端午节句子英语 精选63句

1. 困难身边倒,大步永向前。端午送祝愿,开心身体健!Fall away from difficulties, stride forward forever. Dragon Boat Festival wishes, happy and healthy!

2. 离你太远,不能切身给你系上五彩线,就让网络带去我的祝福,祝365每天天开心!

3. 端午节,赛龙舟,欢欢喜喜好热闹。

4. 端午至,挂菖蒲;龙舟起,糯米香。

5. 赛龙舟

6. 端午节到了,我要送你一座后花园,园子里栽的是智慧树,流的是忘忧泉,开的是自在花,搭的是幸运桥,祝愿好运好心情,端午节快乐。

7. 粽飘香,艾叶芳,温暖阳光照晴空;赛龙舟,喝雄黄,远方老友勿相忘;日也盼,夜也念,健康快乐我心愿;微信到,情飞扬,端午请把幸福尝;祝老朋友端午快乐,心想事成。

8. Eat rice dumplings, the four seasons of happiness, wrapped in a year of health hope.

9. Let this coat tightly with pass every minute near you, wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy!

10. 希望这一次,你不要“粽”在参与。

11. 想念你的微笑,回味你的味道,脱掉你的外套,露出你的美妙,压抑我的狂躁,想想我的需要,还是早点把你干掉…啊,粽子!端午快乐!祝端午节快乐!

12. 其实不光包粽子是艺术,其实吃粽子也是一门艺术。

13. Warm wishes follow you, affectionate. I wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival and a happy mood!

14. 青青粽叶盈,赤赤枣香渗,府院深几许,遥祝寄千言

15. 我用:一份健康的绿豆,一份美丽的红豆,一份开心的花生,一份安康的调料,包成一个开心的粽子送给你,祝你端午节安康!

16. 闻着粽子的飘香,想起远方的你是否安好?让我们托伟大诗人的福多吃些粽子!快快乐乐过端阳!万水千山^v^棕^v^是情,屈原说声谢谢您,端五齐齐……

17. 佳人相见一千年。——苏轼《浣溪沙·端午》

18. Fate, let me meet you; Happy, let me know you; Passions, reminds me of you; Friendship, let us together; Information, let me have to send you; Wish you all the luck, the Dragon Boat Festival is happy...

19. Please send the breeze, wish flowers and green leaves to accompany you, embellish your brilliant life, and wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival!

20. 端午节想你是最快乐的事;见你是最开心的事;爱你是我永远要做的事;把你放在心

21. 划动翻转的木桨,激起一片激动的人潮。

22. do not have words to express, only to have reality, I wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival.

23. 千年忠义气,日星光。离骚读罢总堪伤。

24. youalwayshappy,happy.

25. 端午节 TheDuanwuFestival,commonlyknownastheDragonBoatFestival(5thdayofthe5thlunarmonth)

26. 从娃娃抓起,让你长大更出“粽”。

27. 愿你在端午这个特别的日子里,好运连连,惊喜不断。

28. the day I pack dumplings in their own hands, we should see a good package, but I do not know for a long time what point package of meat into the good. Until I suddenly saw you, I decided to pack it into the points Zhu Tourou.

29. plain water greetings, very light; 1 normal as paper blessing, very true; Adopt a scent of plain, bag a star cast of sweet zongzi, into the true information, give your: wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy!

30. theshipsailsfullloadofblessing,piaoxianghappyyougentlysaytoyou:youhappysoihappiness!

31. 端午节到了,悄悄的一条短信息,带去我的一份最真的祝福,一份深情,一份情谊,一份如意,一份温馨,一份守望,一份牵挂,一份安康都给你。20xx端午节短信

32. 入袂轻风不破尘,玉簪犀璧醉佳辰,一番红粉为谁新,团扇只堪题往事,新丝那解系行人,酒阑滋味思残春。

33. 随心所“欲”,“粽”享“骑”中。

34. 画帘开、束衣纨扇,午风清暑。——刘克庄《贺新郎·端午》

35. 喜讯:端午节当天,手机号头两位数字是13的用户,可以到街边小摊上免费领取

36. “粽”使世界再大,容得下你的,唯有一个家。

37. 导读:端午节是为了纪念爱国诗人屈原而设立的。在这一天,我们吃粽子,划龙舟,场面之热闹。而在这一天,亲朋好友都会发个短信过来表示祝贺。那么20xx年的端午节的祝福语短信内容有什么呢?接下来就一起来看看吧。

38. TheDragonBoatFestival,alsocalledtheDuanwuFestival,iscelebratedonthefifthdayofthefifthmonthaccordingtotheChinesecalendar.Forthousandsofyears,thefestivalhasbeenmarkedbyeatingzongzi(glutinousrice(糯米)wrappedtoformapyramidusingbambooorreedleaves)andracingdragonboats.

39. Sometimes I'm busy, sometimes I forget; sometimes I'm tired, sometimes I lazy! But how I will remember that like you, thinkyou that a good friend! Remember: You smile when my world is smiling, I wish a happy Dragon Boat Festival!

