优美的英语句子带翻译励志 合集115句

1. 时间好比一把锋利的小刀,如果用得不恰当,会在美丽的面孔上刻下深深的纹路,使旺盛的青春月复一月,年复一年的消磨掉。——张爱玲《心愿》

2. peter sets aside some money every month so that he can buy a new car.

3. 苦乐全凭自已判断,这和客观环境并不一定有直接关系,正如一个不爱珠宝的女人,即使置身在极其重视虚荣的环境,也无伤她的自尊。拥有万卷书的穷书生,并不想去和百万富翁交换钻石或股票。满足于田园生活的人也并不艳羡任何学者的荣誉头衔,或高官厚禄。

4. Never say die.

5. Wasting time is robbing oneself浪费时间就是掠夺自己。

6. 人生如画,生活本身是一副画,但在涉世未深时,我们都是阅读观画的读者,而经过了风雨,辩别了事物,我们又变成书中的主角,在各自演译着精彩。幸福更是一种感觉,幸福是一缕花香,当花开放在心灵深处,只需微风轻轻吹动,便能散发出悠悠的,让人陶醉的芳香。我们!都有责任!

7. 你什么时候放下,什么时候就没有烦恼。

8. the harder you work at it, the more progress you will make.

9. Distance could make you forget about them,but the memories would always be there。 距离会让你遗忘,但是回忆却会永驻。

10. both governments and ordinary citizens should join hands to make this world a better place to live in, not only for ourselves, but also for future generations.

11. 同是风华正茂,怎可甘拜下风。The same is in their prime, how can they bow down.

12. 没有不进步的人生,只有不进取的人!

13. Life is but a span.

14. I looked over to you in heaven,as you stare me with sorrow。 我站在天堂向你俯身凝望,就像你凝望我一样略带忧伤。

15. don‘t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.

16. love keeps the cold out better than a cloak.

17. Keep on going never give up.勇往直前, 决不放弃!

18. Action speak louder than words.

19. obviously, it is high/(about) time that we took some effective measures to solve the problem.

20. 只要还有明天,今天就永远是起跑线。

21. Quitters never win and winners never quit退缩者永无胜利,胜利者永不退缩。

22. since he went to senior high school, he has worked very hard.

23. A bad beginning makes a bad ending.

24. 人就是人,是自己命运的主人。For man is man and master of his fate.

25. mrs. brown is an australian woman teacher with fair hair and blue eyes, who has been to many places of china.

26. in the big city, there are more schools and hospitals are available for its people.

27. There is no garden without its weeds.没有不长杂草的花园。

28. The wealth of the mind is the only wealth.精神的财富是唯一的财富。

29. xcellerate your efforts加倍努力!

30. 世上唯有贫穷可以不劳而获Nothing is to be got without pain poverty.

31. if i know what love is, it is because of you.

32. 我可以把我的友谊在水彩画幅创作的光彩熠熠,衷情中义。也许有一天,当时间流逝,早已不小心掉进了遗忘的心湖。记忆的湖水冲淡了美丽的色彩,淡却了当年的铁胆铮铮之情,笑傲江湖,乘风破浪。那幅画早已变的却是龌龊不堪,不得不令人深深惋惜。

33. how nice to hear from you again.

34. maybe god wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.

35. Believe in yourself.

36. 真正让我感到她生命终止的、她已离我而去永远不会再来的,既不是没有了呼吸,也不是心脏不再跳动,而是她那双不论何时何地、总在追随着我的、充满慈爱的目光,已经永远地关闭在她眼睑的后面,再也不会看着我了。我一想起她那对瞳仁已经扩散,再也不会转动的眼睛,我就毛发悚然,心痛欲裂。

37. A great talker is a great liar.

38. All things are difficult before they are easy.

39. 人行秋色之中,脚下踩的,发上戴的,肩上似有意无意飘坠的,莫非明艳的金黄与黄金。——余光中《左手的掌纹》

40. 宽恕为我们的生命增加了广阔的空间。

41. i need him like i need the air to breathe.

42. Experience is the mother of wisdom.

43. brief is life, but love is long.

