美国大学文书中文范文 第1篇

一、突出重点,主线明确 清楚有力地表达您的求学动机和学习学术能力,文书是要在很短的时间内,清楚地用几百字告诉招生教授你是入学奖学金非常合格的人选。

二、结构简单,衔接紧密 留学文书也像是你个人的广告,要重点突出,形象鲜明。仔细想想,留下深刻印象的广告哪个不是简明而富有创意的?许多申请人往往想把自己的全部优点都写出来告诉教授,觉得这样才能全面的展现自己。


美国大学文书中文范文 第2篇


范文 Dear Admissions Committee: Among all the students who have received my instruction in the courses of “International Marketing” and “Strategic Management” at ABC University, Mr。 John Doe is one of the few who stood out and left with me a positive impression。

Therefore, I am confident to recommend this young man to your prestigious MBA program。 John is a bright and aggressive individual who possesses a strong motivation to learn and excel in his course work。

Unlike most of his peers, who gained knowledge merely from school lecturing, John would spend a great amount of efforts and time in reading outside articles and textbooks and share his ideas with the class。 In addition, as an open- minded individual who never let go any learning experience, John often came to me discussing various questions and problems he encountered in his coursework。

I would like hereby to draw upon an instance that I believe fully exemplifies John&aposs academic ability。 While attending my class he presented an excellent report focusing on the research of the European Community (EC), in which he shared with us his careful observations on EC, and proposed a number of innovative suggestions for Taiwanese industries that wished to gain successful presence in that market。

Having noticed his superior ability to conduct independent research studies and to support his arguments with logical quantitative analyses, I recommended John to submit his paper to the Accounting & Statistics Quarterly published by the Executive Yuan of R。 O。

Needless to say, John has acquired very high marks in both of my courses。 The very positive impression made by John has been repeatedly re- enforced by his strong performance in various extracurricular activities。

John has managed to earn full confidence from me in his sound managerial potential by demonstrating an intelligence, aggressiveness, and leadership quality in both academic and extracurricular contexts。 In general, I consider John a very promising applicant to your esteemed MBA program。

I have the least reservation on his potential to succeed in his future educational as well as professional pursuit, and will be more than happy to discuss with you any matters pertaining to this reference letter。 Sincerely yours。


美国大学文书中文范文 第3篇

申请美国大学文书写作范文:Inspired by Susannah Nadler, a graduate of The Spence School, New York, NY Storytelling is an integral part of the formation of our identities。

The stories that our parents and our communities tell us about themselves and the world form our first map of the universe。 At some point, we begin to tell our own stories to ourselves and to others。

Tell us a story you tell。 Your story does not have to be either true or a story you would think to tell anyone but yourself; but the story must be your own, and its telling should have significance to you。

Your story should also be significant to a listener who might tell a story about you。 France is a European fusion of culture, claiming diversely mastered specialties in its many regions and provinces。

Crpes, dentelle Bretonne, languedoc, and fromages-mania are all constituent to this cultural synthesis, until you come down to Marseille。 Of all things to be celebrated for, what is their specialty? Les histories Marseillaises, or tall tales。

As it is told, the people of Marseille are notorious for their especially keen powers of exaggeration-sort of like me。 I contest, minor embellishment must find its way in several stories I tell for audience appeal (as long as such embellishment remains consistent!)。

Whenever I tell this particular one though, I start off by saying the story I shall tell you in itself is too colorfully absurd to require any ornamentation。 This is exactly how it happened: 申请美国大学文书写作范文:Five years ago, when I was about twelve or thirteen, still on the steps of teenagehood in Saudi Arabia, the whole family decided to go shopping at the gaudiest of places to buy anything in Riyadh! This little center had a good hardware store, and an adjacent clothes shop where you can buy anything for about a tenth of the price! Calvin Klein becomes Calvin Clein, GAP BAP, Lacoste Locaste, and several such pirated variations。

My parents decided to go to the hardware shop, and told me that I could stay at the clothes shop alone。 What freedom! A statement of my maturity, my independence! I went in and casually browsed through the items。

Such nonchalance I felt, such joviality。 Simultaneously, good thoughts gyrated the edges of my brain: I had great friends, a great school life, good grades, great family。

I had the teenage dream。

until I turned around。

Intah ya walah screamed someone behind me。 I turned to find that the proprietor of this voice was an overbearing man wearing the traditional Saudi thobe and ghutra, but with some black skinned coating with golden embroidery over his corpulent being, screaming muffled commands at me through his deviously twisted and untamed beard。

To his sides were two policemen, awaiting their command to action。 Now, mind you, I am Lebanese, and I do speak Arabic-but Saudi Arabic is so much more different than any Arabic I had heard! I could not discern one word the man was saying, until he got to the last sentence: Yalla 3al gims-You`re coming with us to the gims。

Gims was the mispronounced GMC truck, thought to be a one-word acronym。 Instantly, I knew who this man was。

A matawah-a religious official with unchecked authority out to impose his interpretation of Islam on the world, with a stick。 I had heard horrible tales of boys being whipped in these preferred matawah gims vehicles, and other such abuses。

I shuddered in fear and trepidation。 I had held my arm so close to my body in panic that the six shirts that I had casually draped over my arm became an attached, sweaty, crumpled mass appendage of my lower side。