40. 桃枝插在大门上,出门一望麦儿黄。这儿端阳,那儿端阳,处处都端阳……祝端午节快乐,天天开心!

41. 关于端午节习俗的英文表达

42. 我说:要看短信的人端午节快乐!

43. 饮雄黄酒 Drinkingrealgarwine.RealgarwineisChineseliquorseasonedwithrealgar.ItisacustomtodrinkthewineduringtheDragonBoatFestival.

44. 明朝端午,待学纫兰为佩。——苏轼《殢人娇·或云赠朝云》

45. 你是雄鹰,我是小鸟;你是大树,我是小草;你是我老爸,我是你那位特调皮捣蛋的孩子,今天特意发短信给您过节呢!

46. to a hung your heart, a love of your blessing, a true feelings are waiting for your response。 I wish a happy Dragon Boat Festival!

47. Issue is the text received is happy to see the message but not that worried about is, open to health, read out a good fortune, is silence best wishes for a happy Dragon Boat Festival.

48. and the occasional busy, do not rePsent forgotten; The arrival of summer, wish you good mood, had dropped greetings, in this moment, all the concern with compensation, condensing this message, wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy.

49. messagesenttoyourvirtualdumplings,mrlaofulaomuworldpeace!

50. 端午佳节即将到,前来把祝福送:生活甜如绿豆糕,感情香似糯米粽;友谊醇若雄黄酒,身体就像南山松;工作即为龙舟赛,一切顺利运亨通!

51. 我会送你一个蛋糕,在你生日的时候;我会送你一盒月饼,在中秋的时候;我送你一粒糯米在端午节来的时候,希望你把它种下去,用心呵护,等待收获我的祝福吧。

52. 你是到死丝方尽的春蚕,为我们把你的青春奉献;你是成灰的蜡烛泪方干,为我们指引美好的.明天。亲爱的老师,端午节了,祝您节日安康!

53. 年年端午风兼雨,似为屈原陈昔冤。我欲于谁论许事,舍南舍北鹁鸠喧有关粽子的诗句_粽子的句子_端午的诗词素材库。——宋赵蕃,《端午三首》其二

54. With the help of the Dragon Boat Festival, I wish you love like spring breeze and happiness and happiness.

55. 先颁布五月节节工作指导方针:以友谊为基础,以小灵通为平台,以短信为手段,以祝福为目标,以你为工作对象,以最美的笑容为查核标准,工作完成以后请全体吃粽子宴。

56. 看来看去,这年头,我只能相信友情了,所以发条短信祝福你,愿你端午节快乐!

57. TheDragonBoatFestival,alsocalledDoubleFifthFestival,iscelebratedonthefifthdayofthefifthmoonofthelunarcalendar.ItisoneofthemostimportantChinesefestivals,theothertwobeingtheAutumnMoonFestivalandChineseNewYear。

58. It smells warm, tastes sweet, swallows happy, aftertaste happy, Dragon Boat Festival happy!

59. 转眼又是一年端午,又到了吃粽子的季节。

60. 过端午节,品中之杰,做人之杰。

61. 五月五日天晴明,杨花绕江啼晓鹰;

62. May you enjoy the beauty of the sunshine, bloom a brilliant smile, tread on the pace of peace, and embark on the road of happiness!

63. 在端午佳节之际希望你开开心心、快快乐乐,端午节快乐!

端午节句子英语 精选47句

1. of good news: The Dragon Boat Festival the same day, the first two digits of the phone is 13 users can go to the free on-street stalls for dumplings, of course, prior to being applied and who runs the burn ointment to Pvent the water pouring i

2. 端午节快到了,别忘了挂艾叶饮黄酒佩香囊,当然最重要的,是要多吃点粽子,呵呵!

3. 人生无需惊天动地,快乐就好;友谊无需甜言蜜语,想着就好;金钱无需车载斗量,够用就好;朋友无需遍及天下,有你就好,预祝端午节快乐!

4. 谁信骚魂千载后,波底垂涎角黍。——刘克庄《贺新郎·端午》

5. 兰条荐浴,菖花酿酒,天气尚清和。——苏轼《少年游·端午赠黄守徐君猷》

6. Send a sachets with a purse, made several kilograms of rice dumplings, the Trustee to the mountains to gather the leaves, the street bought a bottle of wine on them, plus a dash of heart care, as a gift to you, I wish a happy Dragon Boat Festival!

7. 端午节到了,送你一颗好运粽,里面包藏健康米,好运蛋,平安菇,快乐虾,长寿花,幸运粟,如果你收到将会好运连连。祝你端午节快乐!端午节彩信

8. 闻起来是温馨,吃起来是甜蜜,咽下去是幸福,回味着是美满,端午节快乐!