44. 那雪,白得虚虚幻幻,冷得清清醒醒,那股皑皑不绝一仰难尽的气势,压得人呼吸困难,心寒眸酸。——余光中《听听那冷雨》

45. Knowledge makes humble, ignorance makes proud.

46. A bad workman always blames his tools.

47. Better an empty purse than an empty head.

48. I will honour myself by showing up powerfully in my life today我会为在今天努力生活的自己而感到自豪。

49. 将来的你一定会感激现在拼命的自己。

50. Understand yourself in order to better understanding others.

51. Never say die.永不气馁!

52. Work makes the workman.

53. 对于心灵来说,人奋斗一辈子,如果最终能挣得个终日快乐,就已经实现了生命最大的价值。

54. Goals determine what you are going to be.

55. I feel strongly that I can make it我坚信我一定能成功。

56. 挫折其实就是迈向成功所应缴的学费。

57. Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.

58. 鸟又可以开始丈量天空了。有的负责丈量天的蓝度,有的负责丈量天的透明度,有的负责用那双翼丈量天的高度和深度。而所有的鸟全不是好的数学家,他们吱吱喳喳地算了又算,核了又核,终于还是不敢宣布统计数字。

59. smoking has a great influence on our health.

60. 环境不会改变,解决之道在于改变自己。

61. Knowledge is power.

62. 积少成多.Every little helps.

63. Who judges best of a man,his enemies or himself?

64. don‘t waste your time on a man/woman, who isn‘t willing to waste their time on you.

65. i had a great first impression of american people.

66. what i really want to know is whether he will go abroad next month?

67. Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance.

68. 追悔过去,不如把握现在,成就未来。

69. i am so sorry that i won’t be able to attend tomorrow’s lecture on american history.

70. 没有什么不可能!Nothing is impossible!

71. we are blessed with new opportunities and faced with new challenges.

72. we have lots of confidence in our ability to solve any problem.

73. thank you for your consideration.

74. live well, love lots, and laugh often善待生活,热爱一切,经常开怀大笑。

75. He that can have patience, can have what he will唯坚韧者始能遂其志。

76. 生活不是单行线,此路不通赶紧拐弯。

77. we will never forget the happy days we spent together.

78. with the increasingly rapid economic growth, more problems are brought to our attention.

79. Judge not from appearances.

80. Truth and roses have thorns about them.

81. it’s very nice of you to help me with my lessons every day.

82. I can because i think i can.

83. the atmosphere in my family is fantastic

84. Every day there are in the world,every day someone in depravity sorrow。 这个世界每天都有人在堕落,每天都有人在忧伤。

85. A great ship asks for deep waters.

86. By reading we enrich the mind; by conversation we polish it.

87. Clean your finger,before you point at my spots.

88. Don’t cry because it is over,smile because it happened。 不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,因为曾经拥有过。

89. we should make full use of our time to do useful and productive things.

90. 志在山顶的人,不会贪念山腰的风景。

91. passionate love is a quenchlethirst.

92. to the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.

93. don‘t cry because it is over, smile because it happened.

94. Nurture passes nature.教养胜过天性。

95. we should spare no effort to beautify our environment.

96. 常问自己,谁对我有恩还没加倍报答。

97. 没有口水与汗水,就没有成功的泪水。

98. 明晨行别,但愿云彩艳阳一直陪伴你走到海角天涯;鲜花绿草相随你铺展远大的前程。Tomorrow morning, I hope the clouds have accompanied you to go to the remotest corners of the globe; Flowers and green grass with you spread out a great future.

99. i personally feel that teacher is the most important profession in the world.

100. Beautiful season,we love because huddle together。 明媚的季节里,我们因为爱情依偎在一起。

101. at the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.

102. 感谢上天让我孤单,忍受灵魂的磨难。

103. Quitters never win and winners never quit.

104. 息若存,希望不灭。lf there is a breath,there is hope.

105. if you have any questions or requests, please let me know.

106. Victory won\'\'t come to me unless I go to it胜利是不会向我们走来的,我必须自己走向胜利。

107. You\'re uinique, nothing can replace you.

108. Never put off what you can do today until tomorrow今日事今日毕!

109. The brave and the wise can both pity and excuse,when cowards and fools shew no mercy.

110. Pursue your object, be it what it will, steadily and indefatigably.

111. the city is located on the banks of the long river.

