英语文献综述范文3000字 篇1

We are all called upon to make a speech at some point in life, but most of us don’t do a very good job. Here are some suggestions on how to give a good speech.

First of all, it is important to plan. Do your homework. Find out everything you can about your subject. And, at the same time, find out as much as you can about your audience. Who are they? What do they know about your subject? Do they have a common interest? Why are they coming to hear you speak? Put yourself in their shoes as you prepare your speech. Just remember: be prepared. Know your subject, your audience, and the occasion.

Let us suppose that you have been asked to introduce the main speaker at a meeting. First, find out the most important and interesting things about the speaker. Then, summarize this information in a few words. Remember, you are not the main speaker; you are introducing the main speaker.

If you are giving a lecture or explaining an idea, gather as many facts as you can on your subject. Spend plenty of time doing your research. Then spend plenty of time organizing your material so that your speech is clear and easy to follow. Use as many examples as possible, and use pictures or charts if they will help you make your points more clearly. Never forget your audience. Don’t talk over their heads, and don’t talk down to them. Treat your audience with respect. They will appreciate your thoughtfulness.

If you follow these simple steps, you’ll see that you don’t have to be afraid of public speaking. In fact, you may find the experience so enjoyable that you ask to make more speeches! You’re not convinced yet? Give it a try and see what happens.

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Children or Adults

There is a growing tendency that children mature at a younger age these days。 Our society should accept the reality and adjust the law accordingly。

Today, the movies and Internet around children have too many things about violence and sex。 As a result, though we have tried all means to let children know only what they should know,children have known as much as adults。 According to statistics,the underage crime rate is rising at a surprising speed。 In addition, because laws in some places prohibit underage girls to have abortion without permissions from parents, the increasing number of unmarried mothers is also a worrying phenomenon。

Some surveys show that most 14 to 15 year old children think they are already grown ups, and are eager to behave in their own ways。 But the adults society doesnt think so。 Consequently, misunderstandings and quarrels between children and their parents and teachers have never stopped。

Since we cannot change children, we can change our law。We should allow children over 15 to make decisions about their lives without the interference of their parents or teachers, and let them assume the responsibility for their own behaviors。 Maybe in this way, the world would be more peaceful。

英语文献综述范文3000字 篇3

As everyone knows, the information age has brought us countless benefits, but when it comes to its major advantage, people may hold different views. As for me, the major advantage of the Information Age is that it makes it easy for individuals to have instant access to all kinds of information. In the past, for instance, if a student was meant to compose a thesis, he was supposed to bury himself in piles of books in the library, and probably after several days’ or even several months’ searching, he still could not find the materials he wanted. But now it is a totally different story. The advanced techniques of the information age have spared us all those troubles. What we need to do is just sit in front of the computer and search for our target information on the Internet rather than struggle painfully in numerous books. More excitingly, we don’t have to waste several days or even months waiting. Usually the information we need will be transferred to us in seconds. The information age can not only bring convenience to students in searching of materials, but also help people in all walks of life, save their energy and enhance their efficiency. Now since we’re in an economy based around the manipulation of information, I have every reason to believe that this advantage of the information age will play an even greater role in the future.

It used to be that people who played sports were gentlemen but today we find that sportsmanship is becoming rarer. Some players cheat, take drugs, win at all costs and in football professional fouls are increasing. Write about the importance of sportsmanship.

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英语文献综述范文3000字 篇5

下面是我为大家整理的一些关于“英文文献综述的 范文 ”的资料,供大家参阅。


How to Write a Literature Review ?

I. The definition of Literature Review

II. The purposes of literature review And Its Components

A. The Purposes

On the one hand, it helps you broaden the view and perspective of the topic for your graduation thesis.

On the other hand, it helps you narrow down the topic and arrive at a focused

research question.

B. Its Components

There are six parts in a complete Literature Review.

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在对自我进行分析方面,主要考虑的是自我性格(temperament),以性格确定自己是怎样的一类人群,从而确定比较适合自己的职业群。在上课过程中的各种性格等测试都证明我是个外向的人,比较适合的工作是交流、沟通等方面的工作,于是确定可从事翻译工作。其次考虑的是我的技能(my skills)。我目前拥有的技能、特长,我的工作需要使我拥有而我不具备的技能,通过这一分析给自己定一个目标,把自己不具备的技能列举出来并且把提高方法——列举出来,在日后的训练过程中着重提高这些方面的技能,从而能更好的胜任这个职业目标。再次,个人价值观问题( value )对自己价值观进行一个全面透彻的分析。并把自己典型的一天所做的事情一一详细写下来。

在择业过程中家庭的影响也是个重要因素。儿女总是父母的希望所在,在择业时也会考虑到父母的期望,我爸爸就希望我做个大学教授,他说这份工作比较稳定,比较适合女生。在择业初期,也确实想到要做大学教授,然而随着自己对自己的了解越来越来深刻,最终还是决定第一择业目标是个英文翻译员,而大学教授放到了第二择业选择。我的第三个职业目标是外企的人力资源部门经理。英语专业面临的职业群只能是与英语专业有关的职业,因此自己在择业时选择的都是外企,根本上还是与英语专业相关联。对于第一个职业目标,自己还是比较满意的,它跟自己的专业适合,而且跟个人的性格比较适合,还可以在工作过程中提高个人的技能(my skills)和专业知识。



