诺亚方舟的故事简洁版 第1篇

Now Noah became desperate, and something had to be done; so he sent off a raven to bring tidings from the outer world.

现在, 诺亚有点绝望了, 他必须要做点什么. 所以他把乌鸦派了出去, 去看看外面的情况.

But the raven, once free, had no thought of returning, and flew far away, saying to himself: ^v^Never again will I be caught in that trap.^v^

但是, 乌鸦一旦自由了, 就没有回来的打算了, 他飞了很远, 对自己说: ^v^我再也不回那个鬼地方了.^v^

And Noah waited for news, but none came.

诺亚一直在等乌鸦的消息, 但是乌鸦却始终没有回来.

诺亚方舟的故事简洁版 第2篇

And Noah was vexed, and left them, and began to drive his domestic animals on board, hoping to set the others an example.

诺亚烦透了, 离开了他们, 然后开始驱赶自己家的牲畜上船, 希望给其他动物们树立一个好榜样.

And his sons— Shem, Ham, and Japheth— helped him, while he kept count.

诺亚的儿子—— 闪(Shem), 含(Ham), 和雅弗(Japheth)—— 在一边帮着忙, 而他在不停的计着数.

诺亚方舟的故事简洁版 第3篇

And soon the good ship thumped and bumped, and struck bottom. And though she landed at an uncomfortable angle, on a mountain top, they knew that at last the great cruise was ended.

不久, 方舟底部碰到了陆地. 尽管她以不怎么合适的角度降落在了山顶上, 但方舟内的生物们知道这次伟大的航行终于结束了.

And Noah opened the door, and let down the gang-plank.

诺亚打开了门, 放下了船的登陆板.

And beasts and birds surged out on the desolate rock; and though the mud was thick and heavy, some found it to their liking, and all preferred it to the ship.

野兽和鸟儿在荒凉的岩石上涌动. 尽管泥浆又厚又重, 但是人们还是非常地喜欢陆地, 这可比待在船上好多了.

诺亚方舟的故事简洁版 第4篇

And though Noah argued with them, and explained all the terrible possibilities of the case, still they hesitated, and in their different tongues and ways talked it over, and would not be hurried.

尽管诺亚与他们争论, 并解释了大洪水之后所有可怕的后果, 但是他们仍然犹豫不决, 并以不同的语言和方式讨论着, 他们并不是很着急.

Then Noah called them Stumbling Blocks. But even this did not move them.

于是, 诺亚称他们为^v^绊脚石^v^. 但是即使这样也没有劝动他们.

诺亚方舟的故事简洁版 第5篇

At last, after many days, the ship was finished.

在很多个日日夜夜之后, 这艘船终于完工了.

Then Noah tarred the inside and the outside, to keep it tight. And he named it the Ark, and painted it with colors; for Noah was proud of his work.

然后, 诺亚将船的里里外外都涂上了柏油, 使其保持紧密(防止渗水). 他把船命名为方舟, 并为它涂上了各种各样的颜色, 因为诺亚对自己的工作感到自豪.

诺亚方舟的故事简洁版 第6篇

Then Noah went abroad and called together all the animals, by twos, and told them that they must come into the Ark to be saved from the deluge.

然后, 诺亚站在户外, 两个一对地, 召集了所有的动物, 并告诉他们只有进入方舟才有可能从大洪水中幸存下来.

But they too doubted, and were slow to decide; for they feared to enter the dark ship.

但是动物们却对此怀有很大的疑虑, 他们决定缓慢, 因为方舟里面太黑了.

And they grumbled, and said, ^v^It may be but a shower.^v^

他们还抱怨着说: ^v^你所谓的大洪水有可能只是一阵小雨罢了.^v^

诺亚方舟的故事简洁版 第7篇

But alas, this could not last. For as the days dragged on and they found themselves still shut up and afloat, they brooded and grew low in their minds.

但是, 幸运的感觉并没有持续很久. 因为日子一天天过去, 他们发现方舟仍然在不停地漂流, 他们开始变得焦虑和情绪低落.

And a great homesickness, and longing for a change of any kind, came over them. And a wail of despair went up from the Ark. And the roof leaked. And all was gloom.

他们感到非常的想念陆地, 并渴望改变这日复一日的无聊漂流. 绝望的怨言充斥着方舟. 就连屋顶也开始漏水. 一切都变得沉闷了起来.

And life became a burden to the Noah family.


诺亚方舟的故事简洁版 第8篇

But at last the rain did come, and beat down upon the scoffers, and they were wet.

终于下雨了, 雨水打在嘲笑者的身上, 把他们都弄湿了.

And Noah\'s sons and their wives triumphed. And even the animals were pleased.