112. 千里之行,始于足下.The longest journey begins with the first step

113. 承受幸福。幸福需要享受,但有时候,幸福也会轻而易举的击败一个人。当幸福突然来临的时候,人们往往会被幸福的旋涡淹没,从幸福的颠峰上跌落下来。承受幸福,就是要珍视幸福而不是一味的沉淀其中,如同面对一坛陈年老酒,一饮而尽往往会烂醉如泥不省人事,只有细品慢咂,才会品出真正的香醇甜美。

114. as a proverb says, /( as is well known to us,) storms make trees take deeper roots.

115. 我也不相信妈就再也不能看我,就在春天,妈还给我削苹果呢。我相信我能从无数个削好的苹果中,一眼就能认出她削的苹果,每一处换刀的地方,都有一个她才能削出的弧度,和她才能削出的长度,拙实敦厚;就在几个月前,妈还给我熬中药呢……我翻开她的眼睑,想要她再看我一眼。可是小阿姨说,那样妈就永远闭不上眼睛了。

优美的英语句子带翻译励志 合集141句

1. 你可以一无所有,但绝不能一无是处。

2. Difficult circumstances serve as a textbook of life for people困难坎坷是人们的生活教科书。

3. Equivocation is first cousin to a lie.

4. Any time spent being unhappy is wasted任何不快乐的时光都是浪费。

5. for another reason, i think it will be much more convenient for you to look after you parents as they are getting old.

6. people must be stopped from throwing dirty things into the river.

7. All human wisdom is summed up in two words ?wait and hope.

8. Let bygones be bygones.

9. 做你说过的,说你能做的Do what you say,say what you do

10. Wasting time is robbing oneself.

11. 敢听真话需要勇气,敢说真话需要魄力。

12. many people are becoming aware of the importance of exercising.

13. my heart is with you.

14. Who said to me,all the thousands of pet me。 谁会对我说,万千宠爱全给我。

15. You think you can, you can你认为你行,你就行。

16. Learn and live.

17. the e-reading room, where we can send e-mails to all parts of the world, is open to both teachers and students.

18. some people think that we should read extensively.

19. views on the issue in question vary from person to person.

20. who travels for love finds a thousand miles not longer than one.

21. Learn to walk before you run.

22. linda didn’t go to bed until midnight so that she could finish reading the book.

23. Pain past is pleasure.

24. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart只要有一颗意志坚强的心,没事不成。

25. i prefer to live in the country rather than live in the city.

26. Bind the sack before it be full.

27. from this earthquake, i realized that the power of the mass is endless.

28. The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.

29. Between two stools one falls to the ground.

30. Keep on going never give up.

31. 生活是爱的海洋,人人都呼吸着爱,感受着爱。生活就像一片夜空,在流星的\'精彩瞬间,令人感受到壮丽的美;生活就像一涓细流,在穿石的精彩瞬间,令人感受到坚持的美……但人间最美的,是爱。

32. no matter what you do in the future, english will always be important.

33. now in the rural areas, there are many children out of school. i think one of reasons is that their families are too poor to afford their schooling.

34. 成功决不喜欢会见懒汉,而是唤醒懒汉。

35. 丽日当空,群山绵延,簇簇的白色花朵象一条流动的江河。

36. Asking costs nothing.

37. What is serving God?\'Tis doing good to man.

38. Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well.

39. A bird in the hand is worth than two in the bush.

40. in the past 10 years, great changes have taken place in our school.

41. The first step is as good as half over第一步是最关键的一步。

42. Do one thing at a time, and do well.

43. while 25 minutes is spent on sports, only 12 minutes goes into housework.

44. A good fame is better than a good face.

45. Knowlegde can change your fate and English can accomplish your future.

46. 他悲戚地举目遥望苍天,繁星宛若玉色的百合漂浮在澄静的湖面上。

47. i‘ll think of you every step of the way.

48. if equal affection cannot be, let the more loving be me.

49. 也要坚持的走下去。和你一起加油吧。

50. when love is not madness, it is not love.

