祝自己生日快乐的句子英文 优选119句

1. A birthday poem for myself: I was born with no ambition, and I would like to go home with the sound of music when I am happy!

2. 不论怎样瞎想,携几许忧愁悔恨,该发生的全都于红尘深处上演,女人无力改写过往!祝自己生日快乐!

3. 自己的生日同样祝福自己的亲人有生的日子天天快乐!祝福所有的朋友们分享我的快乐,永远也快乐!

4. 祝自己生日快乐,希望身边的人都开心,希望爸妈身体健康。

5. 承蒙时光不弃,终究又长大了一岁,感谢每个阶段不同的自己。自己生日快乐!

6. 做自己想做的事,爱自己想爱的人,一步一步实现自己的价值,生日快乐!

7. The sun and moon always turn, if you are really long, if you are at the end of the earth, I will always remember this day. Happy birthday!

8. 从来没人给我送生日礼物,今年收了第一份,是我自己买的十块钱的发簪!

9. 别的不重要,最重要的是要用心,用心祝自己生日快乐!

10. 亲爱的自己,要快乐、要开朗、要坚韧、要温暖,这和性格无关。

11. 愿我所到之处,遍地阳光;愿我梦的远方,温暖为向。

12. 今天是我生日,我希望有一个人祝我生日快乐。 Its my birthday today. I want someone to wish me a happy birthday.

13. 支支灿烂的烛光,岁岁生日的幸福,幸运的我,明天会更好,祝自己生日快乐!

14. 十六岁,花季般的年龄,总是那么地让人憧憬。

15. 愿自己能够三十而立,祝自己:生日快乐,一切顺利,越来越好。May I stand at 30 and wish myself: Happy birthday, everything goes smoothly, getting better and better.

16. 亲爱的自己,你可以失望但不能绝望,你要始终相信,明天是新的一天。

17. 光阴似箭,转眼又老了一岁,祝福自己生日快乐,诸事吉祥。

18. Do not forget the original intention, continue to work hard! Happy 30th birthday! Thank you for being with my family and friends!

19. 凡是过往,皆为序章。生日快乐,我对自己说。

20. 只有登上山顶,才能看到那边的风光。今天是自己的生日,祝自己快乐!

21. Thank you for your time. I\'m a year older after all. Thank you for your different self at each stage. Happy birthday!

22. 求快乐时非快乐,得便宜处失便宜。祝自己生日快乐。It is not pleasure to seek pleasure, but gain and lose. Happy birthday to myself.

23. 我不能选择哪最好的,是那最好的选择了我。祝自己生日快乐。I cant choose which is the best, the best chooses me. Happy birthday to myself.

24. 亲爱的自己,要快乐、要开朗、要坚韧、要温暖,这和性格无关。Dear self, to be happy, to be cheerful, to be tough, to be warm, this has nothing to do with character.

25. 17岁的日子,在彩虹下自然而然地过。

26. 大梦不觉,又是一年生日!愿自己每天开心快乐!

27. 没人爱自己,那就自己多爱惜自己,祝自己生日快乐。

28. 让永远的记忆,保留在我永远的18岁!

29. 这一夏,我步入了十六岁的行列。十六岁,我,多了一分独立。

30. 对过去里遗憾的事笑一笑,然后继续前进;欢乐的时光永远铭记。又成长了的自己要更勇敢,要努力,也要更爱自己。未来的路还要走,今天停下来和自己说声:生日快乐!

31. 祝自己生日快乐!发发发,瘦瘦瘦,顺顺顺,健康快乐!

32. 生日的烛光中摇曳一季繁花,每一支都是祝愿,又大一岁,祝自己生日快乐!

33. 梦想是一个人奋斗的动力,梦想是一个人动力的源泉。Dream is the motive force of ones struggle, and dream is the source of ones motive force.

34. I didn\'t expect that this year\'s birthday will be spent in the night shift, but the restaurant even played songs at zero o\'clock. Along with the singing, I entered today\'s birthday. I wish you a happy birthday!

35. 时间会慢慢沉淀,有些人会在你心底慢慢模糊。学会放手,你的幸福需要自己的成全!祝自己生日快乐!

36. 风是透明的,雨是滴答的,云是流动的,歌是自由的,爱是用心的,恋是疯狂的,天是永恒的,你是难忘的。自己祝自己生日快乐!

37. Although I am 50 years old, I do not believe in the spirit of the past! Always keep childlike heart! Hold your destiny in your own hands and be a charming little woman! Happy birthday to myself!

38. 当然最后还要给自己送上祝福:祝我生日快乐! I hope our dreams come ture! I wish everyone happy!

39. 生日快乐!爱自己!爱家人!爱朋友!爱这世界一切美好事物!