A、基本技能(basic skills):一个英文翻译员最基本的还是能牢固的掌握和运用自己的专业知识。这些技能包括听力理解能力(listening),只有能够听懂外国人在说些什么才有可能跟他们沟通和交流;表达自己观点的技能(Speaking),一个有思想的人必须具备正确表达自己的能力;写作能力 (Writing);阅读并理解文章的技能 (Reading);

B、提升技能(Skills for promotion):各种证书(Certifications),虽然有时候证书只是一中形式,但却起着极大的作用.各种等级证书是必须的,尤其是翻译证书,当然还有专业八级等证书;责任心 (Responsibilities),对于每个行业来说都是必须的.一个优秀的翻译员尤其要热爱翻译行业,责任心强,性格稳重细致.合作项目的洽谈、翻译及英文撰写等工作;交流沟通能力(Communication),翻译员被誉为“沟通的桥梁”,所以积极和人进行沟通,并参与相关活动等都是必须的.良好的人际沟通与组织协调能力;具有较强的公共能力;团队合作精神( Teamwork),人际交往能力强 ,和自己团队搞好关系;母语(Mother language)中文书写能力强,翻译员最终还是为了帮助中英双方的沟通,所以较好的中文是必须的;礼节,礼貌 (Manners),举止要得体,毕竟英文翻译员有时代表的不止是自己有时还代表着一定的团体甚至是一个国家的形象;谦虚( Be modesty or appreciate other’s perspectives),谦虚并能容纳别人观点;态度 (Attitude),做事认真负责,为人正直 ;逻辑( Logic),条理清晰,明白易懂、一目了然,所以要善于交流 ;创新意识( Innovation);

C、个人特长 (Personal advantages):特殊的证书( Special certifications),这类证书比如:其他语言类的证书、比赛证书等等;丰富的经验( Experience),尤其是国际版权贸易经验;特殊技能 (Peculiar skills),熟悉Office等办公软件,熟悉商业信函的写作,具备计算机应用的基础能力;各方面综合能力 (Comprehensive skills),有时翻译员不止是翻译的工作,甚至还要做好翻译员、参事员、协调员、管理员和安全员;掌握与自己工作有关的最新消息 (Up to date information about your job),了解和熟悉行业知识、专业常识、政策方针、存在问题以及相应的外文术语;幽默感( Sense of humor),在英国人看来,幽默感是必须具备的,他们认为每人都得要有a sense of humor。 ‘He has no sense of humor’是人们可以常常听到的一句话.。



英语文献综述范文3000字 篇7

With the development of technology as well as economy, more and more students begin to use their WAP phones to surf the Internet. Admittedly, WAP phones have broughtconvenience to us –surfing the Internetanytime anywhere. Nevertheless, its bad impact can not be ignored. In the first place, apart from those who can control themselves, most of the students are addicted to playing with WAP phones. They set study, their main tasks, aside and spend much time on their WAP phones. In the second place, since students can surf the Internet with WAP phones anytime anywhere, they are likely to do it all the time. As a result, they will spend much money on the Internet. Thus, those who are financially dependent on their parents will greatly increase the financial burden on their parents.

Based on the above, it’s safe to come to the conclusion that it’s advisable for the students to use WAP phones in an appropriate way.

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文 献 综 述


(中文小二号黑体居中或英文Times New Roman小二号加粗居中或日文明朝体小二号加粗)

学生姓名 指导教师

二级学院 专业名称

班 级 学 号 年 月 日

(标题Times New Roman三号加粗)

The Literature Review

The Mystery of Antonio’s Sadness in The Merchant of Venice

(正文用Times New Roman小四,倍行距,各段首行空4个字符,书名用斜体加粗)

Written sometime between 1596 and 1598, The Merchant of Venice is classified as both an early Shakespearean comedy (more specifically, as a ^Christian comedy^) and as one of the Bard\'s problem plays; it is a work in which good triumphs over evil, but serious themes are examined and some issues remain unresolved.

英语文献综述范文3000字 篇9

Introduction 6 I。 Actuality of English Learning in China 2 II。 Factors Affecting English Learning 1 A。 The Restriction of Social Context 6 B。 Difference between the Two Languages 3 C。 The Goals and Motivation 7 D。 Phenome..。

必须是英文参考文献!需要5篇 我的题目是关于电视频道包装和 数字包装技术。

文献综述是对某一方面的专题搜集大量情报资料后经综合分析而写成的一种学术论文, 它是科学文献的一种。 格式与写法 文献综述的格式与一般研究性论文的格式有所不同。这是因为研究性的论文注重研究的方法和结果,特别是阳性结果。