51. i miyou so much already and i haven‘t even left yet!

52. Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.

53. with the rapid development of modern technology, the internet has become a necessary part of our daily life and work.

54. Read, study and learn about everything imporant in your life.

55. more and more people are aware that it is important to obey the traffic rules.

56. wherever you go, whatever you do, i will be right here waiting for you.

57. 桔红色的房屋,像披着鲜艳袈裟的老僧,垂头合目,受着雨底洗礼。——张爱玲《秋雨》

58. Give more than you planned to.

59. we cease loving ourselves if no one loves us.

60. You may be more happy than pinces,if you will be more virtuous.

61. Let bygones be bygones过去的就让它过去吧。

62. the soul cannot live without love.

63. never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.

64. Calamity and prisperity are the touchstones of integrity.

65. Take control of your own desting命运掌握在自己手上。

66. To read without reflecting is like eating without digesting.

67. Asking costs nothing 问人不费分文。

68. When all else is lost the future still remains.就是失去了一切别的,也还有未来。

69. people should pay more attention to the education of children because they will play a very significant /(important) part/(role) in the future of our country.

70. All things come to those who wait.

71. love never dies.

72. i love you not because of who you are, but because of who i am when i am with you.

73. One percent of the waste of education work,will make the country suffered severe losses。 教育工作中的百分之一的废品,就会使国家遭受严重的损失。

74. No measure of time with you will be long enough。 和你在一起,天长地久都不够。

75. just because someone doesn‘t love you the way you want them to, doesn‘t mean they don‘t love you with all they have.

76. Sow nothing, reap nothing春不播,秋不收。

77. in 2008, you will see beijing as beautiful as a garden, with cleaner water and clearer sky.

78. The important thing in life is to have a great aim, and the determination to attain it.

79. Everyone’s heart is a piece of sea,shining bottomless blue。 每个人的心都是一片海,闪耀着深不见底的幽蓝。

80. Big mouthfuls ofter choke.

81. the red star television factory, which produces tv sets of quality, was set up in the 1980’s.

82. we should get into the good habit of using our time wisely.

83. if you have spare time to visit my hometown, i’d be more than happy to be your guide.

84. Live well, love lots, and laugh often.

85. many new houses had been built and roads had been widened.

86. Self-distrust is the cause of most of our failures.

87. A good medicine tastes bitter.

88. Where there is life, there is hope.

89. I don’t have a romantic bone in my body。But with you,I’m totally different。 我生来就没什么浪漫细胞,但与你在一起,我就变得浪漫无比。

90. as far as i’m concerned, i am in favor of the opinion that…

91. Don\'t give up and don\'t give in.

92. Nothing so popular as goodness.

93. within you i lose myself, without you i find myself wanting to be lost again.

94. 世上再也没有比时钟更加冷漠的东西了:在您出生的那一刻,在您尽情地摘取青春幻梦的花朵的时刻,它都是同样分秒不差地滴答着。——高尔基《时钟》

95. maybe you forgot you spent the money on something else yesterday afternoon.

96. A boaster and a liar are cousins-german.

97. 你连自律都做不到,还说什么不甘于平庸每一次的打击,都是坚强的后盾活着必定要经历一些的挫折,而我们依然坚强战胜每一次的挫折。You even self-discipline can not do, what also said not willing to mediocrity every blow, is a strong backing to live is bound to experience some setbacks, and we are still strong to overcome every setback.

98. take away love, and our earth is a tomb.

99. classes in our school usually finish at four in the afternoon.

100. Birth is much, but breeding is more.

101. i think students should balance well between work and study.

102. i’m very glad to have received the letter you sent me two weeks ago.

103. 我爱“急湍甚箭,猛浪若奔”那种舞动的劲,带动我青春向上的心灵;我思“小桥流水人家”那游子的乡愁,牵动我年少的思绪,拨动我心灵的思乡琴弦;,我悟“日出江花红似火,春来江水绿如蓝”那寂静,那和祥,抚着我年轻狂妄的想法,赋予我冷静的思想。

104. The longest day has an end.

105. early to bed and early to rise does good to your health.