40. 时间可真快这就21了 长大了 可是一点感觉还没有呢 那我就祝自己生日快乐啦

41. 祝自己生日快乐新的一年越来越优秀,努力上进不怕苦不怕累!

42. 抓住今天的小尾巴,祝自己生日快乐!朋友圈的你们,你们也要快乐哦!

43. 祝自己生日快乐!希望无论遇到什么事情都要很好的去面对!

44. 亲爱的自己,祝你30岁的生日快乐!亲爱的自己,愿过了30岁的你更加稳重!亲爱的自己,愿过了30岁的你依然幸福地生活!亲爱的自己,愿30岁的时候,我真的能成为你!

45. 我喜欢万事胜意这个词,是希望新的一岁里,得到的永远比失去的多,任何事情的结果都比你预期的好。生日快乐!

46. 岁月都是场有去无回的旅行。好的坏的都是风景。祝自己二十岁生日快乐!

47. 愿我出走半生,归来仍是少年!祝我自己生日快乐!

48. 深深祝福我,永远拥有金黄的岁月,璀璨的未来!Deeply bless me, always have golden years, bright future!

49. 十六岁,萌生希望的年华,希望将带着你一起飞翔,飞翔在那无际的蓝天。

50. 本来想默默的但你们都记得,有你们这些年始终如一的朋友就行了,永远年轻永远热泪盈眶岁月静好又老了一岁。自己生日快乐!

51. Thank you for your time. I wish you a happy birthday. No matter how old you are, you should love yourself and love your life.

52. 突然才发现今天是我的生日。祝自己生日快乐吧!

53. 不是每天都能过生日,希望我今天生日快乐,愿你年年岁岁幸福永伴!

54. 美丽的清晨迎来又一个生日,祝自己越来越好!生日快乐!永远快乐!

55. 今日30而立之日,希望自己以后会顺风顺水,祝自己生日快乐。

56. 成功人士的沉默,是为了让自己更加备受关注。生日快乐,祝福自己!

57. 哼哼丶╮我祝自己生日快乐额。宝贝丶记得要开心哦!

58. 思念不能自已,痛苦不能自理,结果不能自取,幸福不能自予。祝自己生日快乐

59. 生日快乐,有生之年天天快乐。Happy birthday, happy every day of my life.

60. 正视自己,珍惜人生年华,让我以后的生活更美丽!

61. 如果你因失去了太阳而流泪,那么你也将失去群星了。祝自己生日快乐!

62. 祝我自己生日快乐,要快乐一定要快乐。Happy birthday to myself. Happy birthday to me.

63. Wind is transparent, rain is ticking, clouds are flowing, songs are free, love is heart, love is crazy, the day is eternal, you are unforgettable. I wish myself a happy birthday!

64. Smile at the regrets in the past and move on; remember the happy times forever. Growing up to be more brave, to work hard, but also to love themselves. The future of the road to go, today to stop and say: Happy Birthday!

65. 祝我自己生日快乐,新的一年,心想事成。24岁,该长大了!Happy birthday to myself and a happy new year. Twenty-four years old, its time to grow up!

66. Branch brilliant candle light, happy birthday, lucky me, tomorrow will be better, I wish myself a happy birthday!

67. 祝自己生日快乐,简单一点,快乐每一个人!

68. 18岁,有我们不曾想过的责任去承担,18岁,有我们不曾遇到的困难去面对。

69. 愿所有美好和期待,都能如约而至。

70. 人生充满了不确定,和惊喜。今天是自己的生日,祝自己快乐!Life is full of uncertainty and surprises. Today is my birthday, I wish myself happy!

71. 小时候我以为自己长大后可以拯救整个世界,等长大后才发现整个世界都拯救不了我。祝自己生日快乐

72. We all have to face the sun and live with pride. Happy birthday to myself!

73. 希望你每天开心,身体安康,生日快乐么么哒!

74. 别人生日都吃长寿面,我生日却吃挂面。Other people eat longevity noodles on their birthdays, but I eat noodles on my birthdays.

75. 人生天地之间,若白驹过隙,忽然而已。祝亲爱的自己,生日快乐!

76. 亲爱的自己,要快乐要开朗要坚韧要温暖,这和性格无关。

77. Originally I wanted to be silent, but you all remember that it\'s OK to have your friends who have been consistent all these years. I\'m always young and my eyes are full of tears. I\'m still a year old. Happy birthday!

78. 相信是成功的起点,坚持是成功的终点。祝自己生日快乐!Belief is the starting point of success, perseverance is the end point of success. Happy birthday to myself!

79. 又是新的一年新的一天新的一个生日,就这样祝自己生日快乐。

80. 从没有让别人给自己过过生日,只是自己记得自己的生日。

81. 我们都要面向太阳,骄傲的活着。祝自己生日快乐!

