辩论性英语作文范文 第1篇


Good afternoon everyone. Today we are debating on whether a long vacation is good for economy development. We will say that a long vacation dose more harm to economy than good. The reason why we hold this opinion are the following.

First, we are students and we all know that before a long vacation’s coming, we are so excited that it’s hard for us to do anything but to wait for the moment we’re dismissed. And so is the workers in every industry, they will finish their jobs on the highest speed without considering the quality of their jobs. And in the long vacation most of us are consuming, let alone making money. When the vacation is over, we still soaked in the memory of the vacation, still we need a period of time to concentrate to our work. So it ‘ maybe a 3

辩论性英语作文范文 第2篇

Today, there was an interesting debate. After Sunday ning, my parents and I went to the park. After a while, I sat on the back seat of my father\'s bicycle.

My father said, _girl, you should lose weight._ My mother agreed with my father\'s opinion, but I didn\'t think it would do me any harm. So I said, _no, I don\'t want me to be myself. Do you know the famous Hong Kong actress Feifei kongshe is fat, but very popular with the dience._ but few fat people can become famous.

_My father disagreed with me, and my mother continued,_ you know, many diseases are csed by obesity, such as heart Dirty disease, high blood presse, etc. _it seems that I have o opponents. I should try my best to defeat them, so I said to myself,_ nothing can be done.

Anyway, medical technolo has dloped so advanced. Then I pointed the spear at my mother, _you are so fat, why don\'t you want to lose weight?_ My mother sighed and said, _I\'d love to lose weight, but it\'s not good for me. I\'m over 40 years old.

When you\'re so young, if you can exercise and contl yo diet, you will lose weight easily. _No, you\'re Rong, I\'ll say it out loud._ some experts say that exercise can\'t people lose weight, becse they will eat after exercise. _Mom and dad look at each other and don\'t know what to say._ I\'ll stop lghing in the debate when I hear Dad say, _Fat girl, please get out of the car._ Oh, No.



辩论性英语作文范文 第3篇

I am wting to invite you to be a commentator for the school\'s upcoming debate, which will be held next Thsday morning in the school hall on whether English skills are needed in today\'s society. Attending the debate will be the school pncipal and some English teachers as judges. I hope you can make a summary speech and comment on the performance of the debaters after the debate.

On behalf of the school, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to you for yo contbution and yo sincety,.



辩论性英语作文范文 第4篇





让蔡英文对辩论裹足不前更深层的理由则是两岸路线,蔡参选以来,对两岸政策只有“维持现状”这四个字。她维持现状的内涵是什么?选民如瞎子摸象。不止选民看不懂,曾是蔡顶头上司的_也摸不透。_在接受最新一期“财讯双周刊”专访时表示:“蔡英文身边那些人很多都在做生意,现在在想的都是 怎么和中国建立好关系。他们都是这种想法啊,地位有了,有官可以做,就到中国大陆做生意,看能不能赚钱。蔡英文说当选要去中国大陆访问,不知道是要去做什么?我跟你说啦。_那些人在中国大陆做生意做成这样,那些人会叫她去。”