106. A man\'s best friends are his ten fingers人最好的朋友是自己的十个手指。

107. 不要在人我是非中彼此摩擦。有些话语称起来不重,但稍有不慎,便会重重地压到别人心上;当然,也要训练自己,不要轻易被别人的话扎伤。不能决定生命的长度,但你可以扩展它的宽度;不能改变天生的容貌,但你可以时时展现笑容;不能企望控制他人,但你可以好好把握自己;不能全然预知明天,但你可以充分利用今天;不能要求事事顺利,但你可以做到事事尽心。

108. your early reply will be highly appreciated.

109. 先对自己说:“我很棒。”然后每天的事情每天做好,每天的功课每天解决掉,这样,你的成绩会越来越优异的。Start by saying to yourself, ^v^I^v^m great.^v^ Then do the things every day every day, every day to solve the homework every day, so that your grades will be more and more excellent.

110. Life is not all roses.

111. Give more than you planned to多多给予,不必计较。

112. The voice of one man is the voice of no one.

113. Towering genius disdains a beaten path It seeks regions hitherto unexplored卓越的天才不屑走旁人走过的路。他寻找迄今未开拓的地区。

114. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.

115. i really appreciate what you’ve done for my family and me.

116. it is a great honor for me to introduce to you one of my very best friend, liu xiang.

117. 心灵的房间,不打扫就会落满灰尘。蒙尘的心,会变得灰色和迷茫。我们每天都要经历很多事情,开心的,不开心的,都在心里安家落户。心里的事情一多,就会变得杂乱无序,然后心也跟着乱起来。有些痛苦的情绪和不愉快的记忆,如果充斥在心里,就会使人委靡不振。所以,扫地除尘,能够使黯然的心变得亮堂;把事情理清楚,才能告别烦乱;把一些无谓的痛苦扔掉,快乐就有了更多更大的空间。

118. Jack of all trades and master of none.

119. A bad thing never dies.

120. 勤工出巧匠。Work makes the workman

121. 嘴里说的人生,就是自己以后的人生。

122. 像一个巴掌,鲜红、鲜红;像一把扇子,平平展展;像一朵盛开的鲜花,永不凋谢!——《秋叶》

123. i’m very satisfied with what we have achieved so far.

124. Character is what you are in the dark.

125. 微笑着,去唱生活的歌谣。不要抱怨生活给予了太多的磨难,不必抱怨生命中有太多的曲折。大海如果失去了巨浪的翻滚,就会失去雄浑,沙漠如果失去了飞沙的狂舞,就会失去壮观,人生如果仅去求得两点一线的一帆风顺,生命也就失去了存在的魅力。

126. 人之所以痛苦,在于追求错误的东西。

127. Every man is his own worst enemy一个人最大的敌人就是他自己。

128. the job was hard, which made me so tired that i almost quit half way.

129. The darkest hour is that before the dawn.

130. in conclusion, the advantages of studying abroad outweigh its disadvantages.

131. 那花瓣落地时依然鲜艳夺目,如同一只奉上祭坛的大鸟脱落的羽毛,低吟着壮烈的悲歌离去。——张抗抗《牡丹的拒绝》

132. Keep on going never give up勇往直前, 决不放弃!

133. now, i think it is really successful experience, and i totally understand what labor means.

134. 他们试图埋下你,但你要记住你是参天大树的种子。They try to bury you, but remember that you are the seed of a mighty tree.

135. nothing can live without air and water.

136. i’m writing to request more information about the day tour to london.

137. on sunday, may 18, we will visit beijing, which has a history of 400 years.

138. no man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won‘t make you cry.

139. students should know how to take advantage of their time.

140. All things in their being are good for something天生我才必有用。

141. Although I are each to rush the thing with you,I will not disappear now with your friendship。 虽然我和你各奔东西,但是我和你的友情不会就此消失。

优美的英语句子带翻译励志 合集115句

1. 满招损,谦受益.Pride hurts,modesty benefts

2. there is no remedy for love but to love more.

3. Sow nothing, reap nothing.春不播,秋不收。

4. Wise men learn by other men\'s mistakes; fools by their own.

5. love is like a butterfly. it goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes.