82. 祝自己生日快乐!虽然是一个人过,可我很快乐。Happy birthday to myself! Although it is a person, but I am very happy.

83. 自己生日自己嗨,自己Happy自己拍。

84. 经验是由痛苦中粹取出来的!祝自己生日快乐!

85. 祝自己生日快乐!新的一年也要棒棒的鸭。

86. 往后余生, 不负流年,不负自己。 祝自己生日快乐!

87. 祝自己生日快乐!承蒙时光不弃,感谢一切给予!

88. 人的命,三分天注定,七分靠打拼。今天是自己的生日,祝自己快乐!

89. 愿往后余生,快乐是我,暴瘦是我,富有也是我。生日快乐!

90. 太阳和月亮永远转向,如果你真的很长,如果你在地球的尽头,我将永远记住这一天。生日快乐!

91. 愿我如星君如月,夜夜流光相皎洁。

92. 十五岁,一首委婉动听的歌,可未必上口。

93. 对自己好一点,因为没人会把你当全世界。Be kind to yourself, because no one will treat you as the whole world.

94. 努力不一定成功,但放弃一定失败。今天是自己的生日,祝自己快乐!

95. 每个人的人生里都会遇到一场措手不及的大雨,若你身陷雨中,愿有人为你撑伞;如果没有,也愿你有听雨的心情。自己生日快乐!

96. 自己想要的东西,要么奋力直追,要么干脆放弃,祝自己生日快乐!

97. 不忘初心,继续努力!祝自己30岁生日快乐!感谢一直陪伴着我的家人和朋友们!

98. 今为吾生日,吾开心的一批!

99. 现在我依然这样讲,祝自己生日快乐。Now I still say that. Happy birthday to myself.

100. 骏马是跑出来的,强兵是打出来的。今天是自己的生日,祝自己快乐!

101. 在这十七岁的生日里,我想对我的爸爸妈妈说声谢谢。

102. Experience is extracted from pain! Happy birthday to myself!

103. 又一次回到原点,我希望自己永远是个小仙女!

104. My dear self, happy 30th birthday to you! Dear myself, I wish you more stable after 30 years old! Dear myself, wish you still live happily after 30 years old! Dear myself, I wish I could be you when I was 30 years old!

105. I\'m a year younger today. This year is changeable, happy forever! Be what you want to be! Happy birthday!

106. 哦!亲爱的自己,今天是自己的生日,生日总该是个高兴的日子,别再伤感。

107. 愿家人健康平安,愿所有的美好如约而至,祝自己生日快乐。

108. 今天又“年轻”了一岁。这一年变化无常,永远开心吧!成为自己想成为那样的人吧!生日快乐吧!

109. 祝自己生日快乐!愿一切如你所愿!愿你坚强、愿你努力,不负众望!

110. 生命是一种喜悦,愿我的生活,永远充满喜悦,祝生日快乐!Life is a joy. May my life be filled with joy forever. Happy birthday!

111. 承蒙时光不弃,又长大一岁,祝我年少有为。

112. 这是郁金香的日子,也是我的日子。愿我年年这一天吉祥如意,芬芳馥郁!

113. 烛光点亮,让梦想插上翅膀;蛋糕品尝,幸福的味道无限滋长;快乐结伴吉祥将好运送上,信息携带祝福把友情唱响。祝生日快乐,人生处处是阳光!

114. 我的生日愿望是,能够一夜之间长大十岁。

115. 生日快乐,永远健康,美丽动人!Happy birthday, always healthy and beautiful!

116. Everyone\'s life will encounter a unprepared heavy rain, if you are in the rain, would like someone to hold an umbrella for you; if not, also wish you have the mood to listen to the rain. Happy birthday!

117. I like the word \'everything wins\'. I hope that in the new year, you will get more than you lose, and the result of everything will be better than you expect. Happy birthday!

118. 祝自己19岁生日快乐,希望自己天天开心学业有成。

119. 虽然50岁意味着人生最黄金的时期已经过去,但我相信,人的精神是不分年龄的,我会永远保持精神常青!永葆童心!把命运掌握在自己手里,做一个魅力无穷的小女人!祝自己生日快乐!

祝自己生日快乐的句子英文 优选47句

1. Wish me a Happy birthday。祝福自己有个愉快的生日。

2. 送给自己的生日贺诗:生来无大志日日随流水快心快意时乐声载乐归!

3. 人生苦短,别对自己吝啬一句祝福,对着天空大喊:祝我生日快乐!

4. 祝自己生日快乐!又老了一岁!时光在流逝,我们在长大!愿一切安好!

