篇


No matter what you want to accomplish in the period of college, you must first know exactly what you really want to achieve. Most people are not clear about what they want. As a result, they put most of their energy in thinking but not spend their time and money to take action.


What you have to do to enjoy what you want in your college life is to take action. Not just take part in several boring activities, you should devote in what you really love. If you do it like that, maybe you can get to where you want.


Once you have taken some action, no matter what the result is, you will get is success, which means that you successfully achieve what you want. Owing to during this time, you will know braver person than you and learn precious experience from them.


In college life, what’s more important is study, you need to be persistent. If you want to learn about a subject or a skill just like playing the piano, just spend 30 minutes on it every day. And after four years, you will see the different results.


Investing in yourself also is a way to study. If possible, learn directly from credible source. For example, our major is English; we can communicate with foreign teacher in English. Of course, if you make good use of this knowledge, do you think you will succeed in college? Not likely, but you will definitely increase the chances hundredfold.


大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第5篇

When students go into college, they need to join in the group, because there is no way for them to live alone. They have new classmates and roommates. How to fit in the group is the main problem for them to solve. A successful student can handle it well.


To fit in the group, the students must have the collective consciousness. As most students are only child in the family, so they don’t know how to get along well with their roommates. They always notice themselves and ignore others’ feelings. But as they live in a dormitory, they need to realize these. Only in this way can make everybody live in a harmonious environment.


To fit in a group, students also need to be honest. As many students live in a common surrounding, it is easy to have conflict, because different cultures happen among students from different regions. Then it is important to be honest and try to talk about the problem, or the conflict will bigger.


It is a big lesson for students to learn get along with others. The one who handles well are trend to be get successfully easily.


大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第6篇

For college students, when the graduate season comes, it is time for them to think about their future and figure out what kind of job they want to work on. Some students choose to work in the company while others decide to start a business on their own. Both options have their advantages.


For the ones who work in the company, they can gain the work experience directly. For a new in the job market, they don’t have the resource, so it is a good choice to work in a big company. They can earn money and make their ends meet. At the same time, it is very important to fulfill themselves.


For the ones who start a business, they don’t have to be limited by the place and the working hour. They can do whatever they want with their talent. It is good to take control of everything by one’s own. They can learn a lot of things in the process of running their business.


Everyone\'s job option depends on the individual’s situation. No matter what choice a student makes, the most important thing is to gain experience.

工作的选择取决于个人的情况。不管学生做出什么样的选择, 最重要的是获取经验。

大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第7篇

When students go into college, they need to join in the group, there is no way for them to live alone. They have new classmates an student can handle it well.


To fit in the group, As most students are only child in the family, so they don’t know how to get along well with their roommates. They always notice themselves and ignore others’ feelings. But as they live in a dormitory, th environment.


To fit in a group, surrounding, it is easy to have conflict, different cultures happen among students from different regions. Then it is important to be honest and try to talk about the problem, or the conflict will bigger.


It is a big lesson for students easily.


大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第8篇


Just before exposure to English, I am very excited. Almost every night to sleep, always thinking to read english. Now, I have been learning English for six years, I found that I love you more and more English, and found that life can not be separated from it. I made up my mind to learn English well, you must. Every day I went to ask the teacher, ask the students. Before long, my English has improved. I am in the process of learning English, gained a lot of happiness. Therefore, I love english!


大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第9篇

my ideal job is to be a teacher .first,being a teacher is my my teachers teach me very well and they are clever .when i was a little child ,i found being a teacher was very like to stay with students all day students are very sunny and believe i would be very happy to teach them lots of knowledge.


大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第10篇

With time goes by, it becomes a bit hard for me to remember everything about myself at the first day of my college life. However, there was one thing for sure that I did feel quite excited and curious about my university. There is no doubt that students like me have struggled for a long time so that can be permitted to enter the university.

Bringing with expectation, I got into Zhejiang Gongshang University. Generally speaking, it\'s an interesting and fantastic place for us to study and live in. Every day a series of outgoing people get into my eyesight. Curious and out of politeness, I\'d talk to them heart to heart. Here I make friends with my new classmates from everywhere around China. What\'s more, time and weather permitting, I will enjoy jogging or playing basketball with my classmates on the playground, tired but happy. When staying in dormitory, I choose to read news online and sometimes watch a film for relaxing. However, a good student can never leave his study behind. When it comes to study, hard problems never upset me, instead they arouse me. Rather than ignoring it, I\'d think carefully for a while and ask my classmates for help.

To be honest, there are some things I don’t deal with properly. For instance, once I spent nearly a whole day playing com*r games. Personally, we university students are already *s and it\'s our obligation to develop ourselves in college by learning new professional skills. Not until we take a right attitude towards our study and life can we win a rich and colorful experience in college.




大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第11篇

liu hua is my best friend. she is less tall than i, but of stronger constitution. she looks more like a boy than a girl and is strong willed. at college, we spent a lot of time together reading, talking,singing and laughing. whenever we were together we feel happy and carefree.


we have much in common regarding ow education, background, interests and hobbies. we often help each other andlearn from each other. once,when she was in the hospital for an operation on her appendix, i took care of her in every way possible, which made xiang song (the young teacher who shared the ward with her) envy our friendship. when i was preparing for put graduate exams, she did the cooking and urged others to help me. after graduation we parted. she went to argentine. i was still in ustc. we promised to meet in the united states. so we both worked hard at our lessons.


true friendship lasts a long time. hard work is rewarding and three years later, we me again. true to our word, we met at the place where we promised to see each other-- the united states of america. i received an asslstantship in ncsu and she earned enough money in argentine to support herself and work her way\' through college.



大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第12篇


Saturday, March 5th

My name is Sun Mei, My English name is Jane. I\'m twelve. I have around face, short hair and two big eyes. I\'m not beautiful, but I\'m very lovely. I\'m good at playing piano. I love classical music. I like summer best because I can go swimming. I enjoy swimming as a free and happy fish. My favourite pop star is Zhou Jielun. His English name is Jay. He\'s from Taiwan, China. I alse want to be a singer when I grow up.

This is me--a happy girl.


3月5日 星期六