6. 茶峒地方凭水依山筑城,近山的一面,城墙如一条长蛇,缘山爬去。临水一面则在城外河边留出余地设码头,湾泊小小篷船。船下行时运桐油青盐,染色的棓子。上行则运棉花棉纱以及布匹杂货同海味。贯串各个码头有一条河街,人家房子多一半着陆,一半在水,因为余地有限,那些房子莫不设有吊脚楼。

7. A true great man will neither trample on a worm,nor sneak to an emperpor.

8. 这样的一个开满了白花的下午,总觉得似曾相识,总觉得是一场可以放进任何一种时空里的聚合。可以放进诗经,可以放进楚辞,可以放进古典主义也同时可以放进后期印象派的笔端——在人类任何一段美丽的记载里,都应该有过这样的一个下午,这样的一季初夏。——席慕容《桐花》

9. good habits are the crosscut to success.

10. it goes without saying that we cannot be young forever. (适用于自编名言)

11. china is becoming more and more prosperous because of the reform and “opening up” policy.

12. it is important for everyone to learn english well in our rapidly developing world.

13. it is more than ten months since we last met.

14. the darkneis no darknewith thee.

15. Winners do what losers don\'t want to do.

16. last but not least, it will definitely benefit the citizens.

17. if i had a single flower for every time i think about you, i could walk forever in my garden.

18. Sow nothing, reap nothing.

19. Hang on to your dreams追逐梦想。

20. we all need clean air to breathe; we all need clean water to drink; we all need green places to enjoy.

21. Never give up, Never lose the opportunity to succeed .

22. If a thing is worth doing it is worth worth doing well.

23. 以你的自信,以你的开朗,以你的毅力,还有我的祝福,你一定 能够驶向理想的彼岸。With your confidence, with your cheerful, with your perseverance, as well as my blessing, you will be able to sail to the other side of the ideal.

24. i’m disappointed in the performance of our team at the sports meeting.

25. You may be too cunning for one,but not for all.

26. 宽容,像是一朵盛开的花,芬芳了整个春天;宽容,像是一棵茂密的树,冰凉了整个夏日;宽容,像是一片火红的枫,点燃了整个秋季;宽容,像是一场震撼的雪,寂静了整个冬日。拥有宽容的人,像是拥有了一片海,包容了无数河川;拥有宽容的人,像是拥有了一片天,容纳了无数的鸟儿;拥有宽容的人,像是拥有了一片大漠,簇拥了无数沙砾。宽容,是每个人都需要具备的,宽容,是一种君子的气量,是一种君子般的大度。——《宽容》

27. Keep trying no matter how hard it seems. it will get easier.

28. To read without reflecting is like eating without digesting读书不思考,犹如吃饭不消化。

29. 路的尽头,仍然是路,只要你愿意走。

30. A man is not old as long as he is seeking something A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams只要一个人还有追求,他就没有老。直到后悔取代了梦想,一个人才算老。

31. The secret of success is constancy of purpose.

32. i feel i will be fit for the job needed in your company.

33. Life isn\'t fair, but no matter your circumstances, you have to give it your all生活是不公平的,不管你的境遇如何,你只能全力以赴。

34. 忘掉失败,不过要牢记失败中的教训。

35. 过去的痛苦即快乐。Pain past is pleasure.

36. the best way to remember new words is to practice them everyday.

37. the reason why people choose to live in the city is that the life is more convenient and colorful.

38. the worst way to misomeone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can‘t have them.

39. 这时,一个鸟儿是一片树叶,一片树叶是一个鸣叫的音符,在寂寞的冬天里,老槐树就是一首歌。

40. i wonder if you could tell me more about the trip.

41. 几个小伙伴,借着月光画竹影,你一笔,我一画,参参差差,明明暗暗,竟然有几分中国画的意味。——丰子恺《竹影》

42. 幸福是要自己去寻找的,无论你在空间的哪一个角落,在时间的哪一个时刻,你都可以享受幸福,哪怕是你现在正在经历着一场大的浩劫,你也应该幸福,因为你可以在浩劫中看到曙光,能从浩劫中学到很多别人可能一辈子都学不到的东西,当你拥有了别人所不曾拥有的东西那你就是唯一。

43. Failure is the mother of success 失败乃成功之母。

44. Read, study and learn about everything imporant in your life点点滴滴皆重要,处处学习是诀窍。

45. 发光并非太阳的专利,你也能够发光。

46. coming from a family of english teachers, she always had a particular interest in english.