诺亚的妻儿们感觉到了胜利. 甚至是动物们也很开心.

But Noah felt only sorrow for his stubborn neighbors, for he knew that much more rain would fall.

但是只有诺亚为自己固执的邻居们感到悲伤, 因为他知道还会有更多的雨水降落.

诺亚方舟的故事简洁版 第9篇

But Noah knew that he was right, and kept on.

但是诺亚知道自己是对的, 并坚持了下去.

And the ship rose, but troubles arose too: for frequent and grievous strikes delayed him, and his workmen clamored for more pay and stoned those who would work.

船渐渐建造起来了, 但是麻烦也跟着来了: 因为频繁而激烈的罢工使得诺亚的工作进度耽搁了很久, 工人们大声嚷嚷着, 想要更多的报酬, 还用石头砸那些愿意工作的人.

And Noah bargained with them, and started afresh; for he feared that the rain might come before he was ready.

诺亚与他们讨价还价, 并让他们重新开始了工作. 因为他害怕大洪水可能会提前到来.

诺亚方舟的故事简洁版 第10篇

Then Noah went his way, and set to work to build him a great ship, to be ready for the day of deluge.

之后, 诺亚便开始按部就班, 着手为自己建造大舟了, 为即将到来的大洪水做准备.

And he laid the keel in the pasture fields, among the daisies; while the idlers came to look on and laugh at such folly— a ship for a rainy day!

他把船的龙骨放在雏菊盛开的牧场中间, 那些无所事事的人都来看热闹, 并嘲笑这种愚蠢的行为—— 竟然还有人为担心下雨而备船!

诺亚方舟的故事简洁版 第11篇

And then came even the huge dinosaurs, for in those days were mighty beasts. But they were too big for the door, and could not squeeze in.

然后, 甚至是巨大的恐龙, 那个时代最强大的野兽, 也来了. 但是他们太大了, 怎么也挤不上船.

Now Noah sorely regretted this miscalculation, but could find no way to help it.

虽然诺亚对这种计算失误而感到非常抱歉, 但是他仍然没有任何办法能够帮助他们.

And the dinosaurs, alas! had to be left behind.

因此, 必须放弃恐龙们的生存机会了.

诺亚方舟的故事简洁版 第12篇

And now, all being at last ready, the sun still shone, and the rain did not come. And they waited and waited.

现在, 所有的动物都准备好了, 但是太阳仍然闪耀着大地, 丝毫没有下雨的迹象. 他们等待着, 等待着.

And the scoffers laughed and jeered, and called to Noah that it was going to be a dry season.

嘲笑者在嘲笑着诺亚, 对他说这将是干旱的一季.

And Noah was sore perplexed, and marveled, though never doubting.

尽管诺亚感到痛苦困惑, 但他从未质疑自己的使命.

诺亚方舟的故事简洁版 第13篇

Then Noah took on board in plenty foods of every kind for men and beasts. While the hungry animals inside complained that he should have done this first instead of last.

然后, 诺亚把为人类和野兽准备的各种食物也带上了船. 船内饥饿的动物们抱怨说, 他应该先放食物再让我们上来的.

And then he took his wife and his sons\' wives into the Ark, though Mrs. Noah was loath and rebelled: ^v^For the domestic arrangements,^v^ she said, ^v^are impossible.^v^

然后, 他把妻儿们也领进了方舟, 尽管诺亚太太不大愿意, 并有些叛逆的说: ^v^这样的家庭安排真的是令人匪夷所思啊.^v^

诺亚方舟的故事简洁版 第14篇

And then patience and good temper deserted the Ark.


And the animals fretted and quarreled, and there was riot and disorder, and furious battle.

动物们开始紧张不安, 吵架, 还发生了骚乱和激烈的战斗.

And Noah\'s task grew ever harder, and his load heavier to bear.

诺亚的任务变得越来越艰巨, 他的负担也变得越来越沉重.

诺亚方舟的故事简洁版 第15篇

Then, as matters grew worse. Noah sent forth a dove. ^v^She is a gentle bird and will surely come again to her home,^v^ he thought. And the dove did return, for she found only water, and no rest for her foot.

因为事情变得越来越糟了. 所以诺亚又派出了一只鸽子. 他想: ^v^她是一只善良的鸟, 肯定会回来的.^v^ 鸽子确实回来了, 因为她发现除了方舟之外都是水, 连个歇脚的地方都没有.

Then Noah waited seven days and again sent her out. And she came back, bringing in her beak a twig from the olive tree.

然后, 诺亚等了七天, 又把她派出去了. 这次她回来时, 嘴角叼着一根橄榄枝.

And all welcomed her with joy, for now they knew that the waters were falling.

