爱迪生发明电灯的时间的故事英文 第1篇

托马斯·阿尔瓦·爱迪生(英文名:Thomas Alva Edison,1847年-1931年),世界著名的发明家、物理学家、企业家,拥有众多知名重要的发明专利超过2000项,被传媒授予“门洛帕克的奇才”称号!他是人类历史上第一个利用大量生产原则和电气工程研究的实验室来进行从事发明专利而对世界产生重大深远影响的人。



爱迪生发明电灯的时间的故事英文 第2篇

Phonograph history Edison\'s first great invention in Menlo Park was the tin foil gramophone. He pointed out that when he was trying to impve the efficiency of the telegraph tranitter, the tape of the machine would make a voice similar to talking, which made him dou whether he could record a telephone message. He be to expement with a needle on the diaphra of the telephone receiver.

He reasoned that the needle could pierce the paper and bng the recorded information. His expement led him to try to use a stylus on a tin foil cylinder, which spsed him by replaying the message he had recorded, _Mary has a lamb,_ and the phonograph, the trade name for the Edison device, plays the cylinder instead of the disc. The machine has o needles: one is used for recording and the other is used for playback when you speak into the micphone.

The sound vibration of yo voice will be pressed on the cylinder by the recording needle. This Cylinder Phonograph is the first machine that can record and copy sound. It csed Edison\'s sensation and bught international reputation to Edison.

August is the general date for Edison to complete the model of his first phonograph Howr, the first mock exam was not completed until November or December, becse he did not apply for a patent until December. He was traveling with the national foil recorder in the country. In Apl of this year, Thomas Edison was invited to demonstrate to President Rutherford Hayes at the White House.

Edison set up a Edison recorder company to sell the new machines that he recommended for other uses of phonograph. For example: wting letters and dictation, gramophone for the blind, home tapes (using family members\' own voices, music boxes and toys, clocks announcing the time and connection to the phone for recording Communications:):) http://inventorsaboutcom/library/inventors/bledisonhtm.




爱迪生发明电灯的时间的故事英文 第3篇

=============================Thomas Edison and Benjamin Franklin lived fm to. His most famous invention of light bulb was Benjamin Franklin\'s bulb fm to. He discovered electc ener.

Both of them were inventors. They were born in the United States and were Franklin\'s children. Edison received limited education according to It is said that the o inventors were self-tght, mainly becse of their love of reading.

Both Franklin and Edison are interested in inductance. I think if they meet, they will have a lot to talk about. They are also different.

Although they live in very different times, Benjamin Franklin discovered electcity. Edison\'s invention and discovery all need electc crent: light bulb, micphone, phonograph, fluorescent r and so on. Many people beli that the earth is flat Disk, as early as many years ago, ancient Greek philosophers put forward o good arguments to pve that it is not a direct observation of celestial bodies.

This is the basis of these o arguments. First of all, the Greeks knew that dung an eclipse, the earth was beeen the sun and the moon. They found that dung the eclipse, the shadow of the earth on the moon was always und.

They realized that only the earth was sphecal The earth is a flat disk, this is true, then the eclipse of its shadow is not a perfect circle, it will extend into a long ellipse. The second argument is based on what the Greeks saw dung their joney. They noticed that when they traveled south, Polas or Polas appeared at a lower position in the sky.

In their view, Polas is the north star. By the way, becse of the obvious position difference of Polas, the Greeks calculated the appximate distance of the circumference of the earth for the first time, according to the ancient literate The number is stadium, which is the plal number of stadiums in the world today. The exact len of a stadium is not known yet, but assuming that it is about meters, the len of many stadiums will make the Greek estimate ice the number accepted today, which is a very good estimate for those who wte long before the invention of the first telescope.



爱迪生发明电灯的时间的故事英文 第4篇

Thomas Alva Edison illuminated the world with the electc lamp he invented. Without him, the world might still be a dark place. Howr, the electc light was not his only invention.

He also invented the phonograph, the film camera and other things. About ry o weeks, he d a new Thomas Edison born in Milan, Ohio. In February, his family moved to Port Hun, Michi, when he was sn years old.

Unexpectedly, he only went to school for o months, and his mother was a former teacher Thomas tght him some things, but Thomas was mostly self-tght. His natal cuosity made him start to electcal and mechanical things at home when he was very young. He got his first job when he was old.

He worked as a newspaper boy on a train beeen Port Hun and Detit. He set up a laboratory in the luggage office of the train so that he could continue his expements in his spare time. Unfortunately, his first working expeence did not end.

Thomas was fired when he accidentally set fire to fire. Later, baggage CAR Thomas worked as a telegraph for five years, but he still spent most of his time working on expements. He patented the first electcally dven voting recorder.

Howr, the voting recorder failed becse he sold another invention, the stock machine, a machine that tomatically pnted stock pces on tape, and he was able to set up his first store in Newark, New Jersey. Thomas Edison was completely deaf in one ear and deaf in the other, but he thought his deafness was a blessing. In many ways, it made the conversation bef.

In order to have time to work, he called himself _o shift man_, becse he worked overtime ry day. Sometimes he was so nervous that his wife had to remind him to sleep, itto Thomas Alva Edison, who died on October 10 at his estate in West Orange, New Jersey, left behind a world of inventions that impved the quality of life.


托马斯·阿尔瓦·爱迪生用他发明电灯照亮了世界,没有他,这个世界可能仍然是一个黑暗地方。然而,电灯并不是他唯一发明,他还发明了留声机、摄影机和其他东西,大约每两周他就创造了一个爱迪生在米兰出生纽托马斯,俄亥俄州,xx月,他家人搬到密歇根州休伦港,那时他xx岁出人意料是,他只上了两个月学校,他是一位前教师,教了他一些东西,但托马斯大多是自学成才,他天生好奇心使他在很小时候就开始在家里试验电气和机械东西他岁了,找到了第一份工作他在休伦港和底特律之间一列火车上当了报童。他在火车行李寄存处建立了一个实验室,这样他就可以在业余时间继续他实验不幸是,他第一次工作经历并没有结束托马斯在不小心纵火时候被解雇了后来,baggage carThomas做了xx年电报员,但他仍然把大部分时间花在工作上进行实验,他获得了第一个电力驱动投票记录器专利。


爱迪生发明电灯的时间的故事英文 第5篇

Edison\'s expement of inventing the light bulb did not find a suitable filament mateal, so he was diculed. He said, _Mr. Edison, you have failed many times._ Edison replied, _no, I didn\'t fail.

What I have done is to find out among vaous mateals that are not suitable for incandescent lamps._ after fther ing, Edison found that the Japanese made the best filament with bamboo charcoal Edison had to use tungsten wire, so the quality of the bulb was impved, and it has been used today.