47. love is blind.

48. Who has deceiv\'d thee so oft as thy self?

49. i was walking east along park road, when an elderly man came out of the park on the other side of the street.

50. He that can have patience, can have what he will.

51. Take control of your own desting.

52. When you\'re good to others,you are best to yourself.

53. the preservation of forests has aroused people’s wide concern

54. give more than you planned to多多给予,不必计较。

55. 夜,好静谧,柔和的月光洒了一地银白;夜,好深沉,父亲那时起时落的鼾声犹如一首动人的月光曲,回荡在夜色上空。望着熟睡中父亲的脸,我的思绪也飘向那片圣洁的夜空……

56. look into my eyes - you will see what you mean to me.

57. nothing is more important than to receive education.

58. nowadays, both teachers and parents worry a great deal about the student’s using the internet.

59. people who spend more time with their families are usually healthier and happier.

60. friendship is one of the most precious emotions in our life.

61. 明天的希望,让我们忘了今天的痛苦。

62. Misfortunes tell us what fortune is.

63. Do me the favour to deny me at once.

64. It is not enough to be industrious, so are the ants. What are you industrious for?

65. 现在,太阳升上来,雾渐渐散去,原野上一片渥绿,看起来绵软软地,让我觉得即使我不小心,从这山上摔了下去,也不会擦伤一块皮的,顶多被弹两下,沾上一袜子洗不掉的绿罢了。还有那条绕着山脚的小河,也泛出绿色,那是另外一种绿,明晃晃的,像是搀了油似的,至于山,仍是绿色,却是一堆浓郁郁的黛绿,让人觉得,无论从哪里下手,都不能拔开一道缝儿的,让人觉得,即使刨开它两层下来,它的绿仍然不会减色的。此外,我的纱窗也是绿的,极浅极浅的绿,被太阳一照,当真就像古美人的纱裙一样飘缈了。你们想,我在这样一个染满了绿意的早晨和你们写信,我的心里又焉能不充溢着生气勃勃的绿呢?

66. The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.对明天做好的准备就是今天做到最好!

67. let’s work together to make our world a better place.

68. Every man is his own worst enemy.

69. a heart that loves is always young.

70. love is the greatest refreshment in life.

71. From small beginnings comes great things.

72. Never put off what you can do today until tomorrow.

73. 没有人可以回到过去重新开始,但谁都可以从今日开始,书写 个全然不同的结局!Nobody can go back and start a new begining, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

74. Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass生活没有目标,犹如航海没有罗盘。

75. I love very much,a minute only love you sixty seconds。 我的心爱得不多,一分钟只爱了你六十秒。

76. 哪里有什么老天的眷顾,所谓的幸运和成功都源自你自身的努力和付出。请记住,你现在多走的每一步都在拉开着你和别人的差距。Where there is God^v^s favor, the so-called luck and success are from your own efforts and pay. Remember, every extra step you take right now is putting a gap between you and others.

77. there is no doubt that playing video game is going to be their biggest problem for students to affect study.

78. 茫茫沙漠,滔滔流水,于世无奇。惟有大漠中如此一湾,风沙中如此一静,荒凉中如此一景,高坡后如此一跌,才深得天地之韵律,造化之机巧,让人神醉情驰。以此推衍,人生、世界、历史,莫不如此。给浮嚣以宁静,给躁急清冽,给高蹈以平实,给粗犷以明丽。惟其这样,人生才见灵动,世界才显精致,历史才有风韵。

79. children usually have far more potential than their parents had realized

80. i suppose electronic dictionaries are convenient, but iead to laziness!

81. if everyone makes a contribution to protecting the environment, the world will become much more beautiful.

82. A quite conscience sleeps in thunder,but rest and guilt live far adunder.

83. ignore those who try to discourage you 阴险与打击勿放心上。

84. Constant dropping wears the stone.

85. where there is great love, there are always miracles.

86. in my opinion, you should come back after you finish you studies abroad.