5. May the rest of my life be happy, skinny and rich. Happy birthday!

6. 每到了自己的生日,都会有一些感怀。未谙世事的时候,感觉三十岁是个遥远的话题,不知不觉中自己也踏入了这个年龄段了,心中有太多的感慨。祝自己生日快乐!

7. 祝自己美丽压群芳,善良传四方,温柔力无挡,青春一百年!祝自己生日快乐!

8. 又老了一岁,脸上不要长褶子,心里永远十八岁!Aged one year, do not have long folds on the face, heart forever eighteen years old!

9. 愿我在生日的日子里,充满绿色的畅想,金色的梦幻。

10. Happy Birthday to Me。一般祝福别人来说都是you,换成自己就变成对应的人称就是me。

11. I wish you beautiful pressure Qunfang, good spread everywhere, gentle force unstoppable, 100 years of youth! Happy birthday to myself!

12. 承蒙时光不弃,祝自己生日快乐,无论多少岁,都要爱自己爱生活。

13. Today is my birthday, I am happy!

14. No matter how wishful thinking, with a few sorrows and regrets, all that should happen is staged in the depths of the world of mortals, and women are unable to rewrite the past! Happy birthday to myself!

15. Be strong, but don\'t live a strong life! Happy birthday to myself!

16. No one has ever given me a birthday present. I received the first one this year. It\'s a hairpin I bought for ten yuan!

17. 生日快乐,永远健康,美丽动人!

18. 亲爱的自己,今天是你的生日,生日快乐,要自信甚至是自恋一点,时刻提醒自己我值得拥有最好的一切。

19. Time will slowly precipitate, some people will be in your heart slowly blurred. Learn to let go, your happiness needs your own success! Happy birthday to myself!

20. 祝自己生日快乐,希望新的一岁仍然会有很多美好的事情发生!

21. A kind of Hum, I wish myself a happy birthday. Baby, remember to be happy!

22. 15岁的我,像一只羽翼丰满的大鹏,我要飞向那九万里的高空。

23. 我的生日,我很开心,祝我自己的明天更辉煌。My birthday, I am very happy, I wish my own tomorrow more brilliant.

24. 没有激流就称不上勇进,没有山峰则谈不上攀登。祝自己生日快乐!

25. 我不仅给了自己祝福,同时我还会给好多人祝福呢!祝自己生日快乐!

26. 海浪为劈风斩浪的航船饯行,为随波逐流的轻舟送葬。祝自己生日快乐!

27. 没想到今年的生日是在加夜班中度过,不过零零点吃饭的时候餐厅竟然放歌了,就这样伴随着歌声进入了今天的生日,祝自己生日快乐吧!

28. 18岁,这是多么美妙、多么另人羡慕的年龄!

29. 祝自己生日快乐!希望无论遇到什么事情都要很好的去面对!Happy birthday to myself! Hope that no matter what happens, we should face it well!

30. 祝我自己生日快乐!希望永远三岁的我不用懂得很多道理也仍然能过好这一生!

31. 成长不期而遇,生日如期而至,祝自己生日快乐。

32. 承蒙时光不弃,感谢一切给予,总觉得这个世界有你足够了.祝自己生日快乐!

33. 承蒙时光不弃,终究又长大了一岁,感谢每个阶段不同的自己。

34. Good luck will be on the cake, and happiness will be on the cake. Happy birthday and sunshine everywhere!

35. 十八拜拜,十九更乖。

36. 又长大了一岁,要更勇敢,少发脾气,按时睡觉,不要乱想。

37. 愿余生天黑有灯,下雨有伞;愿余生不再害怕孤单。最后,祝自己生日快乐。

38. 我已经给自己生日祝福了,我还会给自己买生日蛋糕,不用担心我,我很好。

39. I not only give my own blessing, but also I will bless many people! Happy birthday to myself!

40. 往后的日子里,不将就,不辜负,感谢陪伴,感谢所有,祝自己生日快乐。

41. 不要太过要强,但要坚强,认真面对生活!祝自己生日快乐!

42. 最精彩的不是实现梦想瞬间,而是坚持的过程,祝你生日快乐。

43. 愿每天的太阳带给我光明的同时,也带给我快乐。真心祝自己生日快乐!

44. 愿自己一生幸福,一生被爱,想要的拥有,得不到的都释怀。May you be happy all your life, be loved all your life, have what you want and let go of what you cant get.

45. 热烈祝贺我的生辰!愿你的计划都能实现、愿我的生活永远美丽!

46. 祝自己生日快乐!做个无忧无虑的大姑娘!Happy birthday to myself! Be a carefree girl!

47. 亲爱的自己,学会控制自己的情绪,谁都不欠你,不要随便对别人发脾气。