9. 这就是之后人们为什么在这一天赛龙舟,吃粽子,喝雄黄酒。

10. 鹤发垂肩尺许长,离家三十五端阳。

11. 喜讯:端午节当天,手机号头两位数字是13的用户,可以到街边小摊上免费领取粽子,当然,事先要抹上烫伤膏以防被摊主的开水泼到。祝端午节快乐。(端午节用户短信)

12. 少年佳节倍多情,老去谁知感慨生;不效艾符趋习俗,但祈蒲酒话升平。——殷尧藩《端午日》

13. Thefestivalisbestknownforitsdragon-boatraces,especiallyinthesouthernprovinceswheretherearemanyriversandlakes.Thisregatta(赛舟会)commemoratesthedeathofQuYuan,anhonestministerwhoissaidtohavecommittedsuicidebydrowninghimselfinariver.

14. would like to take you do not have been so open, you smell is so charming, your body is very uniform, Xiangyao you a good, really delicious dumplings。

15. Although your body good, but Qu Yuan said: more physical activity, less mahjong can eat dumplings every day health!

16. 当年此会鱼三尺,不似今朝豆味香。

17. 相邀情重携蓑笠,敢为泥深恋草堂;

18. 老朋友,迈出一步,生命的眼界就宽广了;背上行囊,生活的重担就减轻了;胸有坚持,旅途的困扰就轻松了;怀揣快乐,路上的风景就特别了。端午小长假,让心去旅行吧!愿你旅途愉快!端午快乐!

19. 少年佳节倍多情,老去谁知感慨生;

20. 一句平淡如水的问候,很轻;一声平常如纸的祝福,很真;采一叶清香的粽叶,包一颗香甜的粽子送给您:祝您及家人端午节快乐!

21. 鼓击春雷,直破烟波远远回。——黄裳《减字木兰花·竞渡》

22. The Dragon Boat Festival is fragrant with brown seeds. The dragon boat race is busy. It's necessary to step on the green boat as soon as possible. Artemisia argyi hangs on the door. The Dragon Boat Festival custom can't be forgotten! Happy Dragon Boat Festival!

23. Let the sunshine enter your window, let happiness fly to you! Happy Dragon Boat Festival!

24. wish I could bring you the best wishes in the world. Happy Dragon Boat Festival!

25. 多变的永远是天气,不变的永远是情意,愿淡淡的寒气,轻拂过去一年的疲惫,暖暖的春风,传递我心中的祝福:端午节快乐!

26. piece of good news: The Dragon Boat Festival the same day, the first two digits of the phone is 13 users can go to the free on-street stalls for dumplings, of course, prior to being applied and who runs the burn ointment to prevent the water pouring into.

27. 驱五毒

28. TheoriginofthissummerfestivalcentersaroundascholarlygovernmentofficialnamedChuYuan.Hewasagoodandrespectedman,butbecauseofthemisdeedsofjealousrivalsheeventuallyfellintodisfavorintheemperor\'scourt。

29. 盘丝系腕,巧篆垂簪,玉隐绀纱睡觉。——吴文英《澡兰香·淮安重午》

30. zongzi, wrapped in honey, honey, and greet you with a greeting. Happy Dragon Boat Festival!

31. 辛勤的园丁,是您将祖国的花朵浇灌,今天是端午节,带着感恩,带着敬仰,真诚的对您说声:“老师,您辛苦了,祝您端午节安康!”

32. 五月五是端午,念离骚颂屈原,龙舟快粽子粘,祝福到好运来,都开心发大财。在端午佳节来临之际,奉上我最真诚的问候,愿您幸福如意,欢欢喜喜过端午!

33. TheDragonBoatFestivalisoneofthreemajorChineseholidays,alongwiththeSpringandMoonFestivals.Ofthethree,itispossiblytheoldest,datingbacktotheWarringStatesPeriodin227B.C.

34. Wish you all the luck, the Dragon Boat Festival is happy

35. 考神附体,一击即“粽”,以学识为武以日夜为轴,只为一举高“粽”。

36. Always happy, happy heart, wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy!

37. 年年岁岁端午节,分分秒秒幸福时,开开心心过端午!

38. often contact, but must heart, As friends, I wish you happy Dragon Boat Festival

39. 好茶清清淡淡,越品越香;好朋友简简单单,越久越真;好缘份久久长长,地老天荒,祝你在新的一年端午节快乐!

40. 端午节问候短信祝福是不是对网友们有所帮助呢?希望网友们认真阅读,持续关注我们的网站。

41. 系五彩线

42. 罢灯船端阳不闹,收酒旗重九无聊。——孔尚任《折桂令·问秦淮》

43. 端午时清日复长,满城期待粽头戏

44. 吃粽子 Eatingzongzi.Zongziarepyramid-shapeddumplingsmadeofglutinousrice,stuffedwithdifferentfillingsandwrappedinbambooorreedleaves.ThistraditionalfoodispopularduringtheDragonBoatFestival.

45. 迎端午,共欢度,幸福常在心中驻;喝黄酒,贴五毒,年年岁岁都有福;系百索,戴荷包,前途事业涨得高;吃粽子,送祝福,生活美满富足!端午快乐!

46. 端午节,祝你无烦无恼,溜溜地幸福!

47. 节分端午自谁言,万古传闻为屈原。(唐 文秀)