87. Hang on to your dreams.

88. i got sick and tired of doing the routine work day after day.

89. 都市的繁华迷乱了我的眼睛,找不到了自己,可故乡依在。纵使你在某个城市开心快乐的生活着,但在心灵深处,总有一条无形的东西牵引着你,一头在故乡那边,一头结固地栓在心底,一扯就痛。特别是久别故乡的人,也特别是夜深人静的时候,故乡这杯酒就愈香醇,故乡的影像就愈清晰,香醇的不想醒来,清晰的叫人心疼。“离恨恰如春草,更行更远还生。”就是因为这纵使走到天涯海角也解不开的乡情和乡愁,才让漂泊的我们得以慰藉,让流浪的心不再孤寂。

90. we can’t imagine what the world is going to be without purified water.

91. enrich your life today, yesterday is historytomorrow is mystery充实今朝,昨日已成过去,明天充满神奇。

92. recently, our class have had a heated discussion about whether it is necessary for middle school students to carry mobile phones to school.

93. Cunning proceeds from want of capacity.

94. conquering english is not different from conquering a great mountain; both of them require determination, courage, and perseverance.

95. Keep conscience clear,then never fear.

96. You think you can, you can.

97. 抛不完相思血泪抛红豆,开不完春柳春花满画楼,睡不稳纱窗风雨黄昏后,忘不了新愁与旧愁,展不开的眉头,捱不明的更漏,恰便似遮不住的青山隐隐,流不断的绿水幽幽……

98. love is a vine that grows into our hearts.

99. There is no man so bad,but he secretly respects the good.

100. 那时候,在南京,刚刚开始记得一些零碎的事,画面里常常出现一片美丽的郊野,我悄悄地从大人身边走开,独自坐在草地上,梧桐叶子开始簌簌地落着,簌簌地落着,把许多神秘的美感一起落进我的心里来了。我忽然迷乱起来,小小的心灵简直不能承受这种兴奋。我就那样迷乱地捡起一片落叶。叶子是黄褐色的,弯曲的,像一只载着梦小船,而且在船舷上又长期着两粒美丽的梧桐子。每起一阵风我就在落叶的雨中穿梭,拾起一地的梧桐子。必有一两颗我所未拾起的梧桐子在那草地上发了芽吧?二十年了,我似乎又能听到遥远的西风,以及风里簌簌的落叶。我仍能看见那些载着梦的船,航行在草原里,航行在一粒种子的希望里。

101. distance makes the hearts grow fonder.

102. He that can bear a reproof,and mend by it,if he is not wise,is in a fair way of being so.

103. the number of workers and engineers has risen(更高级词汇:increased) to over 2000, and 80% of them are college graduates.

104. i have fully realized that english is essential to my future.

105. Zero in your target,and go for it.

106. Bravery never goes out of fashion勇敢永远不过时!

107. you should read as many books as you possibly can.

108. Nothing seek, nothing find.

109. there is an increasing tendency that students own their mobile phones on campus.

110. Believe that god is fair相信上帝是公平的。

111. 人生如梦。生命从无到有,又从有走向无,生生死死,构成社会和世界。从人生无常这一点来说,人生有如梦幻。因此,一个人只有活得有声有色、有滋有味,才不枉到这世界上走一回。“浮生若梦”,“人生几何”,从生命的短暂性来说,人生的确是一场梦。因此如何提高生活的质量,怎样活得有意义,便成了人们的一个永久的话题;“青山依旧在,几度夕阳红”,与永恒的自然相比,人生不过是一场梦。

112. Enrich your life today,. yesterday is history.tomorrow is mystery.

113. it is certain that if there are fewer people driving, there will be less air pollution.

114. love is like the moon, when it does not increase, it decreases.

115. A good book is a good friend.

优美的英语句子带翻译励志 合集7句

1. i was deeply moved by the young boy, because i know lei feng is still living in our hearts.

2. Life is but a span人生苦短。

3. Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass.

4. Bitter pills may have wholesome effects.

5. Energy and persistence conquer all things.

6. 我知道他手里的麦比我的笔重。I know the mike in his hand is heavier than my pen.

7. television is harmful to developing minds.