(美国留学申请文书范文) 申请美国大学文书写作范文:What law had I infringed upon to deserve this punishment? So I asked, trembling, and making an enormous effort to be understood。 His stick rose and hit my shorts。

My shorts?! That was my infraction?! I could not wear shorts?! My mind was in a panicked, confused conundrum: Was I to consent, or scream helplessly hoping my parents would hear from the adjoining hardware store? In an anxious spontaneity, I chose option three: I signaled with my hand for the matawah to wait, as I needed to finish my shopping! What a stupid resort, but it was the only thing I could think of。 As the nonchalance that once possessed me and the trepidation that currently consumed me battled over the control of the state of my body, I mustered the courage to continue shopping。

As I moved toward the trousers, my pursuers followed。 As I had feigned to lose interest in this section and moved toward the belts, they swiftly entailed。

The insides of my body were being shaken 。

美国大学文书中文范文 第4篇


1。做足Brain Storming(头脑风暴)的工作,把你天马行空能想到的idea都归总到一起,以做素材之用。





很boring,但若写成:我在清晨五点钟醒来,投入到汗水,眼泪,鲜血混成的高低杠中去,因为我梦想着要把省体操比赛战利品捧回到我的家乡来。 一下子就夺人眼球了。


除了描述出对你而言有意义的经历事件之外,申请文书也写出你的感悟和思想。 6。




因为整片文章需要你鲜活的经历作为evidence,如果你写经历都写得干巴巴,还能指望文章打动谁? 8。一定要花大力气开好头。

因为招生官看一篇文章通常就2-3分钟,我们必须利用好开头去吸引他们的注意力。 两个要点:1。




10。要有过渡和承接,使得文章进展地流畅,这些过渡不一定要是in addition, therefore,so之类的写雅思作文用的词。

过渡的要自然。 11。


不要使用in _in conclusion, in summary, to conclude之类的总结词。建议大家写得稍微幽默一点,招生官每天读文章读的很累,好不容易把你文章看完了,如果能在最后让他幽默一笑,嘴角犯上一丝笑容的话,说不定就让他记忆深刻了。

可以巧妙的和开头相呼应一下。 12。

写好了,把文章晾一段时间不看,一周半个月过后再捡起来看这是不是你想要写的主题。 13。

写好了一定给认识你的人看看,让他们评价这文章写得是不是最真实最独特的你。 14。


美国大学文书中文范文 第5篇


申请美国大学文书写作范文:Inspired by Susannah Nadler, a graduate of The Spence School, New York, NY Storytelling is an integral part of the formation of our identities。 The stories that our parents and our communities tell us about themselves and the world form our first map of the universe。

At some point, we begin to tell our own stories to ourselves and to others。 Tell us a story you tell。

Your story does not have to be either true or a story you would think to tell anyone but yourself; but the story must be your own, and its telling should have significance to you。 Your story should also be significant to a listener who might tell a story about you。

France is a European fusion of culture, claiming diversely mastered specialties in its many regions and provinces。 Crpes, dentelle Bretonne, languedoc, and fromages-mania are all constituent to this cultural synthesis, until you come down to Marseille。

Of all things to be celebrated for, what is their specialty? Les histories Marseillaises, or tall tales。 As it is told, the people of Marseille are notorious for their especially keen powers of exaggeration-sort of like me。

I contest, minor embellishment must find its way in several stories I tell for audience appeal (as long as such embellishment remains consistent!)。 Whenever I tell this particular one though, I start off by saying the story I shall tell you in itself is too colorfully absurd to require any ornamentation。

This is exactly how it happened: 美国申请文书范文:Five years ago, when I was about twelve or thirteen, still on the steps of teenagehood in Saudi Arabia, the whole family decided to go shopping at the gaudiest of places to buy anything in Riyadh! This little center had a good hardware store, and an adjacent clothes shop where you can buy anything for about a tenth of the price! Calvin Klein becomes Calvin Clein, GAP BAP, Lacoste Locaste, and several such pirated variations。 My parents decided to go to the hardware shop, and told me that I could stay at the clothes shop alone。

What freedom! A statement of my maturity, my independence! I went in and casually browsed through the items。 Such nonchalance I felt, such joviality。

申请美国大学文书写作范文:Simultaneously, good thoughts gyrated the edges of my brain: I had great friends, a great school life, good grades, great family。 。

I had the teenage dream。

until I turned around。 Intah ya walah screamed someone behind me。

I turned to find that the proprietor of this voice was an overbearing man wearing the traditional Saudi thobe and ghutra, but with some black skinned coating with golden embroidery over his corpulent being, screaming muffled commands at me through his deviously twisted and untamed beard。 To his sides were two policemen, awaiting their command to action。

Now, mind you, I am Lebanese, and I do speak Arabic-but Saudi Arabic is so much more different than any Arabic I had heard! I could not discern one word the man was saying, until he got to the last sentence: Yalla 3al gims-You`re coming with us to the gims。 Gims was the mispronounced GMC truck, thought to be a one-word acronym。

Instantly, I knew who this man was。 A matawah-a religious official with unchecked authority out to impose his interpretation of Islam on the world, with a stick。

I had heard horrible tales of boys being whipped in these preferred matawah gims vehicles, and other such abuses。 I shuddered in fear and trepidation。