所有人都高兴地欢迎她, 因为现在他们知道大水正在消失了.

诺亚方舟的故事简洁版 第16篇

The big elephant and the polar bear, the giraffe and the striped tiger, and the woolly bison of the west.

队伍当中既有大象和北极熊, 又有长颈鹿和斑纹老虎, 以及西部的长毛野牛.

And from the mountain and the jungle, the hill and the plain, came great and small.

既有来自山地的, 又有来自到丛林和平原的, 既有大型动物, 又有小型动物.

And the earth trembled with their tread, while the sky was dark with flapping wings.

大地因动物们的脚步而颤动, 天空因鸟儿的飞翔而一片漆黑.

诺亚方舟的故事简洁版 第17篇

Now inside the storm-tossed ship was much discomfort and grievous trouble. And many even regretted that they had been saved. ^v^For lo!^v^ they said, ^v^nothing could be worse than this.^v^

现在, 在风暴肆虐的方舟之内, 大家都感觉到极度的不适和烦恼. 许多人甚至后悔自己被救了. 他们说: ^v^没有什么比这更糟了.^v^

And Noah\'s heart was heavy.


诺亚方舟的故事简洁版 第18篇

And then for forty days and forty nights it rained hard. And the clouds were rent asunder. And a mighty deluge flooded the whole earth. And the waters rose and covered the trees, and then the hills and mountains, till no dry land might anywhere be seen.

大雨连着下了四十天四十夜, 然后乌云才散开了. 这一场大洪水淹没了整个地球. 大水涨起来之后, 淹没了树木, 丘陵和山脉, 直到淹没了所有干燥的土地.

But the Ark was lifted up and floated safely away on a stormy sea.


诺亚方舟的故事简洁版 第19篇

In the early days of the world lived the patriarch Noah, a good and venerable man whose years already numbered six hundred.

诺亚尊长生活在创世纪之后的早期, 他是一位善良而可敬的人, 他已经活了六百多岁了.

Now Noah was warned that a great flood was to come, which would pour down from the clouds and drown the whole earth. He straightway told his neighbors what was to happen, but they refused to believe, and scoffed at him, and said: ^v^Let it rain.^v^

如今, 上帝告诉诺亚, 一场大洪水就要来了, 大水将从云中倾泻而出, 淹没整个地球. 他立马把这个消息告诉了邻居们, 但是邻居们却把他的话当做笑柄, 还说: ^v^就让它下吧.^v^

诺亚方舟的故事简洁版 第20篇

Now the sun again arose, and sucked up the dampness from the earth.

现在, 太阳升了起来, 吸走了大地上的湿气.

And a bright rainbow was set in the sky, as a sign that nevermore would a flood cover the whole earth.

天空挂上了一抹明亮的彩虹, 标志着洪水再也不会来淹没整个地球了.

Then Spring burst forth, with all its glory and promise. And a new world began. And all was life and joy.

然后, 春天带着所有的荣耀和希望爆发了. 一个新的世界开始了. 所有的一切都焕发着生机和欢乐.

诺亚方舟的故事简洁版 第21篇

Then Noah waited still another seven days, and again sent out the dove. But this time she did not come back.

然后, 诺亚又等了七天, 再次派出了鸽子. 但是这次她不再回来了.

And Noah climbed to his skylight, and lifted it up, and looked out.

诺亚爬上天窗, 把它撑了起来, 往外看去.

And behold the earth had risen from the waters, still damp, but yet solid earth.

他看到大地从水面上升起, 虽然还有点潮湿, 但却很坚固.

And Noah passed along the good word. And in the Ark was great excitement, and hope revived.

诺亚向大家说了这个好消息. 方舟上的人们感到非常兴奋, 希望重生了.

诺亚方舟的故事简洁版 第22篇

Then new troubles began. For now the other beasts and birds, fearing to be left behind, all tried to get in at once, and could not be controlled.

之后, 新的麻烦又来了. 现在, 由于其他兽禽害怕被抛在后面, 所以他们一下子全都想上船了, 场面一度无法控制.

But they did not leave behind their dislikes and ancient feuds. For how could the cats and the mice live together in peace, or how could the fox and the geese agree? And the hounds and the hares?

但是, 诺亚并没有考虑过动物之间的厌恶和世仇. 那么, 猫和老鼠该如何和平共处? 狐狸和大鹅该如何达成共识? 更别提猎犬和野兔了?

And quarrels and dissensions came into the Ark. And confusion reigned.

争吵和分歧在方舟上蔓延开来, 方舟被混乱占据了.

And Noah lost count, and lost patience as well.

最终, 诺亚失去了耐心, 也不再给动物们计数了.