中秋节祝福语英语版简单 精选53句

1. 月圆人团圆,提前预祝大家中秋快乐,希望爸爸妈妈永远健康快乐的生活。

2. 毕业了,分别了,你我各自妥协了!曾经的远大理想也许渺茫了,但这份友情却不曾有半点损伤!中秋快乐。

3. I hope the round moon will bring my best wishes to you, my best friend.

4. No matter where you are from, regardless whether we gather or leave, all those blessings are forever linked in my mind. I wish you success and only things beautiful!

5. Let the round moon accompany you and me.The bright moon will take my wishes and blessings to you. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! May the round moon bring you a happy family and a successful future.

6. Happy Mid-autumn Festival!

7. 明月千里难以触摸,对你的思念无处寄托,举杯邀明月,祝你:福多!钱多!快乐多!

8. On the night with blooming flowers and a full moon, I want to express my best wishes and blessings. May you have asweet dream!

9. 手中书,杯中酒,祝你好运天天有,快乐多,忧愁少,祝福中秋节快乐,合家团圆,平平安安,事事如意!

10. On the Mid-Autumn Day, may your life always be filled with happy times and may all your wishes come true. Happy Mid-Autumn Day!

11. I wish that your career and life, just like the round moon on Did-Autumn Day, be bright and perfect.

12. 有月的夜晚,有你和我的夜晚,只想轻轻的向你道声,我的佳人祝你节日快乐!

13. Wish you and your family a happy Mid-autumn Festival!

14. Wish you a perfect life just like the roundest moon in Mid-Autumn Day.

15. Tonight we start the season of white dew. The moon is just as bright as in my homeland. The round moon in the sky makes me feel homesick.

16. I am glad that you are with me on the full moon night. I want to whisper to you that Happy Mid-Autumn Day,my dearest.

17. 又是一年月圆夜,月下为你许三愿:一愿美梦好似月儿圆,二愿日子更比月饼甜,三愿美貌犹如月中仙。祝老师中秋快乐!

18. 同望当空月,月圆梦未圆。天涯情切切,拭泪两相思。中秋无佳期,各自怨遥夜。闻音忆亲容,千里牵情丝。

19. 中秋不送礼,月饼送给你。送你豆沙月饼愿你爱情甜如蜜;送你芝麻月饼愿你事业节节高;送你莲蓉月饼愿你生活更精彩!

20. 莲蓉月饼口感香滑细腻,莲蓉馅主要原料是莲子,富含人体所需蛋白质及多种维生素,老少皆宜。是中秋佳节首选月饼。

21. Sweet cakes will be served with my blessings. Wish you a successful life and a bright future.

22. Although I am not around you at this moment, my blessings and wishes will always be around you. Take care, my dearest.

23. 月到是秋分外明,又是一年团圆日,祝你节日愉快,身体安康。

24. On this special day, I want to send you a light, faint scent to celebrate your colorful life. Happy Mid-Autumn Day, my best friend.

25. I want to make a toast. I Wish that theround moon take my best blessing to you. May you have a happy family and a bright future.

26. 心中若无烦恼事,便是人生好时节。愿你晨有清逸暮有闲,春有百花秋望月,夏有凉风冬听雪,梦随心动心随梦求,祝中秋节愉快!

27. 八月十五月儿圆,中秋月饼味香甜,人间亲情永不变,家家户户喜团圆,把酒欢歌邀婵娟,幸福长久驻人间。祝中秋快乐!

28. The roundest moon can be seen on theMid-Autumn Day. My dearest, I miss you so much. May the beautiful fairy bring my best wishes and blessings to you.

29. 自己活得开开心心就是幸福,让别人过得开开心心也是幸福。幸福是丰富多采的,只你用心去体会,就会感觉到幸福!祝中秋快乐!

30. The homesick feeling will be stronger during the traditional festival. I want to say that my heart will always be with you no matter where I am.

31. 月到中秋,你我天各一方。岁月流失的都是美好,我会想你,你记得那句话吗?明月情依依,繁星语切切!

32. Happy Mid-Autumn Day! Wish that you go well and have a successful and bright future.

33. 月到中秋分外明,又是一年团圆日。在这中秋月圆之际,在这亲朋团圆之日,我公司为您送上诚挚的祝福,祝您中秋愉快,事业圆满!

34. 无论天南与海北,不论相聚与离别,在中秋佳节,来!把酒话佳节!举杯邀明月!

35. 我正着手筹备公司生产月饼。用浪漫做皮;用温馨做馅;幸福做蛋王;懂得品味的人不需要多,最好只有你一个!

36. 当风起的时候,我在想你!当月圆的时候,我在念你!中秋快乐,记得常联系。

37. 月饼吃着甜心,月亮看着赏心,好酒喝的烫心,好菜吃的暖心,人人都开心,事事皆顺心。中秋快乐,合家幸福。

38. 割舍一生的真爱苦守一世的无爱。这样的悲剧已经发生得太多了。在爱情中只有自己才是真正的主人。

39. 中秋快乐!如果有什么值得庆祝的话,那一定是团圆;如果有什么值得庆幸的话,那就是平安。

40. 一块月饼,每人一口,团圆了;一张桌子,全家围坐,团聚了;花前月下,天伦之乐,享尽了。中秋节:祝家家幸福,户户平安。

41. On the night of Mid-Autumn Day, a brigh tmoon and shining stars bring my best wishes to you.

42. 月圆是诗,月缺是画,十五明月空中挂;问候是茶,祝福是酒,茶浓酒香添盈袖。尊敬的领导,中秋了,祝您中秋愉快,合家欢乐!

43. 在这特别的日子里,送一份淡淡的清香,为你洒脱缤纷的祝福!远方的你,中秋节快乐!

44. A bright moon and stars twinkle and shine. Wishing you a merry mid-autumn day and a happy life.

45. 网缘!情缘!月圆!中秋夜语寄相思,花好月圆情难圆。带去问候和思恋,心想事成愿缘圆。

46. 祝节日快乐!愿您在这中秋佳节里,合家团圆,万事如意,身体健康!

47. 中秋就快到了,我要送你一个月饼:第一层体贴!第二层关怀!第三层浪漫!中间夹层甜蜜!愿你喜欢!祝中秋节快乐!

48. The Mid-Autumn Day approaches. Although I am far from home, I have conviction in my mind. I wish my family happiness and blessings forever.

49. The roundest moon can be seen in the autumn. It is time for reunions. I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Day and a wonderful life.

50. 无论天南海北,不论相聚与离别,有份祝福永远挂在我心中,祝你一切圆满美好!

51. Wish us a long life to share the beauty of this graceful moonlight, even thousands miles apart.

52. 明月本无价,高山皆有情。人虽不至,心向往之。衷心祝愿您和家人团圆美满,幸福安康!

53. 用语言播种,用彩笔耕耘,用汗水浇灌,用心血滋润,这就是我们敬爱的老师崇高的劳动。